Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

The Debt Ceiling

Tax the Rich

Politics is a money fight, but we vote for our beliefs against those who believe differently. It’s a horrible system. The democrats bring their beliefs to the money fight and lose to the republicans, who beat them with their money. The conservatives bribe the progressives into defeating legislation that would benefit the public. That’s why political solutions for the public remain so elusive.
Money versus Belief
The political divide is the establishment versus the public. The establishment has the money and the public is broke. The public requires a representative government to include all citizens in growth and prosperity, which is resisted by the establishment. 
Instead of expanding our social security system our government has chosen to privatize our pension process to profit their private Ponzi-scheme. The establishment has monopolized growth for themselves by creating a system of investing for excessive profits via capital gains, made possible by massive public debt in an era of easy money.
Low rates, High gains, Bailouts.
The public’s political opposition is the institutionalized tax-dodgers bribing our politicians into an era of over-leveraged low interest easy money loans. The profits are digitized and artificially maximized and actualized with public debt. They’ve manipulated our policies to create so much debt that they will perpetually extract trillions of dollars from the public, moving forward.
Our government spent money we didn’t have on things we didn’t need to profit investors. Now we’ll pay a trillion dollars a year to those who loaned us the money, even though they created it out of thin air. And don’t pretend it gets paid back. The massive market profiteering extraction scam is leveraged with inflation and more public debt.
They call it an easy money policy, as our treasury is looted.
The ongoing scam has been institutionally accepted yet it is clearly a fraudulent form of wealth creation that profits the few by screwing the many, much more efficiently than before.
The money is a hierarchy of authority and opportunity that flows from the public debt, and controls the public. The public’s own credit is used against them by those they elect. They profit from policing the chaos they create, legislatively, which requires more tax revenue to pay for the resulting authoritarian militarism.
We borrow from those we should tax.
I try to keep in mind the difference between narrating the national demise and advocating for political solutions. The news can be very distracting, but also very important to understand, in context.
Trump was just indicted for hoarding classified documents, probably stolen with a profit motive in mind. These indictments will keep the cult leader top story in the narrative for the foreseeable future, if we’re lucky. As in, I hope things don’t get worse.
Trump was probably going to auction off the sealed boxes to the highest bidders or something. You know he wasn’t going to read anything. He just knew he had something golden, and thought he could get some easy money with it.
Maybe, Trump ran for office plotting the theft of classified documents. He was the populist Trojan Horse candidate hired to infiltrate the White House and succeeded, for his conspiracy of lizard overlords. Trump had over two years to copy the documents so the bad guys already had their way with them. We have no secrets. He served his puppet master well and has already received his payment for services rendered. And everybody is sniffing our dirty laundry.
Trumps’ defense will be political persecution by deep state liars, and he’ll probably win. He can claim all of the evidence against him was fabricated with deep state technology, which could be true.
Who knows?
It could also be true that there’s a global network ripping off this country as we speak. And, they’ve been at it longer than most people here have been alive. They’re always looking for somebody to corrupt. Somebody with little loyalty except to themselves, and money.
The ongoing MAGA movement thinks Trump is being framed by the Deep State. The Trump fans also have an ongoing vendetta against Biden & Sons dirty deals. True or not, it’s a blatant deflection from their own stinkables. They didn’t care to question why Trump’s son-in-law would get two billion from the prince of darkness.
I hate to give the deep state the benefit of the doubt. So I won’t. Justice is starting to look awfully political. It might be a good idea to declassify an accusation. Otherwise we got Liar vs. Liar. It’s a perfect post-truth society court battle, with classified evidence. You can believe whichever side you like better, politically, and be right.
When DC starts locking people up for corruption, we’re gonna lose a lot of our elected leaders. Corruption is not what Trump is being charged with, though. He’s been charged with espionage and  conspiracy to obstruct the investigation into his treasonous betrayal of our country. There’s a bucket load of counts that add up to bad news for the former president, unless he’s conspiring with the DOJ.
A premeditated exoneration would be a nice rubber-stamp for the history books to provide legal justification for authoritarianism.
Trump is not only a grifter he’s a traitor and we elected him president, supposedly, and still think we have a great political system. What does that say about our political system? It says it sucks. Now that are ex-president has been charged with Espionage, we might elect him again. That’s how smart our democracy is.
Our democracy failed, they’ll say.
