Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

Russia Invades Ukraine

WWW3 Ukraine 2022 02
WWW3 Ukraine 2022 02
The picture shows Biden surrendering a pot of Crypto to Putin. What is that supposed to mean? Maybe it’s just the fog of war but this picture made itself. It’s kinda like a Ouija board. The art has a mind of its own and follows the path of least resistance. I think it might be the manifestation of a conspiracy theory symbolizing the death of the dollar and the birth of the new world monster.
So it appears the global war against democracy has officially begun. Russia has invaded Ukraine and the antidemocratic monster is on the loose. How far the monster will go or what it might do is yet unknown.
The events are still too fluid to know what’s really happening or how bad this conflict will get. Speculating about it seems futile. We can only hope the good guys will do the right thing, although that’s not likely. Their track record is dismal at best.
The opening salvo of what could be WWIII is starting off at a very measured pace. It’s not shock & awe, that’s for sure. The invaders have chosen not to overwhelm their victims, apparently, as a strategy. They’re not coming in dropping bombs but they are shooting missiles, they say.
Massive troops appear to be enroute towards the major cities, as I write, and the local men are being conscripted to fight the invaders, like it or not, to protect their homeland.
As unbelievable as it is, a major confrontation seems to be inevitable, by all reports, at the moment, which has got me thinking. How do we defuse this coming conflict and prevent it from spreading? There’s a delegation meeting to discuss concerns, of course, but that will fail.
How do we deal with Vlad the Invader?
If there’s anything more important to a civilized society than democracy, it is peace. Democracy is not possible without peace. So peace is the priority even before democracy.
If peace is not possible then it is incumbent upon the good guys to stop the bad guys. That’s why we have the biggest military in the world, so we can stop the bad guys, right?
So what are we doing to stop Putin? We are giving weapons to civilians in Ukraine, apparently, and have been funding their resistance for a while now, I heard. Like we’ve been funding their coming conflict and training new recruits. It seems like a no brainer to me, but what? You don’t give guns to the civilians, or create a new army.
Are you nuts?
You bring the best and the brightest of ass-kicking military professionals and use overwhelming force to repel the invasion, and then you end the violence, asap.
Then you put Putin on trial.
Russia invading Ukraine reflects the failure of the entire International order. What good is the United Nations if it can’t prevent invasions in the first place? And stop the overthrows and occupations of democracies?
What good is having military bases all over the world if we don’t use them to prevent the bad guys from waging wars against us, the public voters? What’s the point of paying our military a trillion dollars a year if they can’t stop Putin from doing exactly what he’s doing now?
This war is being started to profit the bad guys. Winning is not their goal. War is their goal. That’s how the conflict-based economy prospers. Good guys would stop the war.
That’s why this will likely be a long war.
There’s a ton of details to note, like Ukrainians don’t speak Russian. That’s all I need to know, to know Putin is in the wrong and he’s at fault here. We all know he’s guilty.
What we don’t know yet is the truth. If there’s one thing for sure I don’t trust the news reports that are being broadcast. There’s a lot of disinformation going on. I’m not going to take the time to cite examples now, except to say the information being provided by the news comes with a truth disclaimer.
I suspect it will take some time to understand what this war is really all about. I doubt the intent is to annex Ukraine like Putin did with Crimea, but we’ll see. I think it’s about money.
It’s always about the money. Follow the money, they say, if you want to solve the crime. We’ll get back to that. As this crime unfolds we’ll measure the official reactions with praise or criticism, depending on what they do. I’m worried.
This invasion is likely the beginning of the wars between billionaires and democracies, which will be measured by the war between crypto and the dollar, and other democracies and their currencies. The old world order looks to me to be in trouble. We’ll see.
Bitcoin is up 20% in the last two days. The billionaires love the instability of markets. Despite what they might say they profit on volatility not stability and this is about as unstable as ever. Crypto loves to see the currencies in chaos. Crypto is the dark money alternative to law abiding banking and it’s at war with law-abiding banking. Crypto is at the ready to rescue those who should be in prison.
All gobbledygook aside, Putin is going to fund his war with crypto and the west will pretend they can’t stop him. Russia has no choice now, by design or circumstance, they will embrace Crypto.
Crypto is the bad guy in this narrative, as is Putin. So it’s no surprise they are working together. CNN is reporting Russians have switched to crypto, though they’re doing a very poor job of it. As noted here:
Biden did the State of the Union tonight as bombs were being dropped on civilian targets across Ukraine. Despite the increasing carnage the news is reporting Putin is failing and frustrated. He’s a madman just getting started and I think we can all expect the worst is about to happen, from now on.
Before I forget, this is what I’d do if I was president. I would have Ukraine a member of NATO before weeks end and then, with the coalition of the willing, we would be in Ukraine a day later. The Russian army would be home by payday and the war would be over faster than it started.
By all means necessary.
Imagine otherwise, you drag this out. Let’s say Biden doesn’t want to start a world war, even though it’s not his choice, and he drags his feet. The allies decide to feed weapons to the resistance, who will eventually lose, and the war drags on, even escalating to other countries.
Our plan is sanctions and isolation.
The pain and suffering inflicted on the public in the meantime will be regretted and second guessed forever, and rightly so. We are already making the wrong decisions, imo. And my whole schtick is antiwar.
The war should never have been allowed to start, but now that it has, the aggressors must be crushed immediately to end the crime, and to set the example for other tyrannical madmen thinking they can get away with invading or occupying places without repercussions.
Civilian abuse must be ended. What’s Putin’s problem?
It’s reported in the article that the bombs are being dropped onto Ukraine now, by the Russians. The war is escalating tragically and predictably now and we can only imagine the hardships being inflicted against the public.
There’s no validating war, yet somehow the propaganda seems to work pretty well on some people. All the liberal pundits want to fund the amateurs to fight the war. It looks like the allies will take a measured response to the invasion and we will all slowly ease in to the new normal.
Looks like we got out of Afghanistan just in time.
I think this conflict is scripted, more or less. All wars are. Even if this war is not a conspiratorial script loosely executed, as usual, it proves how insane the system is and how insane our political leaders can be. Nobody deserves that kind of power and this should never happen.
We did it too. And you know what I mean. Our war criminals are still celebrated as inspirational heroes around here, by the establishment.
We need a political system that will protect us from sociopaths seeking self-interest glory, or infamy, or money, or anything other than the public interest. That’s why democracy is so important. That’s why equality is so important. We need to prevent people from doing what Putin is doing. That will take a systemic approach to governmental reforms. We need a democratic upgrade, asap.
Imagine if Trump becomes president again, or some other republican, who I noticed tonight are still pretending to be against Putin. Imagine in the heat of a protracted war if the new republican president decided that Russia was in the right, because he was provoked, and we switched sides to fight against Europe. Our own army could be used against our allies, because of our political system. It’s antiquated and misinterpreted. It’s vulnerable and it prevents exactly what it’s intended to do, which is to create a representative government.
Biden’s album of broken promises from his failed build back better tour sounded a bit trivial to me tonight, in light of the pending conflict. The allies don’t want to start a war, they say, as fascist invaders storm across the border of an ally. We have been arming them and training them for years, they say. Now they must fight.
That’s the conflict-based economy.
The propaganda is getting thick from both sides. Like most truth seekers I’m searching for more information about the history and motivation behind such a horrible event. Putin would have to be insane to invade Ukraine, you’d think. Why would he think he could get away with such a thing?
If he was provoked by western style nazi mercenaries he had more than enough troops to crush them. But no, he decided to take the entire nation. That pretty much makes him the bad guy by default. The carnage that is occurring because of his decision to attack civilians will be the first nail in his coffin.
Putin has made a lot of mistakes. He’s a madman with the mentality of a school shooter, or he has miscalculated beyond belief, measuring his response. You don’t get provoked into taking over a nation.
Maybe he was persuaded that it would be okay? Maybe certain people said go ahead and take it, Vlad, it’s none of our business. The diplomacy of April Glaspie telling Saddam it was okay to take Kuwait comes to mind. Maybe Putin was duped, liked Saddam was, which brought the Desert Storm.
It’s reported Putin has a convoy of military forty miles long, sitting dormant for two days now, on the road to war. He is hesitating before he passes the point of no return. Maybe he already has. We are all at the door of that decision and it looks like Putin gets to make the call.
The fate of the world rests in the hands of a madman. The UN voted to condemn Putin today in a vote where China abstained. China would rather not say if they support that type of behavior. They would likely extend the same courtesy to us if we did what Russia is doing, or should I say, when we were the invaders.
And I would be derelict not to mention the sanctions.
President Biden is talking all kinds of crazy talk, about saving democracy and confiscating the ill-gotten gains of the enemy. I hope he does but I doubt he will. He’s putting on his commander in chief boots and kickin’ up some rhetoric, as the missles and bombs start coming down on Ukraine.
Clearly there’s been some serious moves being made against Russia with financial exchanges and corporate boycotts. The relevance of those specifics are a footnote in the long run, at least for now. We’re still too early into this mess to know. This war is likely to play out over a long time, unless Putin changes his mind and retreats, and that’s not likely.
It was reported today that a million people have fled Ukraine because of the invasion. Millions more are living in a tense suspense of what might happen next.
Predictably, Putin has said the invasion is going as planned, though it’s hard to say what the plan is yet. Whatever it is you know it’s not good, for the public. I’m not going to get bogged down in the details of the tragic events, unless I disagree with the official story, or the allied reaction to it.
The “west” is snatching the assets from the oligarchs and Biden it wagging his finger at them, and he’s right to do so. If it’s true I applaud him. We’re at a crossroads of justice. We’re long past that point I suspect of being able to stop these guys, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.
The establishment has its supremacy financially solidified at this point so they can afford to ease off a little, on the policies of inequality and extraction. Maybe they will finally start cracking down on the people who have ripped off the public for so long.
We’ll see if they do, I’m skeptical.
Talking about ripping off the public, the king lizard said sorry today about not catching inflation on time. They supposedly printed 5 trillion dollars in the last two years because of our economic emergencies, while they, at the same time, enjoyed exponential growth in their asset values.
Here’s a link to the article:

