Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

Conflict-based Economy

A conflict-based economy refers to job creation resulting from conflict that nobody wants, excepting those that profit from conflict.

Conflict is a necessary evil to prevent more conflict, they say, paid for by the public, ostensibly to keep us safe. The public funds nearly every aspect of the security apparatus deemed necessary to keep us safe yet the violence and the debt keep escalating.

The conflict-based economy divides the public into a system that prospers some for persecuting others. The alternative, a health-based economy, would create an economy sustained by providing healthcare services to those that need them, and will work for them.

A conflict-based economy requires public debt because it has no free-market demand. A health-based economy is sustained by consumer demand for health services. People will work for the health making it a profitable, self-sustaining economy and not reliant on public debt, like the conflict-based economy.

The best way to correct the national demise is to understand and correct the polices that profit the institutions of the conflict-based economy. This form of economy depends on conflict increasing for prosperity, paid for with public debt. The resulting inequality creates more conflict that requires the need for more security causing more debt and the process repeats itself in a self-fulfilling spiral of increasing conflict and debt.

The conflict-based economy is not financially sustainable and ultimately betrays its intention of keeping us safe. The root cause of the national demise is the conflict-based economy.


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