If the charges against Trump are true, and you know they are, his intention has been a national betrayal beyond the imaginations of most Americans. Especially those who voted for him, and will vote for him again. We have to assume they will, no matter what.
What if Trump “wins” the next election and prosecutes his political opposition? Or quickly puts them all in prison. What if he sides with Russia against Ukraine? We’ll soon be shooting ourselves. That’s how stupid our divided government is. Which side of the war are we on this year? Well, ah, It could go either way depending on the electoral college and the courts. Looks like we will be funding the war against ourselves either way, despite the election. It’s absolutely nuts.
It’s a great system, they say. Which is another big lie.
If Trump stole documents to betray America, for money, which is believable. It would show he is a traitor without any allegiance to our country at all, or the law, or his constituents. His guilt would show just how gullible all of those who believed him are. They don’t care if he is lying to them or not. They voted for his arrogance and admire his brand of confident ignorance. He tells them what they want to hear.
A large segment of the electorate would rather side with a liar than side with the “neoliberals”, who ironically are also lying. So, they really are all a bunch of liars, now divided. Both sides have sold out our country and pretend that the other is exclusively guilty.
Equivalency of guilt is nearly irrelevant. 
Both sides are heavily invested in the division. That’s the way we roll around here, as a country. We’re all in this together is a cover story to distract you from the betrayal. We have been pushing global trade deals to find the cheapest labor to sell products to the era of easy money for maximum profit made possible by public debt. It’s no wonder why nobody works anymore. It’s a great scam.
The scam is practiced by both sides of the aisle and now the republicans are blaming all their dirty deep state trade deals on the democrats. And now King Joe wants to save democracy for Ukraine as ours falls apart. The looney tuners call him a war monger and they’re not completely wrong. He’s failing on both fronts, foreign and domestic. Don’t piss off your enemy, is his strategy for victory.
But getting on to the grand scam, I have to start by mentioning, now that a deal has been done to raise the debt ceiling, the fears of recession are collectively fading. The markets are rising and the economy is doing great, because of the loan. Recession avoided. It’s a total coincidence, they must think, without making the connection to their newfound no-limit credit card, that they’re borrowing from the public. The financial panic is fading fast.
The Debt Ceiling
You know that feeling you get when you should stop but you don’t, you just keep going? Your addictive behavior is selfish and unfair but you can’t help yourself so you just keep eating, or smoking, or writing, or raising your debt ceiling? That’s what the establishment just did.
President Biden just claimed victory for increasing our debt. By raising the debt ceiling to sustain the economic crisis that’s so profitable for the corporate lizard class. Biden has become the extractor in chief, like we knew he would. He is the sugar daddy now, for corporate lizards everywhere. After the debt ceiling speech, the money junkies are lining up for another fix. The kissy face bipartisan sellout song and dance sung tonight by the liar in chief was about as empty as any rhetoric I have ever heard, and I’ve heard a lot of shallow rhetoric.
The republicans had nothing to leverage their empty threats with because passage was a forgone conclusion. Without complete dereliction from the Dems or outright self-sabotage, an economic depression was never on the table, except as a scare tactic.
They want you to think that the government is a luxury that they can take from you, and if you do, they will. We’re just a vote away from catastrophe, they say. Your lawless dystopian nightmare is now on the table for consideration, unless you raise the debt ceiling.
I heard Biden say that democracy is not guaranteed, but he’s wrong. It is guaranteed in the same legal document that validates his office, and authority. The constitution says, in Article 14.4, Our republic is guaranteed, and you can’t have a republic without a democracy, so both are guaranteed, is how it reads.
The president wrapped his betrayal of workers and taxpayers in a lot of lofty goals and promises that we’ve all heard before. He should have negotiated for those goals, but he didn’t. The lizards and their armies of lemming soldiers will continue to label him as a radical leftist socialist, as he helps them fulfill their greedy “conservative” right-wing agenda of false profits. The partisans always come together for that.
It’s business as usual for the bi-partisan extraction scam.
The scam has been rubber-stamped again and will continue for at least two more years, this time without limits. The era of easy money just got easier with another fuel injected infusion of public debt. That was the fix they were banking on. Here comes the rush..
Now we know where Biden will get the money to bail out the uninsured deposits at the failed banks. He’s wading in the swampy slush funds now. There’s money for everybody. Equality never had a chance.