You probably didn’t notice that their fraudulent profit bubbles that caused the taxpayer bailouts, that caused the financial emergency that resulted in the QE counterfieting, that has now resulted in them all getting rich from public debt, was a massive criminal conspiracy considered as normal and acceptable by the establishmebt. It’s an extraction scam that loots public wealth for private profits, increasing inequality and providing compounding profits for the scammers.

The lizard king says there’s a rate hike coming in two weeks, ironically forcing the public to pay a higher interest rate to support the war they are determined to fight with both hands tied behind their back. He might want to rethink that plan.

Don’t worry, you can afford this. Crypto donations are on the way to help fund the war, on both sides. There’s very fine people on both sides, as somebody once said.

And the crypto is so plentiful.

The sanctions against Russia are forcing the crypto-conspiracy folks to confess that crypto is not what they have benn promising. It’s not a place to hide your money when your currency crumbles. It’s not an investment strategy or a hedge against inflation. It’s a black market bribery scheme to prop up the puppets in service to the scam with money extracted from the scam. The conspirators confuse the crypto conversation with misleading information, because truth doesn’t matter to the dark money overlords. They are a crime in progress and no amount of persuasion will convince them to end their war against our currency. They just want to conduct commerce along side of our currency, they say, so consumers have a choice.

What’s the problem?

Crypto serves as a slush fund for the monster.

Virginia loves crypto-currency. Read Article.

