Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

Deep State Q-laid

I consider Qanon the cutting edge tension in our overly-sensationalized and adrenalized, hyper-partisan society. Is that a compliment?
How can a group of crazy conspiracists become so popular?
I have included a couple of full length news segments in this video without edit to show the extent of the corporate production values used to promote this right wing lunatic fringe movement, as news.
This topic proves the ringmaster of our national circus is money.
Massive grassroots industries of conspiracy were motivated for truth about the JFK and 911 conspiracies, but were blacklisted as persona-non-grata by corporate media. Comparatively, news about Qanon and their crazy allegations are in constant broadcast rotation. Their marketshare is rising faster than rock star stocks at a taxpayer bailout party.
The synergy and collusion of corporate sponsorship of Qanon is self-evident, yet its purpose is still murky and confusing, for some.
To help understand the deep state conspiracy, consider that the government has been overthrown by a coalition of special interest groups, foreign and domestic, called the deep state..
Qanon works for them. The loyalty is to the deep state. If Q calls it the Cabal. Q serves the Cabal.

I don’t believe the Q narrative to be true.
Covert intentions manipulate our corridors of power and public policy for deep state self interest. That’s the problem. A political solution is an overt plan of democratic action to correct the problem.

Political problem versus political solution.
There are at least two sides doing battle for control of our divided government. There is the corrupt on one side and the confused on the other, imo.
The corrupt have been recruiting the confused for a very long time. The balance is heavily skewed now because money is plentiful. The corrupt have monopolized our government and the confused are rewarded to concede their resistance, which they do, to the republicans.

Better confused than corrupt is what a good democrat would say.
Both parties have neglected the truth in service to the deep state.
Funny how conspiracy theories are partisan. The left blames the right and the right blames the left and together they just never seem to figure out how to find the truth.
We’ll never know, they say.
So move along. Nothing to see here.
Then you hear a nonpartisan murmur that reminds you, “it was the deep state”. Oh yes, that’s right. It was the deep state, right?
Check your perimeter before proceeding;
The deep state killed JFK. The story goes.
Once your group kills the president of the most powerful nation on earth, you don’t sit back and say, oh, glad that’s over with. No way, every decision you make from then on must be to serve the overthrow and protect the conspiracy.
Failure of democracy would be success for the conspiracy.
If the deep state controlled the government, what would they do? I’m sure it would be the same as what was done, and what is still being done.
Our government shipped our jobs overseas, imported foreign labor, and created massive inequality. They started an endless war economy for investor profits and maximized our public debt. 
What else would you do?
They hired an army of propaganda professionals to preach the lone gunman theory and the magic bullet theory on prime time, while demonizing counterpoints of testimony and logic, as conspiracy theory for decades.
The official theory is a ridiculous theory that collapses quickly with an honest look. Willful ignorance and official denial provide a thin veil of doubt for those who prefer to remain unsure.
Our economy has been captured, and it is being extracted by the deep state. The deep state is the monolithic conspiracy that JFK warned about. They have an army of flag-less mercenaries loyal to their paychecks ready to deploy as necessary, to sow chaos at home and abroad, wherever it might be needed.
The deep state is a globalized coalition of corrupt corporations and privatized fascist power. They control the government and extract wealth from the public. They prevent democratic reforms and representative government.
But business is good in crazy town. Take a deep breath before you put your head down this rabbit hole. I just got back. I had to come up for air. I saw enough to know I saw enough. I get it.

Sorry to say, but I have concluded that this Q thing is the craziest bunch of psycho stink you could ever smell.

If thoughts had aroma, this stuff would be putrid.
The Q “conspiracy” is an insult to conspiracy. Q is a tactic to discredit conspiracy, and make a mockery of truth seeking. It’s a scam.
Q: Why is this conspiracy so popular?
A: Qanon in a way, is like the modern day equivalent of the old Enquirer magazine. They discredit information by association. If they publish something, you know it’s not true. Which is deceptive, but fun.