Somehow, despite unlimited funding for the growth scam, the threat of an economic collapse remains on the table for next time, when the looney-toons will again insist on their dystopian vision of maximum chaos and division, for the public.
Our government might implement draconian cuts, they say, for the services you need, in order to pay for the tax cuts they keep giving themselves. They keep cutting their taxes and your services, to put our cities into even more chaos. It appears now almost certain that’s their intention because that’s their result.
They want cheap labor. That’s why they’re against abortion. That’s why they destabilize the southern hemisphere, to import cheap labor to compete with Americans. See the race to the bottom. The social dysfunction is amplified to distract from the extraction scam and the massive inequality it has created, in the name of capitalism.
When the public has spent over $30 trillion of money they didn’t have, in thirty years, it’s obvious that those who got our money aren’t paying their fair share of it back, in taxes. It’s money that they “made” from excavating the public debt, like debt miners.
The public has paid for excessive corporate profits with our debt. Corporations have all the money now, so they should have to pay it back, in tax revenues. We need excessive tax revenues to reconcile our excessive debt, and upgrade our democracy.
We need economic balance.
Instead, the public money hoses keep gushing money to the rich. Our debt keeps flowing down their bottomless money holes. It gets lost down there and comes back up as digital assets to bribe the corrupt into their new economy.
Global, dark, and digital.
Tens of thousands of bank regulators missed the recent bank collapses if you can believe that. I don’t. It’s just another multi-billion dollar scam in a long line of scams normalized by judicial dereliction. 
Law enforcement is totally complicit in the crypto crime and the dark money slush funding, which tells its own story if anybody cares to think about it. Congress will drag its feet until the sheriff comes to town, and that ain’t happening, so whatever. Anything goes, Take out another loan and buy some more crypto, if you dare. The volatility could be extreme because it’s an obvious Ponzi-scheme.
Two trillion of the three trillion in alleged crypto value was “wiped-out” last year and now the globalist intruder economy brags the value of their scam is back up 350 Billion this year. The trillion and a half dollars that was extracted from the overcompensated investors profiting from the era of easy money, now belongs to the dark money globalists, who are buying the world. As if we didn’t notice.
They commingle their borrowed money with your investments and then yank the rug out from under you. You hardly care because you have so much disposable income you see your last loss as a buying opportunity to get some more. That’s the era of easy money.
Now that the debt ceiling has been raised again, it’s a safe bet the crypto scam will gain in value soon, rapidly, because its value comes from public debt. It’s a digital money laundering scam for the establishment and they’ve got a lot of money to launder now.
Until it’s declared a crime, expect volatility.
The public debt hole is a bottomless pit of virtual wealth for some that does nothing for those that need the public assistance, like our cities and retirees. Measure the stated intention to the actual results and it’s easy to see our government is failing in its mission, for the public.
The public is in debt while the establishment invests in global capital. The constant squeeze for shareholder profits increases without compassion and it degrades almost everything, for the public. The public gets smaller portions, longer hours, higher prices, and devalued wages, because of inflation. Thanks a lot, lizards.
The corporate lizards get rich.
The lemmings get a cost of living increase. They are largely unaware of how the public debt is designed to work, unfairly in their favor, because of the inflationary and monopolistic economy. They don’t care. They don’t have to. That’s how our system works.
We’re heading for a government of robots who, if you need their help, will put you on hold or deny your concern. AI devices will soon serve the public, for the government, so bureaucrats can work for private insurance companies, or some other predatory scam, from home. The intentionally dysfunctional government services will be automated so that bureaucrats can stay on vacation, administrating overpriced corporate contracts awarded to the friends and cronies of their superiors. It’s a system designed for efficiency, they’ll say.
Please hold because your call is important to us.
The establishment has a million ways to transfer money from the public to themselves, including price-gouging, tax-cuts and loopholes, no-bid contracts, stimulus packages, grants, bailouts, bonuses, an so on. The list of contracts goes on and on, invoicing the taxpayers for services they never get, while spending money they never had.
We pay over a half trillion a year just to “service” public debt. It’ll be a trillion in no time. The nations biggest expense will soon be paying our tax-dollars to those who loaned us unlimited money so we could buy the things we didn’t need. They created the money out of thin air to loan us and will now charge us for that loan, forevermore.
The public is in debtor’s prison.