I know I have tendency to generalize and see things in black & white sometimes. I don’t linger long in the gray area of any topic. Corrupt or confused for instance. Seems obvious to me it’s an over-simplification that I use loosely, not literally. Those who are not relevant to the subject are obviously not included in the generalization. I just thought I would mention that as a disclaimer to my previous infractions.
The war appears to be starting with too much to note. Putin is blowing the place up and the people are doing their best to get out of the way. Cities are being shut down and taken over and the citizens appear to be targets. The Russians are taking the entire country, very methodically now, without doubt.
The allies are sending tons of weapons and there’s tons of pressure on them to step up and do more, like a no fly zone, for instance, which would be an act of war, but also the right thing to do, imo. This invasion should be repelled.
So far the allies will not get on board with fighting Putin. Like having mutually assured destruction capabilities is license for the carnage that is likely happening, right now.
When Iraq invaded Kuwait, Herbert Skywalker said “this will not stand”. And then we proceeded to drive Saddam, back to Iraq. We didn’t give guns to Kuwaitis and say good luck against the invaders. We fought the fight for Kuwait. Ironically, we fought Saddam after funding his military. But that’s another story.
When Russia invades Ukraine, Biden opts out of the no-fly-zone and sends weapons to the locals. He doesn’t want to start a war over this invasion, hey says. I like Biden but this seems wrong to me. I know I don’t have all the information I need to make the call, so I’ll make the call with the information I have. And that call is by all means necessary, right now.
But, what do I know?
I’ll just share my observations here, time allowing, of what is being reported elsewhere. There seems to be two primary sides in the coming conflict, but I’m generalizing again. It’s not about geography or nationality. It’s about democracy and the rule of law. This is a battle between good and evil and it’s global.
It’s a tricky subject and my time and talents have their limits. But I’ve been watching this show for a long time. And the narrative has just taken a drastic turn for the worse. Which is confusing, The war compels me to help define the variables that might be happening now in our post-truth dystopian wartime adventure story, in case somebody is curios. It’s hard to know what the truth is because the public is so divided and each side embraces conflicting biases towards their own beliefs.
To war or not to war.
This war could be a long war or a short war. If this war becomes some kind of proxy war between the east and the west, it will likely last for a long time and the world will slowly accept the expansion of the conflict-based economy and the destruction of a civilized society in Ukraine by a corrupt tyrant, for profit.
That’s what I expect. Russia will take Ukraine and the resistance will keep the nation in turmoil for a generation. Ukrainians have no choice but to fight because if they surrender the brutality against them will likely continue. That’s about the best case scenario at the moment.
The other option is off the table.