You can discredit an article about corruption by surrounding it with UFO articles, which you might have done, or do, if you were corrupt and owned a newspaper.
The “unofficial” JFK assassination investigations were discredited for decades, as conspiracy, published next to stories about alien abductions and Elvis sightings, and a little boy with bat ears.
Back then, the news hour shows would tease assassination stories for maximum commercial impact. We would wait for an hour and then they would run a thirty second blurb of irrelevant drama at the end of the show.
Whatever the info was it could always be dismissed with the wave of an official hand. Or willful ignorance was popular and effective back then too, as it is now.
The same tactics are still used to discredit “theories” that diverge from the official “version” of political crimes. This way “officials” don’t have to be accountable for their complicity, wether it be by guilt or ignorance, as they grandfather in their inherited cover-up stories, as implausible as they might be.
The status quo defends the official theories, even if untrue.
Conspiracies become theories when the official investigation is inadequate. This would naturally happen if officials were guilty of the underlying crime, or protecting their own complicity by obstructing investigations to prevent justice.

Conspiracies happen. Obstruction causes theories.
Demonizing conspiracy is an obstruction tactic to rubber stamp an establishment sanctioned cover-up.
Without a reliable consensus system, the only dissenting voice the public has is by marching in the streets, to protest the decisions of those they have elected to represent them.
Eventually the public concedes in protest fatigue. They become unrepresented and victimized by those they vote for, those who create the policy that increases the inequality and injustice. The public is then compelled to protest again and again.
By my understanding, Q is not protesting anything. Together with their mainstream brethren in the propaganda industry, they actually demonize conspiracy and minimize the importance of the truth. They are not about to protest the conflict-based economy, they are here to protect it.
Q is the opposite of their claims.
Straw man conspiracy theories are concocted to be easily refuted in order to discredit other conspiracies by association.

False equivalency
An example would be discrediting birtherism, with an argument, and then casually throw the truth movement into your imaginary ‘defeated’ pile without debate.

Presumptuous and arrogant tool comes to mind. I don’t want to be too judgmental but conspiracy theories are not created equal and should not be treated as such by credible people.

The tv people use the same tactics routinely, to pretend they have debunked an unofficial conspiracy theory, when they haven’t.
Another bad tactic is blaming the news consumers for their lack of faith in an official theory as being a personal flaw. What a totally twisted self-serving logic. As if there’s no conspiracy simply because we need there to be one, for peace of mind, they say, while ignoring the questions that might lead to the truth and the metaphorical smoking gun in their hand.
Notice how Farheed gains “official” credibility by discrediting the obviously fictional beliefs of Qanon. Now you can trust him when he starts lying to you on his conspiracy show. That’d be propaganda. 95% proof, I mean truth. He says, “look over here”, at the straw-man and everybody does.
The crazy straw man conspiracy theories are easily debunked to give pundits credibility, to convince you that they don’t work for the conspirators, while testifying to the validity of their “official” theories.
Deceptive propaganda distracts you from the main point and from coming to the right conclusion. You will agree with everything presented and then assume the conclusion must also be correct, when it’s not.

The propaganda is designed to persuade you to act against your own best interest. For example, the guilty arresting a patsy to take the blame. You consider the case closed, though the convicted was “framed”.
Those who hide evidence that would lead to the truth are also guilty or complicit of the underlying crime. History shows the motive for obstruction of justice is to hide guilt, which will become a conspiracy theory if it is the authority that obstructs the investigation.
Authority does not deserve the benefit of the doubt, anymore. That’s how we got to the point of Qanon and conspiracy trivialization. That’s how Qanon is an authority, or not, depending what you believe.
Now, in the Q narrative, we are to believe, or not, that a spook with high level security clearance is leaking clues to his “followers”.

We are to believe that this is a deep state mole and betrayal conspiracy narrative, as opposed to Q being a tool in a deep state operation, serving its partisan purposes, as usual.
The deep state can’t stop the Q? I’m so sure. Not credible. This is a deep state conspiracy synergistically promoted through the media to normalize the lunacy on our path to the national demise.

Qanon followers seek the truth, supposedly, yet somehow they can’t seem to find it. So, they’ll just believe a bunch of idiotic nonsense, supposedly. They are an intellectual nuisance to the truth and yet still get a free ride on the cable news propaganda train, like some kind of elitist hobos of disinformation, spreading their seeds of deception to grow among the gullible masses.
I don’t need any more proof to know that they are an un-organic movement with an ulterior motive, which is to discredit the truth.