The professionals call it easy money. They profit from our debt. It’s an industry of administrative wealth extraction based on public debt and owning the monopolies that employ the workers who serve the consumers. The small percentage of people, who sponsor our government, own the automated closed loop economy. They subsidize the corporate culture with public debt, while abandoning the pubic at large, dividing our society economically into those subsidized by the public debt and those who must actually pay that debt back with money they make actually working.
The commingling of fake money with money made from actually working is how the scammers profit. The public debt is where the fake money came from in the first place. The debt is used to impregnate your investments for future extraction. If you can stomach holding your investments after the “easy money” ends, and your investments  suddenly crash, your returns will be anemic.
Without another infusion of public debt, prompting the alien impregnators to reinvest their “earnings”,  your investments will wither away. You need your investments to “grow”, so of course you support more public debt. If you tax the scammers they might not reinvest.
The system design itself is a political crime, it’s unsustainable, and unconstitutional and it’s the reason our cities are in chaos with drug-addicted zombies and bureaucratic corruption running amok.
The social divisions are increasing and the tensions are rising, and it’s all by design. The establishment is complicit in the political crime.
We need a more representative government to legislate public policy designed to favor the public. Both parties represent those profiting from the public debt. “They” have created a system based on a hierarchy of money, where they borrow the money for their own financial supremacy and force workers to compete with each other for access to it. “They” are administrating while vacationing.
We all work for them.
That’s why it’s important to understand that there’s an alternative to the massive inequality created by the scam. Tax the rich. First, in order to tax the rich, we need a more representative government, based on a new apportionment act, to update our democracy.
As explained in; Tax Bracket Apportionment
I’m trying to watch the news here about the debt ceiling. I keep reaching for the remote to mute the bombardment of pharmaceutical side effects and insurance jingles. But alas, the constant back and forth eludes me quite often and I just watched a guy for about a solid minute telling me we can supply me with Viagra for as little as 87 cents a tab with free shipping. I couldn’t help but juxtapose that with the ongoing battle against abortion rights being waged against women. We’re gonna make guns and boners as easy as possible to get, for men, but we will outlaw health-care options for pregnant women? And allow men to compete in their sports.
That is so hypocritical it boggles the mind. I would love to explore that debate further to better illuminate the conspiracy dividing us. The binary choice of the duopoly inevitably compromises your ideology to conform to one side or the other, when both sides are wrong about something, to most people.
It’s always a great debate when the debt ceiling debate comes to town. It’s a discussion as important as the filibuster but just as confusing, for the public. The debt ceiling question is simply this; Do we tax those making massive profits? Or do we borrow their money to pay our bills. Should we tax or borrow?
It’s a democratic decision.
The government just decided. Instead of taxing billionaires and corporations, they will keep selling our debt to them. We will pay them to buy our debt so we don’t have to tax them.
The obesely wealthy will “invest” in our “bonds” for more profit, as they have done over and over, instead of being taxed. For over thirty trillion dollars now, the public has borrowed their money to create private profits for them, instead of taxing them.
We went broke and they got rich. It’s pretty simple math.
The policy is backwards. The public debt is a double whammy for democracy. It deprives the public of representation and it gives massive advantage to those billing our government. The revolving door between corporations and our government makes them one and the same, extracting the taxpaying public because they can.
The establishment, as defined by those who invest in the system of inflation, are adversaries, politically and economically, to the public. That’s the problem. The public debt creates more inequality, favoring the establishment, which is backwards and in need of correction.
The establishment is heavily invested in the military budget. Like crypto, and other investments that require public debt, they are overfunded as policy to extract maximum private profits.
Stimulus = Inflation = Debt = Inequality = Scam
Concerts have become money laundering scams now as well, for investors. Where the children of the over-invested corporate lizards drop a grand a ticket to see their favorite stars perform. At the same time public assistance allowances are being slashed, for the public.
Trillions of dollars created from public debt over the last decade was not fairly distributed. It has created separate economies. The inequality is intentional, unethical, and in need of political correction asap. That could happen with a more representative government.
The era of easy money from public debt needs to be reconciled now, with taxes, to correct the inequality the era of easy money perpetrated against the public. The rich got massively richer from the public debt, and will continue to do so, now without a ceiling.
The economy has been privatized and monopolized and sold to those who can afford to invest in the anti-democratic scam. The easy money scam makes investing for some very easy, to profit from the public debt, so they can afford to pledge their allegiance to the division.