So we’re ten days in since the invasion now, and things are starting to become a bit more clear. Zelinsky, The president of Ukraine, is calling for a no-fly zone and the allies are denying him the high tech assistance he needs to defend his country.
The exodus continues from Ukraine and the reporting is a blend of propaganda and censorship. If the normal level is 3 we are at a 6 and Russia is probably at a 9. The news is presenting images of destruction while they discuss strategy options. The images are just a glimpse of some undefined acts of institutional violence. It’s pretty creepy.
Ukraine supposedly blew up their own bridge to slow the Russians from entering. We don’t know if any Russians were slowed but we can see video of people slowly struggling through the rubble to escape. The exodus is tragic.
What is actually happening, for the most part, is not being reported, I suspect. There’s too many things going on and they’re all too horribly tragic to report it all. There’s a lot of generalizing going on and what seems to me to be propaganda coming through my TV. I have no doubt the censorship on Russian TV is at an all time high.
Watching the news this morning I saw Malcom Nance, one of my favorite strategists who consistently argues the Trump-Russian connection, that is dangerous, nefarious, and criminal, said he talked to a Ukrainian General who doesn’t want allied boots on the ground. He just wants weapons so he and his rag-tag team of motivated underdogs can have their war and their moment of glory for their country. Give us guns, not troops, he said. It is an idiotic strategy regardless of who said it. Overwhelming force is a self-evident strategy.
And so there’s Malcom repeating that tripe as if the General’s right. He’s not right, and neither is Malcom. So in a sentence his previously consistent commentary becomes part of a larger propaganda strategy to sell a new Cold War. At the very moment when his wisdom matters most, he’s wrong and his credibility is now gone, with me. It’s easy to spew hyperbole about what Trump and Putin might do. I’ve done a lot of that myself. When the time comes to make the tough call, for democracy, and it has, Malcom is AWOL. He’s wrong. I no longer trust him.
I’ve seen a parade of personalities over the years speaking logically about policy and then when it matters most, they start singing the opposite tune. The only logical explanation is the corruption of money in politics. Not just government politics, but the politics of professional relationships that require loyalty and obedience to public betrayal, for money.
Advocates of the coming Cold War.
And we can only hope at this point it remains a Cold War. Ambassador Vinman, the guy who Trump fired for leaking the Trump blackmail plan against Biden. The, withholding military aid from Ukraine unless they dig up some dirt on Biden, whistleblower guy, followed Nance on the news. He also rubber-stamped the Cold War idea suggesting that Ukraine just needs our weapons, so “we” don’t need to go to war.
Prepare for a Cold War, don’t expect a solution is what the whistleblowing ambassador said. That sentiment summarizes the Allied strategy at this time. At the same time we’re seeing new drone video of residential buildings that have been turned into rubble, cities are in flames in Ukraine and the professional are advocating a Cold War. That’s the wrong decision.
The Cold War strategy is based on the idea that Putin will detonate nuclear weapons. I don’t think he would. I think it’s a chance we have to take to secure democracy for humanity.
If there was a nuclear winter from our mutual destruction, maybe the survivors would negotiate accordingly and make sure that the world was safe from powermad sociopaths and even implement the technology for better representation.
This is a battle for democracy.
If we don’t fight to win we will lose. Hasn’t every previous war taught us that by now? The only winners in a war where we lose are those invested in the conflict. Those getting rich from publicly-funded conflict will win. They’ve been winning for a long time and no doubt by now they are very rich.
Speaking of illogical advocations for a Cold War where we pour taxpayer money into a bloodbath, I have to mention a few other names, which I don’t like to do. I like to pontificate systems analysis based on the goal of human betterment.
I don’t like to point fingers generally speaking and avoid calling out people I disagree with specifically, but there’s no other way. So I do. It’s important to note the contradictions in logic by the professionals to better understand how we are being propagandized to an allegiance against our best interest.
Worse than the party of the lesser of two evils, there are propagandists planted amongst the intellectually enlightened to argue against doing the right thing. Like our saboteur senators voting against the team, they are deployed years ahead of their propaganda mission. Like Malcom, they gain credibility over years of consistently credible logic and then out of nowhere, they turn, to the dark side.
In service to the monster.
There’s lots of examples to consider. I’ll just name a few for now and move on with my day. The latest example is about the ongoing Russian Collusion story. There’s a wave of pundits singing in harmony about the alleged liberal Russian collusion hoax theory. As if the nefarious relationships undermining our democracy are all concocted by Hillary and the deep state dems, and therefore nothing more than a failed political strategy by “Neo-liberals” to win the White House. The notion is misleading and absurd and designed to minimize the danger of the actual collusion that cannot be credibly denied.
