Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

The Mission

Dear Contributor,

Our current socioeconomic paradigm is a hierarchy of money that controls public policy and prevents the corrections necessary for us to evolve as a society, towards unity. Intentionally dysfunctional “progress” is increasing, perpetually propelling us in the wrong direction.
Our divisions are promoted and embraced as normal, and even necessary, by those profiting from the national demise. Their self-interest bias is a conflict of interest that betrays the public and the common good. We need a better strategy to defend democracy.
Inequality and public abandonment are increasing. Legislative band-aids are doomed to fail, intentionally, as they always have.
Honest political solutions for the public are universally resisted or they would have been enacted a long time ago. Resistance against our democratic potential is self-evident.
I’m at a disadvantage when it comes to political participation because of the money chase, as are most of those in the public. I speak for them. I speak for those who don’t vote and don’t participate for whatever reason. They don’t even pay attention because they don’t want to waste their time. I speak for them. Most people are too busy or not smart enough to understand what’s possible and what’s at stake, but I do.
I started the public voter project a decade ago, because it was easy to see then that we were heading for a post-truth society, with democracy itself in danger of being abandoned and replaced with the hierarchy of money extracted from the public. Now, I will confidently claim that my truth is more accurate than yours, and my beliefs more ethical. Or, maybe we agree. I’m happy to concede to a more accurate truth if I see it, but I don’t. I’m still looking.
I will prefer to monologue the truth than debate biased liars and obedient shills bombarding one-liners around the social media forums, like youtube and twitter. The electronic economy is attempting to fabricate a faulty consensus that primarily serves the establishment, and themselves. It’s a biased anarchy, overpaid to sow doubt and chaos in service to corporate monopolies. They protect and defend the conflict-based economy.
I’m sure you’re all great people but quite likely politically ignorant or unethical and unworthy of the benefit of the doubt. That ship has sailed. Nothing personal. Most people are, apparently, by all indicators, wrong. The majority of us are against correcting our economy democratically, supposedly, by the current vote totals, if you can believe the count.
I think our democracy needs an upgrade. Most people disagree, they say. So if you are like most people, you’re wrong. I welcome your opinion in the forum. I especially welcome those who agree, but the truth is established by debating and correcting our opposing beliefs.
Truth seeking requires a counterpoint.
Our current socioeconomic design is a cult of personality. From the left to the right, everybody is looking for somebody to entertain them. The partisans are not looking for political solutions because they have been saturated with prosperity extracted from the future. Investors extract speculated growth from the public. The public remains broke.
Public Voter still believes a better world is possible, for everybody, once a few specific reforms, significant enough to be effective, can be enacted into law.
The most important public policy is the health of our democratic process so as to ensure it results in representative government, for the public.

Public Voter advocates recognizing that money is representation, and elected officials should reflect the public’s economic status, by law, with a new apportionment act.

Participation and consensus in our democracy should be as easy as liking something in your favorite social media program. Our national democracy upgrade is long overdue.

It is the inability of the public to participate in their democracy in a meaningful way that causes the conflict, ignorance, and apathy, that undermines our collective quality of life.

Democracy is the only path to a more healthy and educated society. It is our civic duty to protect and defend democracy, and the rule of ethical law, for future generations.

The current political process is antiquated and outdated. It favors party incumbents over representative government and is a primary cause of the national demise. We must update our democracy with a new apporitonment act that recognizes money is representation. We must support candidates that pledge allegiance to updating our democracy with a new apportionment act. Updating our democracy with anything less is disengenous and unworthy of support, imo. Any other choice is for the lesser of two-evils, at best.

The primary responsibility of those in government is to protect and defend the constitution, which is an outline of our democratic process. Therefore, first and foremost, it is the government’s responsibility to provide an adequate democratic process for the public to vote. That process should be as simple as society and technology can possibly provide and it should result in legislation that benefits the common good.

The issue of our time is the democratic process itself. Without a transition to a more representative government the conflict will increase and the social division will continue towards our national demise.

We need to update our democracy first and then move to address special interest legislative priorities as necessary, after we’ve ‘fixed’ the system.

The public voter mission is to educate voters about political solutions for the public, and to advocate for a better democratic process that will allow the public to participate in a more meaningful way, so as to result in public policy that better reflects the political will of the electorate.

Consider supporting Public Voter if you can, with either your participation or a donation, or both. If you pay more in taxes than you make in capital gains, you are at the right place. The forum will be open with polls and political discussion to challenge conventional thinking, very soon. Sign up now!

Thank you,

Carl Cooper
Public Voter



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