Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

The Corporate Establishment

Bernie is taking on the “Establishment”, that includes both parties and the pundits who talk about them, and the billionaires who employ them. They control the government and use it to harvest the public for money through an exploitive system of taxation, credit, speculation, and bailouts. Public debt renders the extractions less painful, for now.
Our economy needs to be repaired legislatively to provide fairness and reduce inequality. That is the political revolution and the establishment is resisting the public’s efforts towards that goal.
This video shows the disconnect between the establishment and the public. There’s an admission by Ezra that the working class people are not represented, and that Bernie just wants the Democratic Party to step up and do their jobs for the people that elect them.
The idea that the African American community prefers Biden to Sanders is ridiculous. Or that Sanders must somehow “work” for their support. What does that mean? It can only be one thing. Money. Bring us money. The establishment is a bipartisan hierarchy of money. It doesn’t matter what color you are or what your race is. What matters is how much money you have.
Those in the African American community that do not want Bernie’s political revolution are the establishment. Those without enough money are more likely to support an economic correction.
Lawrence asks the hidden question, Is the democratic nomination determined by the public or the party? And then Steve ignores the question by accusing Bernie of keeping the establishment out of his camp? What? Like the establishment just wants to join Bernie’s movement but Bernie won’t let them. That’s crazy talk.
Bernie can’t lead the Democratic Party unless he takes it over, Ezra. Conforming to the corporate establishment is not a political revolution.
The democrats monopolize the path to public office. Join them and they will help you. That is just like a church and begs the church versus state debate. The distinction is philosophical and comes down to citizenship versus relationship. The state facilitates democracy through citizenship. Democracy is not possible in a system based on relationships, and that’s what political parties are, relationships.
A quick note about Biden and the Ukraine corruption story. If Trump didn’t have the dirt on Biden he wouldn’t have tried to coerce the announcement of an investigation. That alone assumes that Biden is guilty of the corruption he has been accused of. That not only makes Joe a vulnerable candidate, it normalizes political corruption like the impeachment fiasco normalized abuse of presidential power.
The Democratic Establishment doesn’t care. Most of them will probably welcome the corruption because they will be the beneficiaries of the new normal, where they can practice the art of the deal privately, with corporations, without concern for the public, or consequence, and secretly vote for Trump.

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