Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

The Trump Insurrection

Censorship YouTube


So it turns out YouTube has censored my video. They will not allow false claims of election fraud, they say, even though that’s not what this is. Censoring political speech is a violation of free speech. That’s what they’re doing. Their actions demonstrate the fallacy of our current ‘system’ that allows for private companies to dictate what is acceptable and permittable political speech.

Censorship YouTube

I’ve been forced to find an alternative hosting site for the Trump Insurrection video. The deep state wants to consolidate unconventional thought to a honeypot website, I guess. Whatever. Their ability to censor political opinions is due to the government neglecting to provide an equivalent service to citizens for political debate and consensus.

Youtube is a byproduct of our anti-government government.

Even though Youtube accused me of promoting the big lie and removed my video, I am innocent of the charge, as anybody who watches the video would understand. The video criticizes the big lie. It doesn’t promote it. The truth filters just aren’t sophisticated enough to tell the difference, because they’re robots, or political hacks, just doing their jobs. Either way, at least I can still post video. I look forward to critiquing the behemoths in an upcoming post. They are key characters in the ongoing narrative of our descent into the national demise.
The Trump Insurrection

The verdict in the senate trial against the ex-president for inciting the violence at the capital has just been rendered.

And the verdict is, Not Guilty.
Our overly-rogue and obviously guilty ex-president who co-conspired the premeditated assault on our capital has walked away from any legal accountability, thanks to partisan loyalty and antiquated law.
What a system. Best there is, they say.
There’s no political censure for inciting your supporters into a lawless rampage against the government now, apparently. As long as it’s cool with the republican senators. You can find most of them hiding behind a straw-man argument based on a misinterpreted law.
The minority turtle admitted the ex-president was guilty but still voted to acquit. His duplicity shows just how militant the partisan allegiance has become. Only victory matters now, to them.
Party over truth. Party over justice.
With this vote, the republicans have politically detached themselves from reality, and from any concern for the truth, ideology, or purpose, other than victory. Their only obstacle to victory is democracy.
This insurrection will predictably provoke more violence.
Most of us have an instinctive desire for justice, which can be exploited strategically for profits. The mercenaries who attacked our capital want violence. They expect retaliation and they will succeed. We will retaliate with publicly funded violence to profit investors, instead of having the hearings necessary to combat the antidemocratic movement.
The insurrection on the capital will be the plot point where the violence begins to turn inward toward the public, to profit the establishment. The domestic conflict will be normalized moving forward, as a necessary evil, and it will grow in service to itself, as all institutions do.
In the video you’ll see the FBI guy calling out the different groups as if being in a group is a crime. Wrong! The crime is what defines the crime, not the group. That’s how he can lump the thought crimes in with the violent acts of extremism and pretend they’re the same. The lack of electoral faith is not a crime, yet. Some act like it is.
McCabe should be explaining the failed response from his agency to protect and defend the congress. Notice in the video as he lists the different groups that they’re really all the same group and then he adds Qanon, to give license to investigating thought crimes, so authorities can police what you believe, for our safety.
Persecution of thought crimes causes violent extremism. It’s a self-serving authoritarian strategy of enemy creation to justify the funding of institutional supremacy, for themselves.
The opposing sides in the coming conflict are those that want the conflict and those that don’t. Those that want it will impose it on those that don’t, as usual.
This fight is democracy versus supremacy and those that occupy our government are divided, and lean towards supremacy, I suspect.
It’s hard to resist when provoked into violence, but that is the correct response. The conflict-based economy needs conflict. Try not to fight back if you are provoked. They want you to fight.
The confederates have attacked the capital.
Those that planned the assault on the capital knew that they could not overturn the election. That cover story is crazy talk. The mission was to validate the escalation of institutional conflict, under the guise of securing our safety and security. The Trump insurrection was a marketing strategy for miltarism and supremacy.
Those that served the intellectual architects of this diabolical plot, are naturally loyalists to our security state economy. Our economy currently favors them, yet they always need another raise for inflation. Such is our intentionally flawed economic design.
Quick Lesson: Inflation and taxation are offset for investors. The uninvested dollar devalues from inflation, proving the “system” is designed to overcompensate those who “invest” in it, comparatively.
Supremacy as ideology.
When people can confess to being so stupid as to believe the “theories” promoted by Qanon, and be moved to vigilante justice to right some fictional wrong, we have a problem. We need to prevent that kind of dangerous stupidity for our collective safety. Society is responsible.
Funding education is the answer,  not censorship.
The big question as the senate trial starts is; Is a senate trial of an ex-president constitutional? Yes, of course it is. The law limits the penalty, that’s it. I’m not going to get into that and they shouldn’t have either.
First of all, the senate can do anything it needs. They certainly could have subpoenaed Trump and forced him to testify, or make him plead the fifth. They could have put him in an oversized dog cage with a torture queen and a waterboard and let the lawyers sort it out later. Like republicans do when they want answers. But we don’t, because we already know the score.
No testimony is necessary.
Both sides declare victory. As the leader of the anti-government movement, Trump, wears his impeachment as a badge of honor, so do those that impeached him, ironically. Everybody wins.
But the conspirator walks on partisan loyalty. Sad.
If prosecutors were serious, Trump would be forced to ask Biden for a pardon, and wouldn’t that be awkward? We’ll just let him walk away without further fuss, the senators say. I can predict what’s next.
Joe Biden is in the White House and his cabinet members are being confirmed. That’s the good news, I guess. Biden has been hammering out executive orders like hotcakes to right the wrongs of the recently defeated right wing wanker. He won’t be missed at my house.
Hooray for Joe!
Even though I have plenty of criticism to share about executive orders and cabinet picks, I’ll save all that for later. I am thrilled that Trump was a one-termer. For now, that’s good enough for me. I wish the democrats luck. Most of the world is counting on them, so they had better measure twice and cut once it they want to get this right.
Divide and Conquer
The bad news is Biden’s calls for unity will fail. The intention of team Trump has always been division. The new confederates, led by ex-president golden-hair, would overturn the results of the civil war if they could. They would legalize slavery in a heartbeat given half the chance. So they must be resisted. The distinction must be understood.
Confederates maximize inequality by design, as a rule. The problem is there are a lot of confederates in the Union. They have been working behind the scenes to achieve total control of our government.
Confederates control the government to maximize their profits and minimize their taxes. The Union prefers democracy and prosperity with peace. Joe Biden is walking the tightrope of unity between the opposing forces, as leaders must often do. The stakes are so high. The expectations are low. All things considered, Joe is doing a good job balancing the act, imo, so far. These are delicate times.
A nation so divided, that the transition of power becomes a violent spectacle, is a nation with a failed democracy. The logical political remedy is to reduce division by legislating towards unity. But that will be difficult. Some people are for unity and others are against it. Those who are against unity support domination and supremacy, even if they don’t understand how, the result is the same.
The success or failure of democracy is measured in increasing or decreasing inequality. Increasing inequality is an indicator of democratic failure. Equality is a measure of its success. That’s how democracy works. Those who are against democracy see it the other way, winning is what matters, to them.
Those who invaded the capital are not protesting division or inequality. They are protesting unity. They are protesting against democracy and the possibility that the government might provide equality to others, for a change, diminishing their rightful supremacy, or perception of it.
Unity is communism, they say.
Protesting unity is a strategy by those that sow division. They are the political opposition. They support supremacy. They would rather fund the conflict than be defunded by the results of an honest democracy.
Public Voter is an honest democracy advocate.
The establishment is antidemocratic by nature. The right wing insurrectionists are also antidemocratic, making them  strange bedfellows, allied against democracy. Neither should be trusted and both should be corrected, democratically.
It is being suggested that this fight is primarily white supremacy against black lives matter. We just need to change our attitudes not fix our democracy. If we could just believe we’re all in this together there’d be no problem, they’ll say. The economy is working fine.
Supremacy vs Democracy.
There is a conspiracy against our democracy by an undemocratic cabal of special interest groups, believe it or not. Their goal is not to protect and defend democracy, it is to protect and defend the scam from democracy. Legal or not, that’s a conspiracy, and like it or not, it will lead to violence.
The coming conflict is an orchestrated campaign of mercenaries, contracted to recruit an opposition, to justify increasing domestic terror budgets, for institutional prosperity. The inevitable result is increasing inequality and conflict. The alternative is a democratic upgrade.
The racial division and disparity is institutional and systemic to be sure, but the political solutions necessary to remedy our social dysfunctions should not be confined to race. Political solutions should be universal and considered holistically to end poverty and reduce inequality, imo.