They pretend to be non-partisan but they are republicans in service to the ideological division and the economic injustice.
The main fallacy of the Q narrative, by pundits left and right, is to suggest that Trump is a rouge populist and not the continuation of previous republican administration agendas, which he is, and so is Qanon. The continuity of the division has been relentless.

The resistance has been irrelevant.
A lot of people believe Q, apparently, despite the blatant lies and ridiculous predictions. They believe, not because the lies are plausible but, as an act of faith, in allegiance against their common adversaries.
Choose your slur here.
The enemy is simplistically labeled as socialists, leftists, democrats, and the like, by their leader, our president, and branded as child molesters by his unfiltered followers, the deep state shills pretending to be non-partisan patriots.
Qanon is institutionalized Academentia, magnified to cartoonish absurdity in an attempt to normalize the mockery of the truth, and to diminish its significance in our society.
Qanon is not seeking the truth. They are seeking those who know the truth. The truth is Qanon are mercenary spies in a socially subsidized honey pot operation, commissioned by the deep state to prevent the so-called socialists from influencing policy.
Antifa is Q’s mercenary enemy in this narrative. Antifa is simply a different department in the same haunted house of spooks and spies, concocted for battle, like political parties, but designated nonpartisan to comply with the Hatch act.
The alleged ideological enemies are preparing to convene for violence, for the cameras. Like actors on a little set, they assemble to escalate the conflict for broadcast. That’s what they’re paid to do, perform the violence for the narrative.
You start to see how this conflict is being concocted, by nurturing the divisions of idiotic ideologies and investing in conflict in order to perpetuate the privileged industries of an obsolete economy.
This economy is designed for conflict and extraction.
The public will fight because our economy is designed to profit investors when we do. Our public policy is controlled by investors who profit from conflict and debt. The more we fight the more we spend. The more we spend the more they make.
Conflict causes inequality.
The workers and the fighters bust their ass. We spend our hard earned money on fighting each other so investors can profit from our blood and toil. It’s an extraction scam that should be corrected.
That is the conflict-based economy.
The Q-laid crew are here to oppose those who oppose conflict-based profits. The conflict-based economy feeds on the violence for growth, so violence will be provoked, for profits, by the professionals, like Q.
The people of the world are emerging from the dark ages due to the digital revolution. We can now see globally and historically and do it instantly, if we want. If one cares to look, it’s easy to see how messed up the people of this planet have been, and still are.
We need a democratic upgrade. This place is so frantically antidemocratic, we don’t even have the software yet, for consensus, let alone the need to upgrade it.
Think about it.
Now is the time to utilize technology for democracy instead of extraction. Now is the time to redesign our economy to provide the citizenry with universal guarantees worthy of a modern day democratic republic. Now is the time.
Liberation is more affordable than oppression, for the taxpayers.
And for the conflict mongering Q-balls out there.
The JFK assassination was investigated by the guy that JFK had just fired. What else do you need to know? The truth is out there if anybody cares to look, most don’t.
There’s a fine line between a trump supporter and a Q-laid drinker. After you drink the Q-laid the truth can only be a quest, it’s never a conclusion. That way you can believe anything you want and fit right in with Qanon, as long as you have faith in their plan.
Their truth is still pending…
Here’s some clue drops for all you Q-tards out there. The enemy is a what, not a who. It doesn’t matter who the enemy is. The result is the same and so is the remedy. The enemy is corruption and the remedy is democracy. Your quest is to understand that in order to put the truth into context, just in case you find some.
We need a government to correct the corruption, not protect it.
Resistance to a better democracy is corruption. 
The political challenge the public faces, to save its democracy, is not in the streets. It’s in the plan. And the apportionment act is a political plan that can create a democracy for the public, at long last.
To create a democracy or not, is the question that should be on the table. That’s the choice. Rounding up leftists to fulfill an apocalyptic authoritarian zombie fantasy is not on the table, though duly noted as your preference.
Q is against democracy.
Marching around against a bunch of conspiracy crap is a marketing ploy. It’s not a protest at all. They incite violence at protests. That’s what Q is doing, tainting peaceful protests so they can be reported as violent.
Q is obviously a corporate product, like the tea-tards, but with cooler graphics and a more sensationalistic grievance. It’s all the same, just a little more crazy and dangerous to keep up with the narrative.
Qanon mocks protest. Qanon mocks the truth.
