Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

JFK – The Looking Glass

JFK DebtGraph small2

All you need to know about the JFK Assassination in one graph. Sixty years after the crime the evidence is still secret. The coverup is ongoing. To solve the crime you simply follow the money.

JFK DebtGraph small2

1. Accusations:

2. Assassinations:

3. Conspiracy:

4. Coup d’état:

5. The Rabbit Hole:

It’s been sixty years since the president of the US was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. He was murdered on November 22, 1963. Everybody agrees on that. Everything else is still debatable, apparently. That’s because the official investigation was flawed past the point of an intentional coverup. It doesn’t matter who did the shooting, those guilty of the coverup are responsible for the crime now. The coverup continues to this day, by the establishment. Justice delayed is justice denied.
Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and then Biden all could have released the classified records about Oswald and Russia, Ruby and the Mafia, the FBI and the CIA, for a better understanding of the relationships that allow for the ongoing injustice. As if we need the records. As if releasing a smoking gun document is going to make any difference. It won’t. But, it says a lot about our government, that the public is still not allowed to see the evidence related to the murder of our president, sixty years after the fact. The ongoing coverup equates to an admission of guilt for the crime, imo, by the establishment. They are all accomplices after the fact.
Having examined evidence and testimony over the decades there’s no doubt in my mind that a criminal conspiracy assassinated JFK and our government has been complicit in at least the coverup of that crime ever since. Oliver Stone nailed it to the wall in 1991. Congress passed the buck to the president and our presidents have bowed in obedience to the CIA, ever since. I think that says enough right there. Mystery pushers are looking for profits, not justice.
Sixty years later and the National Geographic has just released a three part series on the Assassination of our president. It dares to embrace the Warren Commission narrative despite that theory being consistently debunked ever since its release. The commission was a coverup from its inception. It’s indisputable. The commission was instructed to find Oswald as the long gunman, and that’s what they did. That lie has been hiding in plain sight my entire life.
There’s no point in pointing fingers at the obvious culprits because the entirety of the establishment is complicit in the coverup. As are the mystery pushers. So it doesn’t really matter anyway without political reforms. I will however point out that JFK fired the CIA director and then LBJ hired him to investigate the assassination. What else do you need to know? That’s an absolute betrayal of an honest investigation. They intended to protect the conspiracy that killed our president. The mission of the commission was a coverup. It’s totally obvious to anybody who looks at the evidence. Failure of the conspiracy was not an option.
They’re all in on it. Case closed.
The History Channel has released an eight part documentary. I’m watching it now. It seems a very respectful tribute, so I applaud their efforts, despite the mystery pushing self-censorship. The History Channel also featured the JFK assassination in an episode of the Great Mystery’s show in early ‘23. That show chases conspiracy theories down implausible rabbit-holes. Every theory in that show could be easily debunked with an honest counterpoint. But no. The common theme in all of the corporate establishment conspiracy theory mystery shows is that the CIA didn’t do it. You can’t prove it, they say, so the truth remains a mystery. Which is a lie. It’s totally provable.
They always dismiss the CIA / Mafia connections. And the history of the CIA overthrowing democracies and running drugs. Oh, look, Jack Ruby was working with Mafia, just like the CIA was, and he was also good friends with the Dallas police. Better not connect that dot. Or how about Oswald being radicalized on the right and the left at the same time? He was obviously a double agent working both sides, which are actually the same side. The evidence goes on an on like that. The Warren Commission covered up that information and the government continues the coverup now. We don’t really need any more evidence. There’s plenty of evidence available now that proves the assassination was a conspiracy and the official investigation was a coverup.
All the bad guys were playing kissy face with Castro behind JFK’s back. The Bay of Pigs was lost intentionally to provide a base for the Hole in the Wall Gang. The CIA overthrew dozens of countries and yet we are to believe they just couldn’t take out the Beard. Wrong. The deep state runs both sides of our conflicts, that size. Connect the damn dots.
Corporate America has milked the JFK assassination for over a half century now. Despite the simple pieces of the puzzle that point directly to the inevitable conclusion, they just don’t know. It so obvious it goes without saying. Hundreds of hours of details and opinionated probabilities are shared for commercial profits. It’s a great mystery because the most important evidence is always withheld, or dismissed, to keep it that way. The establishment produces corporate propaganda to normalize their mystery, and disguise the truth. The truth is the mystery is intentional because to conclude the Warren Commission was lying proves the establishment is complicit in the assassination coverup. Which is undeniable because the coverup continues to this day. Despite the records release act from thirty years ago, the records are still classified. There wouldn’t be a coverup if they didn’t have something to hide. They do. It’s called complicity, and the coverup proves their guilt.
The establishment, sixty years later, is hell bent on clinging to the Warren Commission coverup. The Looking Glass is a montage of relevant moments that unravel the mystery. The video contains what I consider to be some of the most important facts to know about the JFK assassination. It serves as a counterpoint to the typical corporate coverup, as they cling to their mystery. They need the mystery to shield their complicity and to maintain the facade that your apathy is really a sign of your faith, in them, and that they are doing the right thing, for you. It’s all about trust, they say.