A few notables I must mention, but only briefly due to time constraints, are Glenn Greenwald, and Matt Taibi, Krystal and Sagar, and their universe of cutting edge internet news pundits. They are all super smart yet dismiss the danger we face from the fascists. They actually joke about the concern.
I would also add the RT shows and the republicans, and their special prosecutor. They would all have you believe that the threat against us from Russia is not real, when it is.
Putin and Trump are the opposition to our democratic potential, and quite likely a clear and present danger to our safety and our security, personal and national. I’m sure all of the pundits mentioned would agree, if pressed, that fascism is bad. But they don’t say. They complain about “liberals” while they roll their eyes. As if “liberals” are to blame, comparatively.
Now I have to define liberal. Labels can be confusing because in politics they are likely misleading. The program to steal your money is probably called the safe money act. So I have to say. Liberal means the left leaning democrat type who never has enough time or money.  We’re the good guys. We work hard and obey the law and like to see a fair deal. When Liberals do what conservatives do, we call them “Neo-liberal”. The liberal label is modified to pretend that thery’re still on your side, when they’re not. The labels help to disguise the corruption.
Sadly, most democrats serve the same swampy corporate monster as republicans do.
All labels aside
The battle for Ukraine is between corruption and democracy. It’s between supremacy and slavery. It’s between conflict and health. The struggle of humanity is not between Russia and the United States. The struggle is for democracy. The struggle is for a system of government that is representative, for all of us, now and in the future. We need to ensure that the world is safe and secure for the public, everywhere, by preventing supremacist power, anywhere.
Putin represents the supremacists. As does Trump. As do those in the Republican Party. These recently activated, or misguided, internet propagandists are actually trying to spin the narrative to get the public to believe that the liberals are the threat and not the supremacists, despite the history that shows republicans have traditionally and deceptively, started our wars, and then lost them, after milking the taxpaying public for all they could get. Blaming democrats first is simply wrong.
The deep state republican supremacist war-mongers call themselves conservative, though they are anything but conservative, but that’s not the point. The point is that propagandists saturate our media-sphere and regurgitate big money conventional wisdom to spread the confusion, for the monster, wether they know it or not. They are misleading the public because the public by and large wants to be misled, or they just don’t pay attention.
Those participaitng serve themselves.
Saying what people want to hear is a very profitable industry, especially in cyberspace, with all the digital money floating around. All those x’s and o’s that found their way to your crypto-wallet, and counts now, as your money, supposedly, is a very different economy than most of the public still operate in.
Cyberspace is the new world order.
The public, by and large, are not paying attention. They’re not buying the crypto or the non fungible tokens to launder their dirty digital money. Unless of course they are being bribed with the virtual value of the cryptos-scam. They have other things to do. Only those invested in the industry, or the resulting economy, pay enough attention to effect the outcome of our democracy.
The electorate is constrained.
Most know enough to know that the democrats support the public compared to republicans, yet the establishment is all in agreement that the republicans will take back the congress in the midterm elections.
Illogical conventional wisdom.
Thousands of misguided comments praise the wisdom of the cutting edge internet pundits because they are all proprietary to their own echo-chamber. Our grammas aint clicking thumbs up on your news show. Most of the electorate are oblivious due to constrained information.
The people clicking their agreement, to the smarmy advocates of inqeuality, are a demographic with interests of their own. Their interests conflict with the public, who are not participating, by and large.
Propagandists help to normalize the narrative that constrains our politically acceptable expectations. I don’t mean to be overly critical because I know there are a lot of people who have done a lot of good for a lot of people, and it goes on like that. But there also has been people who have done things like starting wars, like now in Ukraine.
Democracy is the remedy and the prevention to avoid what is happening in Ukraine. We can prevent that from happening here with democracy. It is the consolidation of power and the loyalty to relationships, despite the law, that manifest in governments that serve power mongering fascists.
aka: the monster.
We’re a dozen days after Russia started rolling its army into Ukraine. They were all lined up forty miles long, they said. Instead of bombing them, like we do, Biden declared he would not start world war three. He’ll just help sustain the war against Ukriaine. So war is okay, but not world war. Is the logic.
