Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

Democracy Withers

We’ve come a long way through a slog of empty rhetoric to get to the brink of democratic failure. From Herbert Walker’s “a thousand points of light” to “let them eat light” or something like that, I heard Biden saying last night, as he accepted the nomination to challenge the incumbent madman, currently sprouting authoritarian roots in the White House.
Biden’s performance was near perfect but his promises rang a bit insincere, to my ears. That’s because I’ve heard it all before.
The duopoly shovel their slogans of hope and compassion out every election cycle and the public policies just keep getting worse and worse, for the public, even if the democrats win, I’ve noticed. I consider them a complete lapdog resistance at best. The democrats are accomplices in our unequal economy and complicit in our current social instability, to some degree or another.
The democrats just had their convention to nominate Joe. There was no live audience due to the virus so it was a little weird. It’s as if democracy has already been defeated and the resistance has been relegated to their basements, coordinating a series of infomercials to deliver their propaganda promises to the wind.
Still, it was a pretty slick production and very nicely done. Obama was keeping it real and Nancy was larger than life. She wears her place with grace in our history, like no other, imo, despite the empty rhetoric. Bernie nailed it as usual. Nobody tells it like it is better than him. It was a good cast and they all did well, imo, considering the circumstances. I enjoyed the show and generally like the democrats. 
Now to the critique.
For context, don’t forget conspiracy is a hot topic. Qanon gets promoted on the news, daily, nearly every hour. They were discussing today how Trump would not denounce the group, as if they’re organic and autonomous. I also saw a number of examples of discrediting truth by associating it with lies, which I wrote about in the Q-Laid post.
It’s all a conspiracy and they’re all in on it.
I’m not going down that rabbit hole right now, but I will say what everybody thinks is our normal economy can be argued is actually a massive conspiracy. That is indeed what I have been arguing here for some time. There’s an open invitation in the forum to anybody who thinks they can argue this economy is not an ongoing conspiracy.
I noticed Obama mentioned conspiracies when he asked last night “what’s the point?” He then unloaded a healthy dose of what he calls the point. The point, he said, is that people get scammed by the rich because they don’t vote, correctly.
Parse that for a second and what you find is the ex president trying to absolve himself of the responsibility of the mess we’re now in. His comments imply that this downward trajectory towards a government functioning as an adversarial wealth extraction scam has nothing to do with him. It is the public’s fault, and not his. Wrong!
First of all, Obama attempts to demonize conspiracy theories, while missing the point that the democracy he is telling us to save is threatened by an adversary that is itself an ongoing conspiracy to destroy our democracy, from within. Hello?
Donald Trump is an inside job. That’s the point. The adversary is a conspiracy.
The Trump administration is an ongoing conspiracy to dismantle our government and cripple our democratic potential, while handing out borrowed money and waving the flag for votes.
And that’s a conspiracy, not a democracy.
The democrats could have built a national voting system in 2009 to protect our democracy, but no, they bailed out their bad investments instead. They chose to save their own looted booty rather than provide the public with an adequate electoral infrastructure. They could have done both, but they didn’t.
The truth is the public put Obama in charge for two terms and he served those he was elected to protect us from. The continuity of debt and extraction has been a bipartisan scam for decades. Obama was an accomplice in the conspiracy and he now has the audacity to blame the voters, who voted for him.
So the point is not that the public doesn’t vote correctly. The point is those who are elected betray their voters, for money, routinely. When Obama was elected the democrats controlled the entire government and they governed like republicans.
So don’t blame the voters, blame the democrats for not stepping up and doing what needed to be done when they had the chance to do it.. Betraying your constituency is another form of election fraud.
The Obama admin was a Wall Street Trojan horse.
Obama and the democrats bailed out the scammers, against public opinion, and didn’t bring the change the country desperately needed, so the public voted for the other guy, the supposed outsider. Anybody but the status quo, won.
We voted for the Wall Street Trump horse, so they say.
Now, ironically, The democrats are back with another Wall Street horse, to save us from the other Wall Street horse. Our election is a Wall Street horse race.
This is what happens when you vote for the lesser of two evils. Eventually the vote goes so low and the choice gets so evil that we are now supposedly voting on whether or not we want to vote anymore. That’s your choice, they say, democracy or not.
When the election is understood to be about democracy itself, as in, a vote for Trump is a vote against democracy, voting for the democrats is not a choice. When one of two choices is to forfeit your choice, you have no choice. That’s a conspiracy to deprive the public of democracy, and it’s working.
So the point Mr. Obama, is you can’t say that there’s no point in seeking the truth about conspiracies and then describe the government as a massive conspiracy working against the voters. The contradiction is self evident. Checkmate, sir.
Voters are right to be cynical.
Obama literally admits the government functions as an extraction scam, which is the truth, but then blames the voters, which is a lie. So his bias and deceptive intent should be acknowledged, along with his most excellent oratory skills, bravo. I loved the bit about the constitution.
Credit where credit is due, but notice he calls the scam a skew. The system is merely skewed, he says. It’s not a scam. It’s all nice and legal like, ya see. This is not a conspiracy. This skewering is normal. It’s by democratic design, because of your apathy.
So what’s the point? He says.
The question is do we want to live in a militaristic security state where the leaders lie to the people and dictate policy by decree, where soldiers with bad attitudes look for public problems to solve, problems that look like you, or someone you love.
The dems are promising the usual platitudes disguised as political solutions. When we’re talking about losing our democracy, all other issues should take a back seat. If by some chance the democrats ever control the government again I wouldn’t expect any meaningful democratic reforms. It’s not what they do. The dems reconcile republican excesses. That’s what they do.
I don’t want to get all hyperbolic here but I won’t be surprised at whatever happens during this election, and after. If you believe those who lost the last presidential election, the democrats, it sounds like they’re prepared to concede as necessary moving forward. Our democracy had a good run, they’ll say.
A battle of platitudes.
Joe Biden promises to build back better because Make America Great Again isn’t working out, apparently, for the democrats, even though their stocks are poised for a big Trump bump if Biden loses. Their conflict of interest is self evident. The party loyalists who professionally preach left wing gospel will prosper more if the right wingers win, which proves the fallacy of the current political spectrum.
That’s why I wasn’t surprised to see Joe reach his conciliatory rhetoric across the aisle and promise to work with the monsters threatening our democracy. He’s already promising to look forward and let the healing begin, as democrats always do after taking the White House.
Joey’s kissy face rhetoric shows the scammed do not have adequate representation. The democrats deprive the public of an honest and accurate representation based on the most important metric, money.
Democrats deny the reality that money is representation and that the economic pendulum has swung so far to the right in the last fifty years that the only acceptable response is a complete rejection of the policies that got us here.
The democrats need to take an ideological stand of corrective action. The simple fact that Biden didn’t have a piece of corrective legislation in his hand, endorsed by lawmakers and ready to debate in congress, is enough proof for me to know that democratic reforms are not a priority, for them.
If money is representation, and it is, the democrats have nothing to fear. It’s the uninvested taxpayers that pay the toll around here. They don’t have enough money to influence lawmakers to correct their never ending recession.
That’s why we need the apportionment act for a democratic upgrade. If we want to save our democracy, and we do, we need a government that reflects the current population and their economic diversity. Neither party does that. The lesser of two adversaries is stilll an adversary.

And that’s a conspiracy, not a democracy.



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