If the establishment concluded that the CIA killed JFK, that would mean the conspiracy succeeded and would be ongoing. Which it is. Our present would be the result of our past. Which it is. It’s one giant generational crime perpetrated against the next, like the filibuster, or crypto-currency, or our pyramid scheme economy. Our democracy was overthrown, like so many other democracies, by the CIA. The establishment wants you to think that the CIA is inherently working on behalf of America, which is preposterous. Our government works for them. America is supposed to stand for democracy, not privatized globalist relationships that profit from extraction and inflation.
Slavery and forced servitude are the root political struggles of humanity. That’s what divides us ideologically and economically. The opposing sides of that conflict are defined in many ways and to different degrees. The institutional divisions are public vs private, Main Street vs Wall Street. Democracy versus every other theory of government that there is. To personify the struggle between good guys and bad guys, consider JFK and Lincoln were both good guys. They were assassinated because they opposed slavery and advocated for democracy and representative government. Our presidents were murdered for promoting ethical justice and honest democracy. And an ethical distriution of wealth. The bad guys are against that. They have killed our presidents to maintain power. These assassinations are ideological crimes against the public, to profit the bad guys. It’s important to understand the distinction because the struggle is ongoing.
The video opens with JFK asking the most important question, about the direction that we will go as a nation. Will it be towards slavery or freedom? JFK pointed out the direction the world would take regarding slavery, would depend in large part to what we did here, in the United States. Which at the time was the most powerful nation on earth. Six decades later the result is in. “We” might still be, but we went in the direction of more slavery. Our president was killed and we have been at war, for sixty years, making enemies and racking up debt. It’s not rocket science. That money could have been spent on education and health.
We have a war economy that takes money from the public to profit those investing in war. They control our government. Violence is how they resolve their political conflicts. Democracy is the only threat to the authoritarian conspiracy vying for total control over the public to perpetuate their scam.
The establishment hates democracy.
Eisenhower, in his farewell address warned us about the military industrial complex. That complex now controls our government. They must control our government in order to continue profiting from war. As repugnant as war is to most people, the industry has been thriving forever. The struggle for humanity depends on understanding the difference between profiting from conflict and profiting from health. There is an alternative to the current paradigm.
War would not be affordable without the federal reserve and the unlimited credit the establishment has to leverage on themselves, to do what they want for profits. At this point the public debt is beyond any ethical rationalization. Private interests have been robbing the public interest for generations. The crime has been normalized now, bankrupting nations to create billionaires. Now we have a hierarchy of money controlling our government to protect and defend that system of looting the public for private profits. That’s not a democracy. That’s a scam, intended to control public policy, economically, rather than democratically.
It’s a global conspiracy based on corporate extraction of public wealth that divides the population economically and therefore, ideologically. Those concepts are synergistic. Those who have the wealth are not for government. They don’t like the idea. They are the private interests competing against the public interest. Those who don’t have excessive wealth prefer a government. They are the public interest competing against private interests. That’s why the middle class is so important to civility. That’s why inequality is a bad thing. That’s why some people are against education for others.
The government should mediate between public and private interests to create a middle class, but they don’t. They serve the private interests almost exclusively, in the form of institutionalized corporate collusion. Public assistance is just another way to extract money for investors. Every dime of welfare the government gives to those they deprive of jobs, gets consumed and trickles up to the owners of industry. Which is still not enough profit for them. So the government subsidizes corporations directly for even more profits, using bonds, bailouts, taxes, and inflation. Oh, and judicial dereliction. They all profit from the market fluctuations and quantitative grifting scams. And statistically, that probably includes you. And me, too. Hey, wuda ya guna do?
We are all the establishment now.
With the JFK inauguration, the torch had been passed to a new generation of Americans. Unfortunately, three years later the loser generation assassinated JFK and took the torch back. They decided to kill him for it and keep it as their own. And they have been using it ever since, for generations, to help light the way towards more war profiteering and a more profitable slavery. They used that metaphorical torch, which is our government, to enact policies profiting their own private interests. Which is ultimately a pyramid scheme based on you investing in their scam. You can invest in their pyramid scheme.
That’s how the “system” “works”.
The opening tune in the video, Accusations, was written, performed and produced by me in 1998. The video opens with a montage of the presidents who were complicit in the overthrow of our government. They killed our president and then took us to war, foerevermore. They’ve been doing that, over and over, ever since, getting rich from more and more public debt. They normalized a war economy.
Then, as they spent our money, we supposedly voted for them again and again, while they outsourced or jobs and plunged us into massive debt. They have borrowed so much money for their profits, that we have to pay them now, a trillion dollars a year, to service our debt, to them. Or is it that their profits? It depends on how you look at it. I see an extraction scam by economic vampires sucking a trillion taxpayer dollars a year, from the public’s neck.