The Debt Ceiling 2
The debt ceiling debate is a window into the grander scam. The rising public debt is an ongoing political crime. The public debt allows massive and unjustifiable profits to remain untaxed. The public debt is the beating heart of the scam and the lizards keep it tax-free for maximum shareholder value. Our debt should be reconciled by taxing the establishment, not by raising inflation on the public, like they do.
You get another cost of living raise.
Think of big government as big public debt, because that’s what it is. The bigger our debt the bigger our government is. The less the public gets for its debt the more corrupt the government is. The lizards will say they are against big government while creating more and more public debt, like clockwork. So they’re all lying. The profits come from their purchases of over-leveraged investment scams, bailed out with pubic debt. Now that the ceiling has been removed, they can pay our debts to those that loaned us the money, again, so they can buy more and more of our debt, for a profit, again.
They live off of our public debt, like super-rich welfare vampires, guilt tripping you for not having a job while they suck your money from a hypothetical future that depends on them monopolizing growth even further, and maximizing profits, and squeezing you, even more.
The Fed trying to reduce inflation as the government raises the debt ceiling is irreconcilable. It’s like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. It’s a totally insincere gesture by the establishment, against the public, and proves the system itself is a construct of, by, and for, the scammers, against the public. The fed will skip a rate hike.
The public debt feeds the golden goose that props up the fraudulent profits of the investor class, who buy our politicians, who pretend to be against the debt while they raise the debt ceiling, again and again. Each time they do it increases the inflation further for the rest of us. Raising the debt ceiling will raise inflation. It’s the same thing.
The public debt is a theft from the public by the establishment. You can tell it’s a scam because as the public debt keeps getting bigger, the inequality keeps getting worse. Our government is increasing inequality with public debt which proves who they serve, and who they don’t serve. They serve the extraction scammers, not the public.
You can almost smell the greed.
Investors buy and sell the deeds, called securities, to profit off of the work of others. Those profits are actualized by depriving that money from those who actually work. That’s a form of slavery subsidized by corporate bonds and public debt, to maximize profits for investors. Shareholders squeeze their adversarial demographics for maximum profiteering. As bad as that is for the workers who are getting squeezed, it’s still not enough profit for the greedy shareholders. It never is.
The massive profits comes from public debt.
I just heard it argued that the public debt already costs every citizen $9000 in personal debt. Which is the wrong way to look at it. Not every citizen will ever pay taxes, or should have to. And even if they do, that’s not the point.
A more accurate and relevant way to look at the scam is to consider the advantages given to the few people who profit massively from the rising public debt. They buy the bonds with the money that the government should be taxing them for, but doesn’t.
The scam can last a few more generations, they say, before the full faith and credit collapses in a collective cry of calling foul against the establishment, for cheating the public for decades.
Their economy is an accumulation of digital wealth now, through financial sector fraud that goes unchallenged by the hyper-partisans, who collectively serve themselves with favorable law. They have profited from the looting of our treasury one generation after the next. It has become a business model you can invest in. And probably do. The irony and hypocrisy of that reality appears to go unnoticed by most in the establishment, I’ve noticed.
Massive wealth from corrupted ledgers.
This economy keeps making untaxed multi-millionaires and millions of people are okay with that, supposedly, which shows that they are either profiting from the scam or don’t understand it. Either way the scam remains the same. It’s normalized corruption rationalized as legitimate. The scam is being committed by the establishment against the taxpaying public who make money from actually working. Workers who make money with their time, not with their money. That’s an important distinction to understand. Time versus Money.
Time = Money = Representation
To prevent being scammed, we should peg our currency to the amount of time that our projected population is expected to live. The more people who are alive, the more money is allowed in circulation. It’s more politically accountable in a digital world, where the financial sector industry becomes exponentially richer by the editing of their own digital ledgers. Which probably happens a lot.
The extraction scam is a business cycle that happens over and over, leveraged each time for even more and more bigger bubbles of fraudulent profits reconciled only with either debt or taxes. The scammers are not about to tax themselves. They never do. And you ain’t got any money. So they’ll tax your future, by raising the debt ceiling, again, and again.
All the while the establishment threatens that the public will be decimated if the debt limit isn’t increased. If the extraction scam profits are interrupted the poor working class masses will be the ones to take the hit, so says the multi-million dollar news pundits on my favorite corporate propaganda channels.