Storming the Capital
To put the Jan 6th insurrection into perspective keep in mind this entire narrative has been scripted, more or less, for years, or may as well have been. It’s a predictable plot line that will be easily regurgitated on cable news shows and in our history books as caused by bad decisions and honest mistakes, when in reality it was all by design.
The cover story goes something like this;
Violence erupted when antigovernment forces loyal to the defeated president attacked the capital with little resistance. Thousands of angry protestors fueled by unsubstantiated conspiracy theories of election fraud, tried to prevent the transition of power.
What they won’t get into so much, is the complicity of all the authorities that would have been necessary to pull this off. Intelligence failed to connect with enforcement, who mostly stood down as protestors violated the capital. Those who ignored the warnings must testify Immediately. Hearings about all of that and more are still necessary, sooner than later.
Put it on the docket.
The irony of Trump invoking the insurrection act last summer against protestors, but not invoking it for an attack on the capital, by militants, is duly noted. It proves he is a divider and a privateer. He is not a public servant.
The capital hill invasion reveals that our government is undeniably divided. Part of our government has attacked the other and they want you to know. Consider it a warning, like the first attack on the trade tower. 
We ignore antidemocratic division at our own peril.
The anti-government rhetoric preached by the hypocrites in government, has manifest into a violent attack against our capital. It was an attack against our democracy, under the banner of saving it, for Trump. Which is ridiculous.
The division is a self-evident conspiracy.
The collusion between the authorities and the invaders is inescapable as seen by the VIP treatment given to the Shaman and his delegation of fanatical q-balls. There was a prayer to capitalism from the podium staged for strategic informational operations, as noted by the adult supervision in the room, who was trying to be respectful, for public relations, as he said, as seen in the video. Check it out.
This Insurrection was a conspiracy without doubt. The prayer from the senate chair was rehearsed and performed without resistance and after the performers concluded their prayer session they were quietly escorted to safety, to revel in the success of their mission.
Then the Shaman speculates his access was divinity. Hello! That’s not divinity. That’s a conspiracy. The capital siege is starting to look like a stand-down betrayal on the scale of a domestic Benghazi, but much bigger.
Censor Conspiracy
I can imagine the tightrope being walked by authorities to avoid a premeditated conspiracy scenario involving themselves, despite this being exactly that. The authorities will deny this was a conspiracy involving themselves or their political superiors. They’ll allege this event was perpetrated by a few bad actors who spontaneously ignited the other protestors into a lawless mob. Who could have seen this coming? As if the instigators weren’t paid assets.
Anti-conspiracy rhetoric is a conspiracy, imo.  Our electoral system is clearly flawed and that’s a conspiracy of self-interest failure by design, at the least.
A lot of people think that this election was rigged. True or not, the results should be verifiable. Fifty million or more by some reporting still believe Trump was robbed and that this election was plagued with fraud. It was rigged, they say.
What is the response to their grievance?
Censorship. Rather than fix our democracy for the future, the establishment has instead decided to define the belief in election fraud as a conspiracy, like white supremacy and that’s a crime.
You can be targeted now and professionally persecuted like a radical extremist for your dangerous beliefs if you theorize election fraud as a conspiracy, so don’t, is the message.
Domestic spying as a jobs program.
People are losing faith in our fraudulent democracy. That could be a problem for the establishment. Unless of course those same people also believe that the establishment is full of devil worshipping cannibals who ceremoniously sacrifice children.
Nobody really believes that but it gives the establishment justification to dismiss any other belief by association. If you think the election was a fraud then you must be crazy or stupid like those Qanon people. Anything they believe is wrong, and they will believe anything, so everything they believe can be dismissed, in bulk.
See how that works? It is demonization by association.
Qanon is a deep state strategy to justify domestic conflict. It could be that the entire Q-Trump movement was a honeypot op to lure the loonies out of their angry holes, for persecution, to profit the conflict-based economy for generations to come.
The Art of the Deal was betrayal.
Even if the movement wasn’t a conspiracy with duplicitous intent, the result is the same because that’s what happened. Except for the loyal informants, all of those angry patriots can now be targeted by authorities in the coming conflict against domestic extremism. They’re likely coming for you.
Put that in your Q-pipe and smoke it.
To counter allegations of election fraud the establishment has decided to play the censorship card. Which is exactly the wrong thing to do, as usual. We need an educational campaign for the public to establish truth and reconciliation to prevent further conflict.
Censorship is dangerous.
The harmony amongst the professional punditry demonizing and homogenizing conspiracy, is definitely a conspiracy. Some will call it group think or lack of imagination, but it is a simplistic bias trying to normalize the abnormal. We live in such an obvious and ongoing conspiracy, reported as normal, despite the indicators to the contrary. Denial of it is complicit in it, conspiracy that is.
The cognitive dissonance is self-evident.
Increasing inequality legislatively is a conspiracy. It is the definition of conspiracy. Just because the victims of the scam don’t understand the scam doesn’t mean it’s not a scam. A legal scam is still a conspiracy.
Check the debt clock for unfunded liabilities. The conclusion is self-evident, for all to see. It shows the results of our ongoing conspiracy, economically, is unreconcilable.
History is a chronology of conspiracy. People conspire against others all the time. It’s what they do. It’s who they are and why we have government, to help prevent conspiracies, yet our government legislates conspiracy into law.
Our economy is so blatantly rigged for some and against others it is itself a conspiracy. Many don’t mention because they’re too busy making so much money from it. Most people can’t even afford to be in it. Investors think the system of intergenerational monopolization of profit extraction from others, is normal. They’re just harvesting economic growth from the future, they’ll say. They’re not picking fruits and vegetables though, they’re picking your pockets. It’s a scam that will fail, for most people.
Our economy is a conspiracy.
The cultural campaign against conspiracy theories has begun. We don’t want to find the truth or change our economy for the better, to be more inclusive for everybody. We instead supposedly prefer to outlaw an undefined dissent for persecution by an institutional authority.
The real conspiracies will remain normalized as the establishment gears up to do battle with those that doubt them.
A better democracy is actively being resisted by a conspiracy. That conspiracy needs to be recognized and acknowledged as an antidemocratic adversary to be defeated with legislative correction. That’s not a theory. That’s a political strategy.
Advocating for a better democracy is not hate speech, nor is the non-violent presentation of political grievances, to state the obvious.
An organized democratic obstruction is undeniable.
The foundation of all political theory and advocation is the truth. The truth is the essential building block on which all philosophy is built. The truth is required for credible beliefs and opinions. When somebody discounts the truth, or obstructs it for some reason, it’s because they are most likely lying. We are past the benefit of the doubt.
Demonization via Association.
All crimes are conspiracy theories. If you believe anything in the big bag of homogenized conspiracy you will be targeted now as dangerous, is the message, thanks to the crazies in Qanon, and that’s a crime.
The truth is conspiracy theorists are truth seekers. When they are labeled dangerous by the establishment it’s because the truth is dangerous to the establishment.
That’s where Q comes in, to discredit the truth.
There is a demonization by association campaign occurring that attempts to identify all conspiracy theory as a problem. Outrageous conspiracy theories are dangerous and contagious like white supremacy and racism, they’ll say, and need to be stopped.
All of your favorite pundits agree. Anti-government beliefs are conspiracy theories that are unfounded and dangerous, but yet our hyper-partisan government is dividing, militarily now, as demonstrated in the conspiracy to storm the capital building.
We see now the purpose of Qanon was not only a plot to discredit the truth, these loyalists were nurtured with conspiratorial beliefs so repugnant as to justify the censorship of all conspiracy.
You crazy conspiracy theorists have gone too far this time, with your Qanon invasion of the capital, they’ll say. It’s now an umbrella term that covers any and all unsanctioned beliefs.
Qanon has put themselves on the map as an opposition with a name. They are the new target. They have landed into a battlefield. They and their contracted brethren will rationalize, for all of us, militarizing the homeland to do battle against them, or us, or whatever. That’s what they want. Who’s on whose side? it almost doesn’t matter. It’s the battle that matters. That’s what they want and they’re ready to fight for it.
And that’s a conspiracy.
I’ve been listening to the pundits pontificate and nobody seems to notice or mention the obvious, that an invasion of our capital is a declaration of war, on us, by us. That’s what this insurrection is, at the least. This was the opening salvo in an undeclared war. It is an act of war but it was also a public relations notification from the enemy that we are at war now, like it or not.
The war has been started. The hidden flag has been planted and it will continue to wave now, to some extent, in the back of our minds, at least, between attacks, as the war is slowly escalated and normalized.
