Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

Political Hero #1

Jerry Brown gets the first Public Voter Award for Political Hero.

Before Bernie Sanders started his political revolution there was Jerry Brown. Jerry also tried to “wake people up” but Bill Clinton, representing the establishment, took the day. The corporations kept deregulating and the rest is history. It’s good to know your history.

It was before the internet. Toll free 800 numbers were cutting edge. It was an era of proud apathy for most of the public. Jerry gave it a hell of a try but not as many people paid attention back then.
For those who are paying attention now, here’s Jerry Brown speaking truth to power in 1992, running against Clinton, Bush & Quayle.
Jerry was the king of the stump speech and he should have become our president. Imagine how different things would be now if that election would have went to Jerry Brown and towards a government working for everybody instead of special interests. 
Bernie Sanders represents another chance for the public to do the right thing and vote for the good guy. I hope they don’t blow it.

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