The truth is, like all of our laws, the implementation of any enforcement will be arbitrary and decided by those in power at the time. There are no rules they can’t change. Our government is funded by the benevolence of our corporate lizard overlords. They pay our legislators to enact tax-cuts for them, and service cuts for you.
They will do what they like and rationalize it however they have to. Our politicians are winging it as they go, improvising as necessary to explain their ulterior motives as honest. I suspect most of congress hasn’t even read the rules, or they would object to the chronic constitutional violations that have become normalized.
Congress rolls like Justice Thomas with his ongoing ethics scandals. He said somebody told him his corruption was legal. That was good enough for his jurisprudence. The interpretations of law are always debatable and they are now most likely to be misinterpreted for investor profits.
Lawrence and his pundits are claiming that the unlimited debt ceiling hike is a victory for Biden and the dems. Which is wrong. So I have to point out his conflict of interest is self evident. Mr. O’ loves the debt. As does the entirety of the establishment. The public debt allows for their multi-million dollar salaries to exist, and they know it.
To me, avoiding disaster is another loss disguised as a victory by the “progressives” who are too “conservative” to demand a more equitable and more ethical distribution of our public debt. A win would have been closing loopholes, or a wealth tax, or a gains tax, or a targeted appropriation for democracy, or Main Street relief, or some token taxes on the rich, at least, would have been a small win.
So many problems we can’t afford to fix, as Americans.
But no, nothing. There’s was no attempt to prevent the inevitable consumption of our money by the monster. It’s all business as usual on K Street. Now the establishment investors with their pools of dark mystery money will continue to saturate themselves in the swamp, over-leveraging their profits to buy our politicians and to betray the public interest, for the foreseeable future.
Expect increased covert appropriations for the “war” effort.
I saw the looney tune reps stepping up, pretending to be fiscally sane for the cameras, for political points. Why give Biden a blank check? They ask. We all know they are disingenuous servants of the lizard class, but nobody cares.
The dangerous political entertainers ask the wrong question. The right question for all of the disingenuous and sanctimonious corporate freedom caucus shills out there, is this: Do you think we should raise taxes on the wealthy to reduce the debt? Shouldn’t we make those who get rich from public debt pay more in taxes? Shouldn’t we fund the social security system and other social health programs necessary for the sake of domestic civility? To make life better for the public?
You know they’re not for that.
No, they want to squeeze the poor masses further into debt, as opposed to taxing those profiting from the scam. Even if they look, which Is unlikely, the scammers don’t see it as a scam.
I’m still waiting for a counterpoint in my forum.
The partisan logic is to blame, again. The democrats are always quick to fail, for the public, while calling their loss a victory. That’s what they do best and that’s what they just did, again. The dems could have demanded taxes and got them, if they wanted to, but they don’t. Both sides like it just how it is. The partisans are economic allies against their opposition, the public. The betrayal is self-evident.
Make no mistake, the republicans will not threaten the golden goose, so the dems had leverage up the wazoo, and they didn’t use it, as usual. It’s totally inexcusable yet totally typical and once again unifies the partisans to the scam, against the public. The public by and large remains clueless, because of our “news”.
The taxation alternative was not even really discussed. Taxation should be the only discussion on the debt ceiling table but somehow it’s all about the looming disaster. The dems should not negotiate with terrorist extremist threats from the right, foreign or domestic. But they do. They have decided to stay the course, to protect and defend the scam, for them, and pretend to avert a disaster, for you.
Biden should have called the debt a national emergency and told the house to take a hike, or take him to court. He should’ve said the payments will continue either way. The debt ceiling is unconstitutional in the first place so forcing the court to rule on it is the right thing to do. Biden won’t do that. I hear he’s gonna build a pipeline for his oily overlords, or something. They always lurk behind the scenes pulling their secret strings of persuasion, and the partisans oblige.
What the dems do is more of a collusion than a resistance.
This vote is more proof that the duopoly occupying our government is not economically or financially representative of the public, which is the kind of representation that matters most. Our government is increasingly made of  globalist shareholders who are milking America for money, like a cow, for profit. They represent the establishment.