Battle for hearts and minds.
The attack on our capital was a symbolic declaration by a secret but organized effort determined to subvert our democracy. It was also an appeal for allegiance to recruit those who recognize our democracy has failed to represent them, which are many.
They hope you don’t notice that it was them that made our government fail in the first place. They continue to make it fail and their mission is to ensure that it continues to fail, for the public.
Private interests succeed when public interests fail.
The government wants you to believe that there is an organic uprising against them. They will claim the movement is racist and idealistic and must be suppressed. Empty promises of “order” by those  secretly behind the chaos will be applauded. Is usually how it goes.
This is the conflict-based economy.
The goal is political and economic domination, by and for those who have successfully mined the future for money. They will militarize our geography for conflict, ostensibly to keep us safe, while fomenting more conflict for money.
That’s how the economy “works”.
This recent invasion on our capital represents the start of the second civil war, imo. The South is rising again. This time the confederates are global and they have their fangs deeply embedded into our economy and society. They are on the offensive and the Union is in trouble.
Our economic system breathes in and out in crude but predictable spasmodic cycles, like a giant hyperventilating monster inhaling wealth from the public and exhaling prosperity into private interests around the world.
We are all in this together now, united in service to the scam, for better or worse we are a giant machine. Benefactors and victims alike, we have mutated with the monster. We are indistinguishable from it, so it’s difficult to see. 
Global corporations control our government. Our government provides excess profits to them for campaign contributions. It is a quid pro quo that is unethical and undemocratic. It is the definition of corruption and should be illegal.
Corporations have no good reason to protest. Those who stormed the capital were not protesting the monster, or corporate rule of our government, or shareholder welfare or anything like that.
Protesting for Supremacy
The irony of those storming the capital claiming to have a grievance with globalism or communism, or the like, is beyond ridiculous. They serve the monster, whether they know it or not. Their allegiance is bought and paid for by those who are against democracy, or they would protest for democracy.
As the front door of the capital building is about to be breached, you’ll notice a protestor there with a sign that says, “Communism is the real enemy”.  It’s the only sign seen near the front line at the time. Ironically the protestor is defining for history the underlying conflict of our time. It is the struggle that never ends.
Capitalism vs. Democracy
It is capitalism itself that just stormed the capital and violated our democracy. War has come to us in the form of the ex-presidents chameleon-like minions and the authority hidden in the ranks of our security state, that pull his puppet strings. This is a war by capitalism and its allies to prevent a more democratic economy, and they’re just getting warmed up.
The markets surged on the violence and chaos.
The protestor at the door with the anti-communism sign is actually protesting democracy. He just won’t admit it, or doesn’t know better, which is a typical strategy of their entire deceptive movement that is emerging against democracy. They call democracy communism.
The political solution the public seeks is democracy. It’s not a new person, it’s a new system. Those who stormed the capital are against that new system. They’ll say their ideology is anything and everything that might recruit others to their cause, but their actual purpose is to protect and defend the conflict-based economy, as personified by their current cult leader, Donald Trump..
Trump called the media fake news while they broadcast hours of uncensored and uninterrupted coverage of him and his lies. He was the main fakery of the fake news. If by fake we mean lying.
There is no valid cause cited by him or his mob. They don’t want a minimum wage or a health-care system, or even fair elections. They want Trump to be their president, that’s it. And now that he has lost, apparently, it makes them so angry they’re going to travel to DC, eat dinner at the Olive Garden, and spend the night at a Holiday Inn.
After a good nights sleep, they’ll have breakfast and get ready to be incited into violating the capital building to “stop the steal” as planned by their leaders, the co-conspirators of the insurrection. They believed they could save our democracy by overturning our election results.
That’s what we get for undervaluing an educated electorate.
Trump can call election fraud all he wants but if he doesn’t offer any viable solutions for democracy he is undoubtedly being disingenuous. His efforts, thus far, promoting voter suppression, should not be mistaken for democratic advocation. His intention is clear.
He spent nearly an hour complaining about the rigged elections to his fans but cited no solutions. He doesn’t want to fix our electoral system, he just wants it to confirm that he won. Trump is against an honest democracy. So are his followers.
The only way to preserve the conflict-based economy is to prevent an honest democracy. That is the intention of this insurrection and the conspirators that conspired to storm the capital. They intend to control the violence and chaos, professionally, for profit. They will saturate the economy with violence paid for with public debt for institutional self-preservation and perpetual relevance.