The true Qanon motive goes unchallenged on corporate news. As if they are just the next cutting edge of free market cynicism to be monetized. They are the commercially acceptable anarchists of conspiracy, come to help officials demonize the unofficial truth as crazy, meaningless, and irrelevant. News at 11. They’ll tell you all about it.
It is being reported that Amazon is supposedly “inadvertently” providing featured status to their Q book. And then Twitter bans Q accounts in a publicity stunt to further promote their artificially inflated numbers, and “message”. The privileged presence exposes their allegiance and subservience to their corporate “deep state” overlords.
The deep state corporate media news pundits will be keeping us overly-informed about the groups antics and recruitment strategies moving forward, I’m sure. We’ll be seeing a lot more of them. Because they are the same, even if they don’t understand how.
Q is a deep state ploy. It is not an organic movement of like-minded people attempting to do something constructive. It is the institutional farming of angry pawns who are mad at the government, and rightly so, and the cable news narrative which is written to profit from conflict.
The plan seems to be working.
I am not going to dignify the Q theories with further comment, except to say some of it is professionally thoughtful entertainment, as all good fiction is. I consumed enough to know it is not a quest for the truth or a battle with the deep state from within the deep state.
Q is a nefarious deep state plot.
Amazon and Wall Street are the global deep state. They are the economy created for investors to maximize the extraction of workers. It is a deep state economic design based on exploitation and taxpayer extraction, for some, to create wealth for others.
That is the conflict-based economy. It needs to change.
Q represents Top Secret America run amuck. They are what president Eisenhower warned us about, speaking of the military industrial complex. They are a vast network of contractors paid to prevent exactly what they are. They are a mercenary organization that undermines truth, justice, and democracy, and the rule of law, and apple pie too, probably. They should be recognized for what they are, servants of fascism, and undeniably dangerous to democracy and the rule of law.
I’m not done with Q. Their meteoric rise to infamy is just beginning. I saw report of a scuffle at a protest and the camera zooms in on this super cool sniper Q logo on the back of some guys jacket. I saw the clue and for moment I almost felt like I was part of the team, how fun!
Except it’s not.
Q represents the commercialization of the coming lawlessness. Qanon is the normalization of the banana republic syndrome where hooligans are here to help enforce law and order, but provoke violence, for money, pretending to be patriots, if you know what I mean.
If you seek the truth to better understand current events and the divisions increasing in our society consider the following;
The struggle of humanity is toward either an organization by corruption or representation by democracy.
We should assume that corruption has infiltrated nearly every aspect of our government. It is our normal. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there.
The public is adversely influenced by propaganda, as well, that normalizes our current socioeconomic scam as being acceptable, when it’s not. It never was.
The system itself is designed for the dark ages, or at best the Cold War. It’s totally out of date with protests increasing as fast as the inequality, with the homeless population about to explode.
Anyway, consider China and Russia, are trending very undemocratic, as are we, especially the republicans. We need to reverse that trend here for ourselves before we can preach democracy abroad.
The democrats are the only hope of resistance to the globalist authoritarian trend. They are clearly the lesser of two evils so given that’s the only choice, the choice is simple.
If we educate democrats to advocate for a new apportionment act to update our democracy for a more representative government,  eventually democrats can succeed, maybe even with bipartisan support.
Currently the republicans are shamelessly allied economically with the adversaries of democracy. They are the opposition. They have no allegiance to democracy, at all. At least not now.
Consider the democrats have split allegiances, as do we all. But we don’t make public policy. We should expect all democrats to better understand the struggle of humanity and the importance of democracy, and vote accordingly. We should expect they would all prefer to cede some legislative percentage to a larger delegation than to see democracy neutered by an imperial authority.
The era of the “moderate” democrats should be ended, imo. Democrats need to step up and acknowledge that money is representation and representatives should be apportioned accordingly. It’s the least they can do, for adequate reform.
As the understanding of the plan to reform democracy spreads the democrats will grow along with expectations that will eventually manifest as legislation and an economically representative government.
And a final thought about the video post. I must thank Van Helsing, for the images and sound. They are one of my favorite moods for the horror story of our forgotten history, as reported, past and present.



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