Politicians are, by and large, agents of the financial services sector pretending to be community organizers. Corporate news pundits are on that team as well, along with all executives of all publicly traded companies and those who profit from them, and the other institutions funded with antigovernment tax policies. Collectively they are all the establishment. They have abandoned the public. The entire system is now a scam of invested and leveraged debt for private profits reconciled with more public debt. It’s a political crime in progress and should be reversed with a new apportionment act, legislated by a representative government, elected in an honest democracy and facilitated by a new, commercial free, citizens’ network app.
To pay for it, we should tax monopolies properly.
Taxing the scammers is the right thing to do. We should reconcile the deficit and reduce the debt with taxes. But, we won’t. That won’t happen here because the scammers control the government that legislates our foregone conclusion.
Here, have some money.
We will, of course, raise the debt ceiling, because we have a debt-based economy, making the establishment rich and very sensitive about tax increases. Their multi-million dollar paychecks depend on the ever-increasing public debt. Of course the debt limit will be increased as necessary to validate their meritocratic belief system.
That’s how our system works.
The logical alternative to raising the debt ceiling is to tax the over-compensated ill-gotten gains of the financial sector. Those who profited most back then should be over-taxed now to reconcile the public ledger. All of the tax loopholes should be ended, and money removed from politics, completely, for an honest democracy.
The professionals say world disaster is looming for the global economy if we don’t raise the debt ceiling. That means we must extract more money from the taxpayers or risk a potential market crash and cutting services to those who need them most. Everybody is for raising the debt ceiling because of the unimaginable consequences if “we” don’t raise it, they say.
Proving capitalism requires public debt or it will fail. Those who got rich from the corporations and public debt would rather millions of people suffer than pay more taxes. And they’re in charge.
Which proves what I’ve been saying about debt-based prosperity here all along. It’s a fraud. The gains realized by today’s establishment are largely stolen from the public’s future. It’s not capitalism at all. The system is a scam. They just call it capitalism in hopes you will confuse that word with the word commerce. Commerce is necessary.
Capitalism is about leveraging debt for greater marketshare for private profits, that should be taxed. If the government actually taxed massive profits properly, the system might work as theorized for the public. But they don’t so capitalism only works for the establishment and it works against the public. Any benefit to the public is incidental.
It reminds me of the great financial crisis bailout when these same experts said we must bailout the investors instead of the mortgages. And nobody went to jail. It’s a little like the recent FDIC insurance scam with derelict bankers and regulators making a fortune for failing, all legal, apparently. These are all tactics of the extraction scam they call capitalism.
The practice is actually political corruption which is considered legal and normalized by and for establishment profits. Profits are created from over-leveraging the full faith and credit of our country, to build privately owned monopolies they ironically call public. Anybody with enough money can invest in the scam.
It’s a globalized private profit pyramid-scheme.
The corporate lizards want unlimited and uninsured debt guaranteed by the taxpayers, from now on. What could go wrong? The lizards don’t see a problem with that. They will legalize the scam, moving forward. And president Biden seems eager to please them all, like the loyal institutionalist that he is.
I’d love to see a debate on the final bill but, you know, they all agree, and it seems good enough to them to say, no limits, let’s move along. Which to me, proves that what we practice here is not capitalism at all. It’s a Treasury robbery without rules that trickles an allegiance down to the establishment, from public debt.
Being against raising the debt ceiling is like being for the market crashing, they say. It’s like being against poor people eating. Of course you are for raising the debt ceiling. Everybody is for taking more money from the future, right? What’s the problem?
Inflation is skyrocketing for those not on vacation.
Instead of taxing the disposable income of those becoming rich from the scam, the establishment will steal the the public’s money, again, from the future. That’s what they do. That’s where all the profit came from in the first place. They borrowed it. So it’s a tried and true process, for now. Ironically it’s really just a way to keep paying themselves way more than they deserve, with taxpayer money paying for their excessive earnings.
And then they complain about the public debt burden we’re leaving to their children, right after paying a grand a piece for Taylor Swift tickets, so the entire family can enjoy a night out at the show.
The irony escapes them.
The establishment doesn’t like the debt ceiling debate. The debt ceiling forces them to rationalize their irreconcilable profits in public. So the conversation is constrained. It’s a shameful duty that kicks the can from one greedy administration to the next. Raising the debt ceiling rubber-stamps our corrupted economy one increase at a time. You know they don’t like that. Eventually they’ll end it, effectively ending our “democracy”.
We had no choice, they’ll say.