Military rule is democratic failure.
The result of occupying ourselves for self-defense will be horribly undemocratic at best. It’s a terrible decision in a long sequence of bad decisions so undemocratic and blatantly incorrect they should be considered suspect for ulterior motives and corrected accordingly.
I heard the pentagon called the insurrection a first amendment protest and that they resisted requests for back-up when the capital hill police were overrun. They are still on Trump’s side as far as anyone knows, at least “idealistically” if not professionally. It’s a very dangerous and volatile situation for the public if loyalty to the chain of command fractures and commanders are betrayed by the “opposition” within the ranks.
There have been reports of sensitivity training for misguided ideologues in the military. They will try to root out right wing extremism and pray their hate away, or something like that. Good luck.
Censorship is democratic failure.
Turns out the Qanon conspiracy was not only a premeditated plot concocted to rationalize and justify censorship, it also serves as justification for institutional retaliation supported with your taxes.
As previously mentioned, the Qanon narrative is being used to associate right wing extremism and violent racism with truth-seeking and conspiracy “theorists”. That could be anybody and sooner or later it will be everybody. It is an economic strategy for supremacy based on conflict and debt.
It’s against the law for the government to censor speech so they let the monster do it for them. They privatized the technology to let the first amendment be ignored. Instead of protecting speech and providing a forum to establish the truth, the government will provide liability waivers to social media companies who will legally censor speech, for the government. Oh, that’s not a conspiracy.
It doesn’t matter how bad things get, censorship is never the better political solution. Who made that decision? Our cultural royalty as determined by the so-called free-market now gets to decide who can speak and what is the truth?
And that’s not a conspiracy?
Internet companies can now supposedly ban the president of the United States from speaking on their platforms? And that’s not a problem for you? As if that precedent isn’t undemocratic and totally un-American. I’m not a fan of those who are banned, but that is just wrong.
Censorship violates the first amendment which is proof that large communication companies are incompatible with the law and deserve to be dismantled and regulated, or totally nationalized. That would be the right thing to do.
Unfortunately, the government prevents a citizen’s network for the public because they are controlled by private interests who profit from investing in your utility bills and the like. The people in government could decide to make the government more democratic with an awesome electoral infrastructure for voters, but they don’t.
That’s where Public Voter comes in.
If there was a concrete plan to organize our society to benefit everybody more democratically, along with the appropriate amount of political pressure, then maybe the government would, eventually, start funding the citizens network for a better consensus system.
I’ll get back to that later.
Anyway, insurrection day seemed scripted to me. It started with an objection to the ceremonial counting of state electors. As if a delay tactic would somehow overturn the election and the mob would be vindicated and joyous as Biden conceded defeat.
If only Pence would have been evil enough to object to the states electors, they thought, he could have legally nullified the election and stopped the transition. Really? Seems kinda far-fetched to me. How stupid are these people?
Note in the video, Pence cites the law that makes what they’re doing legal. The problem is the code he cites is not compatible with the constitution. Nobody cares to notice, so I won’t bother elaborating. It’s in the video.
Electors are Cronies
Why don’t we have an elector audit and see how many electors actually profit from the government? That’s the real scandal. The government contracts itself out, pretending to be small, and grants its political allies a fortune for allegiance with all kinds of profit, adjusted for inflation. And then they vote for each other.
Electors are party loyalists for a reason.
The problem with those in government is they can have a tendency to misinterpret the law to the detriment of the public. The problem with those in the media is they don’t report those misinterpretations to the public in context.
Federal objections to state electors is one example of the law being incompatible with the constitution. The pardon power of an impeached president is another, or the ability to filibuster by secret agreement. The misinterpretations are intentional because violation is such a strong word. But that’s what’s happening.
After Trump tweeted to go home, the protestors went home. The congress went back into session and finished their business and we all lived happily ever after, except of course for those who didn’t, unfortunately, my condolences to them.
It looks like a new enemy has been born to fuel the conflict-based economy for generations to come. This time it is domestic, thanks to the Trump Insurrection.
The FBI must be salivating at their newfound mission. They are ramping up like the stock market, as predicted, to combat the enemy, their political opposition, under the banner of keeping us safe. Their extremist informants will be busy recruiting. Keep that in mind when they ask you to sign up.




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