They have quite literally bought our land and economy using money that they leveraged on the public’s credit card. Now we buy from them at inflated prices.
The entire system is an outright scam. It’s an absolute robbery of our treasury by a privatized global conspiracy that controls our government and prevents our democracy and therefore our sovereignty. Instead of a representative government we have a corporate/criminal conspiracy protected and defended by a fraudulent consensus that favors the privileged snobbery of our newfound internet app culture.
The misguided majority.
All administrations in my lifetime have been complicit in the looting of the treasury. And global treachery. I assumed that I was benefiting from that somehow but I don’t assume that anymore. The betrayal of our nation is becoming too hard to hide. You can only over-leverage your profits for so long. Sooner or later some generation will crash hard. It’s inevitable. And some will pass along untold riches of royalty to their heirs.
The Torch
In the grand arch of history the injustice remains the same. At least on this topic. There has been a conspiracy in charge of our government since the JFK assassination. The following decades of corrupted governance by a criminal conspiracy culminated in the 911 attacks, which was followed by endless war for war-profiteering and increased government debt, as well as more authority to control their enemies, foreign and domestic. Whatever it takes to rack up the debt. That’s what they did, for profit. That’s what they still do. They want war and they instigate it for a living. It’s what they do.
The Video starts with Sarah McClendon. She deserves an award for calling BS on the nonsense back in the day. She helps define president Herbert Skywalker as being the big cheese intelligence director guy. Ford goes on to inform us he sent Bush to China. The point is to establish Daddy Bush as the poster boy for the conspiracy that killed JFK, otherwise known as the CIA. Bush was the absolute benefactor of the assassination. 
Note the similarity to the classified documents trial now against Trump, to the allegation of stolen classified documents by Bush, as seen in the video. It mirrors the notion of “privatized intelligence records for Bush. There was no consequences for the shredding and stealing of classified materials about CIA activities back then. There never was and there’s not now any accountability for the overly rogue agency who remains above the law, and our presidents.
They, the CIA, will be the main villain in this story. They are the architects of the anti-democratic scam. The establishment defers to them on all matters. It doesn’t matter what you call the antidemocratic conspiracy that has declared ownership of our production. They’re all in on it. They are the monster.
The monster in this story is the global establishment. I’m sure they’re all great people individually. But institutionally, they are the bad guys in the story simply by doing their jobs in service to the monster. Which is the system itself. It’s the result of the system that matters. The monster hates democracy. The conspiracy of self interest rules and deregulations from them, back then, has evolved into a massive inequitable mess for the public, now. Corruption and bribery rule the day. That’s the way the bad guys want it. That’s the way it is. That’s the way it’s been for at least sixty-some years now. The establishment intends to keep it this way for their nepotistic privileges and so that their prodigy can celebrate them as the forefathers of our democratic deconstruction. Without democracy, they will be the new forefathers.
The corporate royalty. They are the political opposition. They are the status quo. They resist democratic reforms to protect and defend their scam. The transition to a more representative government is not a mystery, it’s a secret. Reform is not what the establishment wants and they control the narrative. So, you never hear about it. The current trend has the voters electing to end our democracy, they say. Who needs democracy when you have so much money?
The democrats will continue to resist democracy but the republicans want to dismantle it completely. They don’t need it. They both stole the public’s money and now they want to shut down its democracy. It’s been a multi-generational theft so it makes it hard to see it happening, until it’s too late. That’s where we are now. The public is ready to concede our experiment in self-governance has failed, they say. The irony is that’s not what we have. So the narrative is a fraud. It’s being written by frauds. That’s why I’m compelled to share this counterpoint.
As I write this, the establishment is increasingly at war with civility. The conflict-based economy creates its own enemies to justify its own relevance, for authority and profit. The corporate narrative serves the monster. It is the monster. The corporate media is the appendage of the monster that provides the false narrative that is in need of correction with a more truthful and logical counterpoint. Without funding that notion remains nearly impossible. Funding favors the scam.
Our high court is politically motivated and mired in corruption now. The establishment never makes that connection. The corruption in the court is bribery to the bench for constitutional misinterpretations, to kill our democracy. It’s like the detective focusing on the payments to the hitman and ignoring those who got shot. There’s evidence of unearned wealth here, the detective alleges, totally missing the real crime. The detective, being congress here, is also on the take. The authorities are guilty so the resulting mystery is not surprising. Official denials and coverups cause conspiracy theories.
The congress is derelict in correcting the court and the court is derelict in correcting congress. It doesn’t matter what party controls the White House the executive can practice the royal authority of the unitary executive theory on behalf of them all. The establishment remains happy to see all three branches of government violating constitutional intention to protect and defend their pyramid scheme.
It’s making them a ton of money. Millionaires and billionaires profit from public debt. They pay our corrupted government to keep it that way. The government is derelict in taxing massive profits properly, to reconcile the massive public debt. I contend that their debt based profiteering “system” was made possible by the JFK assassination. That’s why it remains a mystery, to them, when it’s not.
To be continued.

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