Ultimately, ending the debt limit will allow unlimited leverage to some who will purchase everything, for themselves. The establishment will own everything eventually, from the money they borrowed from us, to monopolize growth for themselves, because they could. There’s no conspiracy here, is there? You can invest in their monopolies. If you have enough money.
Move along now, they’ll say.
Then when you complain, they will call you a communist and act like the debate is about ownership of private property, when in reality the question is about the validity of their wealth creation. The method in which their money was “made” in the first place, was a fraud. So the gains are part of the same crime and should be confiscated with taxes and fees by the government, imo, for civility, and justice, for the public.
We should take the money back. That’s what a representative government would do. Ours won’t. They’ve got 30 trillion dollars leveraged in fractional reserve profits that are impossible to pay back because they never really existed.
The establishment has rubber-stamped their advantage again, this time without limits. The spending will not be questioned, as we spend a trillion bucks a year just to service our “debts”. There will be no limits to the amount of public debt we can spend for capitalism to “succeed”, or at least to prevent the disaster of it failing. Which ironically, is exactly what it does, constantly.
You see the irony? It’s not capitalism.
The intention of the 14th amendment, the debt will not be questioned, is if some rogue conspiracy undermines our government by bankrupting us, and succeeds, as is happening. We, as a voting public could then have a democratic recourse by raising taxes against them, the rogue conspiracy. After the public regains control of the government we raise taxes on those who looted the treasury, is the theory of the amendment.
That’s the intention of the unquestionable debt clause.
That’s what we the people should do. Take the money back. We should eliminate the deficit, and the debt. We should balance the budget with taxes, and tariff imports, and create domestic job guarantees, for starters. Then clean our cities of poverty and crime. That’s what we should do, for the public.
And then some idiot asks, “Who’s gonna pay for it?”.
A debt ceiling that can be raised is not a ceiling at all. It’s a credit card without limits at a party for drunken billionaires, all trying to outspend each other, with our money, and they do. They have for decades. They keep getting richer spending the public’s money.
Our democracy will remain impossible and corruption will rule the earth, forevermore, without a representative government.
Corruption is already intractably embedded in our political system and can’t be removed by voting for whoever occupies the party seats. The government needs to be corrected structurally, and the only viable solution for that, at this point, is a citizen network, and expanded congressional delegations apportioned based on the public income distribution. That’s what we should do.
It’s important to understand that because money is representation. The power to legally counterfeit money is politically invincible, which makes our democracy completely impossible. The good news is there’s a solution. Get money out of politics, totally. The socioeconomic corrections will become possible after that. Until then, they’re not
Whenever there’s a squabble over the debt they always say “this money has already been spent”. So now would be the time, with our current no-cap on public spending, to invest in a fully functional, verifiable, and official, system for voting, commercial-free and as convenient as possible for all citizens.
Why don’t we do that?
The choice is either raise the debt ceiling or tax those with the money. The public doesn’t have the money, so the establishment will raise the debt limit. That way they can avoid taxing themselves, as usual. And that’s the problem.
The debt ceiling question should be forced into the court.
Is the debt ceiling limit legal if it violates the constitution? The 14th Amendment says the debt will not be questioned? That language is pretty cut & dry. The topic is off limits and for good reason. The government can create as much debt as it needs to survive. So the debt ceiling is indeed, by honest interpretation, unconstitutional.
Case closed.
The court won’t rule on the debt ceiling or the filibuster because it would set a precedent that the court could actually serve its constitutional purpose of determining if congressional rules are constitutional, or not. The debt cap and the sixty vote threshold are both unconstitutional along with a long list of other misinterpretations in progress that should be corrected by the court. That is a slippery slope towards democracy, though, with a crossroad to hypocrisy. They won’t be going there if they don’t have to. That’s a safe bet.
The public debt Is the lynch-pen of the scam. Stop the debt and the scam breaks, which is inevitable, sooner or later. The public must assume more debt or capitalism itself will fail, as it does, over and over, Which proves whatever you call it, it doesn’t work, for the public. Capitalism would not require an ever-rising amount of money from public debt, to prosper.
Capitalism is corruption rationalized.
The debt based prosperity from public debt is corruption. At its core, it’s a form of fraudulent profiteering that comes from investing in growth with borrowed money commingled with money people earned by working. It’s a way to leverage wealth to steal the earnings of workers and taxpayers, and the business model should be ended and the inequities of the policies financially corrected with taxes to fund our democracy.



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