Excuse me, but, that’s not cool. I don’t need to be a west point grad or a russian spy to see what’s happening here. And I’ve been describing it for about 10 years now, on this website.
The conflict-based economy.
The latest scuttlebutt aparently is the no-fly zone because it defines wether we are at war with Russia, or not. The truth is we are at war with Russia wether we like it or not. Because they are at war with us, already. It’s just a matter of time before they attack. That is unless we don’t stand for democracy, militarilty, and we dont. I expect President Biden will continue our contemporary traditions of debt-based conflict.
That means the war is over, yet the conflict has just begun. It looks like the bad guys have won. It’s now just a matter of time and statistics. How many people will die and how long will the suffering go on before peace is once again possible in Ukraine?
Biden should step up and lean on some of those crypto-patriots to give the US some money. If you want to save Ukraine we are going to need some money, he should say. Some of that money you stole from us would be a good start towards supporting the good guys.
Tax Crypto Transactions a lot.
It looks like we are going to abandon Ukrainians because they’re not members in our club. I expect it will become irrefutably obvious that we have made a mistake. Despite historical precedent, this  proxy war will be a prelude to a suckerpunch that will force the war on us, like it or not.
Let’s hope the smoking gun is not a mushroom cloud.
Dropping bombs on forty miles of the Russian army when we had a chance, was a choice. They were sitting ducks for days. Our frearless leader decided to feed the monster instead. The longer he does, the stronger it gets. The stronger it gets the harder it will be to stop. Soon, it will be too late.
Despite the gory details that will saturate my newsfeed from now on, the time for diplomacy has passed and the endgame seems predictable. Democracy will lose. My thoughts and prayers are with all of those suffering from this crime, and with those who will be sufferning soon. But unless, or until, something compells me back to this post, I’ll get back to what I was doing.
The Russians appear to be leveling cities and and targeting civilians as the number of displaced is in the millions now.
Biden and the US have taken saving Ukrainian democracy off the table, because of the mutually assured destruction thing with the nukes. It’s bogus logic because there’s other treaties than Article 5 of the NATO charter that obligate us to protect Ukraine from a criminal invasion.
Biden saying he’ll sacrifice Ukraine to prevent war implies he’ll have the same policy when Putin starts attacking other NATO countries. What’s the difference? If you won’t defend an ally when they’re barbarically invaded, escpecially when your military dwarfs the invaders, then you’re not really an ally at all.
Are you going to start WWIII to protect Poland? But not Ukraine? That’s like the sherrif saying, here, have a gun. Good luck.
This is the first real war that I can recall that we didn’t start, and now we are chosing to sit this one out. Content, apparently, to provide weapons as long as we can, until they lose. That is such a losing strategy I have to assume that is the intention.
At the same time, Crypto is being promoted everywhere as invetible. As if we can’t see the connection between this global currency fraud and this war. The bad guys brought their own currency. You can invest in it, everybody’s doing it.
Crypto already has a place next to the other world currencies on the Google financial page. You know, the guys who could afford to map the earth and put it on the internet, and give you access to it for free. Those who brought us the capability to transfer our money to global finance, will now provide us with their own currency.
It’s digital money based on a bunch of bullshit.
Those who looted the treasuries of the world are now bribing everybody into their corrupt currency. You don’t have to be an accountant to figure out the math. You don’t need to be a detective to understand the scam. Where did the money come from? And why is it necessary? It’s not. The entire scam is a massive money laundering Ponzi scheme. It’s a conspiracy by those who will win this war. I’d bet a scam-coin on it, if I had one.
Things don’t look good for the US or our currency. Apparently China is slowly siding with those blowing up cities and killing civilians. That’s how they roll. Same with India, I expect.
And the fine people on both sides, both sides.
Our coalition looks lamer than those defending our capital on Jan 6th. At least the Capital police tried. They had no choice. They were on defense. The US military is locked and loaded on the busses, waiting for orders to engage. Still waiting.
Those orders aren’t coming and the carnage continues.
Maybe the Taliban can help Ukraine fight the Russians. I hear we gave them a lot of weapons. Or maybe they can sell them to Ukrainians so that the Afghans can buy some food and have something to eat.
The US would be well advised to stand down, or stand up. Because what they are doing, as usual, is wrong.
And don’t miss The Death of The Dollar @ The WSJ
I noticed their graphic is similar to mine. Coincidence?


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