Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

Public Profit Bank

Simply put, the reason the public is broke while billionaires are springing up like weeds is because the government borrows money from those it should be taxing and taxes those it should be helping. The government extracts tax revenues from hard working people and uses it to profit those it borrows money from. In the end the practice results in our government, our infrastructure, and our land & resources, all being sold to private interests using money extracted from the public.

At the heart of our conflict-based economy is a private profit banking system colluding with our government to maintain policies that cause conflict and inequality, and massive public debt. That’s the problem.

Comparatively, at the heart of a health-based economy there would be a public profit banking system working for the public. The difference being that the public-profit bankers would represent the public interest and generate revenue for the public instead of a private interest.

Imagine if the profits realized in the financial sector went to the public. Instead of the public being forced to bailout fraudulent and speculative investment scams. The public would profit from loaning money. This is a political decision that would provide the public with enough money for everything it might need and more.

Public profit banking is just common sense, despite what those profiting from the current system will tell you. The government has the constitutional authority to profit from loaning the money it creates, instead of paying interest to use other people’s money. That is the main distinction between a representative government and an organization of economic vampires.

A representative government would reduce taxes for the working class and balance the budget. It would stop paying interest on borrowed money and start making money by creating and loaning it for profit. This would allow for more public services and economic equality initiatives.

If the government must compete, negotiate, and contract goods and services on behalf of the public, in order to provide services to the public, then a public profit bank is the perfect solution.

Basic economics teaches us an economy consists of land, resources, and labor. