Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

The National Demise

The national demise is an ongoing descent towards a new economic depression. Some want it, some don’t. It’s a political choice.

How bad the depression gets will be measured by the amount of inequality that there is, which is a political choice.

The national demise is self-evident considering the amount of public wealth, political power, and government function, that has been transferred to private ownership over the last few decades.

The national demise can be remedied with a democratic upgrade for a more representative government. The challenge is to educate the electorate so they will participate in the process before it’s too late.

If we want to stop the national demise, and we do, we should consider there is an adversarial power privatizing our government and acting against the public interest, just in case.

The antidemocratic trend of the last fifty years has now been solidified and normalized. Our ironic and deceptive socioeconomic design is a sinister brew of Orwellian Machiavellian betrayal with an unsettling pinch of the Twilight Zone. It’s a constant failure reconciled by more failure.

Success is now measured by investment profits for some, increasing in value by forcing others to work more for less. The global economy prospers on increasing inequality and division. That’s what destroyed the American middle class and our democratic potential.

The system of tax extraction, globalism, and corporate welfare, continue to divide the public economically.

Wall Street versus Main Street.

Wall Street is a system of money making money for investors. It is an industry, not the economy. Main Street is a system of people working for money to buy what they need, from other workers. That is an economy. The government taxes Main Street workers to bailout Wall Street investors. That’s because the system of money making money doesn’t work without taxing workers to pay for it. And those in government are heavily invested. That’s why Wall Street wins and why inequality is increasing.

Considering the government can print all the money it wants for whatever it might need, rewarding private capital with excessive gains with taxpayer bailouts is a political crime. As is subsidizing corporations for campaign contributions. Our socioeconomic design needs to change.

Inequality and social division are intentional policies that will inevitably result in conflict, perpetuating more debt, inequality, and division. If you don’t think so, you are likely the beneficiary of the division and the defendant in the political choice. The grievance is not yours.

Our economic system is best described as a conflict-based economy. It depends on increasing inequality and conflict for economic growth, as opposed to the alternative economic system, the health-based economy, which would provide prosperity from consumer demand for health services.

A health-based economy is the logical outcome of a representative government that is democratically elected. A conflict-based economy is used by those who deprive their political opposition of democracy, and necessary services such as health and education.

American democracy is under attack like never before and the few democracy advocates left are increasingly confused, outnumbered, and ineffective. The need for a new strategy to achieve democracy is self-evident considering the national demise.

Artificial prosperity enabled by public debt disguises the failure of our current system. The system is protected and defended by those it benefits. Those who profit from the extraction scam are not failing. They profit from the system failing others, so the fail continues.

There is a willful public ignorance towards democracy. As if apathy will spite the antidemocratic forces who control their public policy.

Many believe that the system is rigged so they don’t participate, which ironically validates their cynical beliefs by empowering our political opposition.

Our democracy is disappearing due to apathy and prosperity. We’ve got too much money to care. The implication is democracy is not that important, especially for the prosperous. There’s no reason to be concerned about democratic decay and the national demise when wealth is abundant for the majority of voters, I guess.

It doesn’t seem to matter our prosperity is from a credit card, or speculation and extraction. Or that the graph of our private wealth curve matches that of our public debt curve.

Prosperity is being extracted from the public by a government mandated stock market/tax extraction scam, that taxes wealth from those who work and transfers it to those who don’t.

The scam isn’t profitable enough so it is subsidized and leveraged with public debt. This helps to disguise the tax extraction scam for what it is, a scam.

A few decades back, The United States transitioned from the largest creditor nation on the planet, exporting more finished goods than any other nation, to the largest debtor nation. We are now importing more finished goods than any other nation because “we” outsourced our manufacturing jobs to other countries for cheaper labor. This ongoing trade deficit is partially responsible for the national debt and must be corrected.

The public is in debt because our government chooses to borrow money from those it should be taxing, enriching private interests today with money extracted from the tax-paying public of the future.

We borrow money to sustain a war we can’t afford, that was started based on lies, and has resulted in our ‘homeland’ now needing to be militarized.

We continue to militarize the middle east while we ignore the war at our southern border, choosing to incarcerate refugees rather than defending democracy.

We borrow money to bailout a corrupt global financial system, and to subsidize a stock market with public debt for private prosperity.

We borrow money from global capital markets to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure which results in the private and foreign ownership of our country and political system.

We borrow money because current policy prevents the government from financing itself properly. All the while the public is told we can’t afford to invest in the basic necessities of a civilized society.

The increasing inequality of health, wealth, and education, is creating dangerous levels of division. The increasing militarism, privatization, and public debt, are all indicators of the national demise.

Nationalism, it seems, has surrendered to privatization and globalism. Until the national government becomes more representative, local concerns such as health and homelessness cannot be resolved.

Is the national demise the result of random acts of greed? Or, is it an orchestrated attack on our democracy?

Many people continue to profit from the national demise so they will be reluctant to endorse the necessary changes to stop the division.

The inability of the government to function properly is another indication of the national demise. Despite massive debt from borrowing money, the inequality and conflict keeps increasing. The government seems unable to provide the services necessary to promote the general welfare of the public, or to protect and defend the constitution.

To reverse the national demise it is first necessary to acknowledge that it is happening, and that the policies that are causing it need to be corrected.

My plan is to revitalize public participation in the democratic process to reverse the trend of democratic decay and public abandonment.

I believe democratic reform is the only viable solution. A new apportionment act is necessary to upgrade our democracy to be more inclusive.

Congressional representatives should be chosen from the same tax-brackets as the voters. This would provide a more representative representation motivated to increase everybody’s standard of living.

The number of representatives should also increase relative to the population. This will insure a proportional distribution of representation based on people’s income as well as their location.

The government can also turn debt into a profit center with a public profit banking system, if it wants. Ask yourself, why does the government pay interest to borrow money when it has the authority to tax or print all the money it needs?

When money can be created from nothing, and loaned for profit, to be invested for more profit, it is a function that should be generating revenue for the public, rather than make the uninvested public pay to bailout the fraudulent loans of private investors.

Big government is not a problem as long as it is representative.

Bipartisan efforts to blame government, by those that occupy it, has led to the national demise. This self serving propaganda that helps sustain the massive inequality, privatization, and globalization, causing the national demise, needs to be recognized for what it is, academentia.


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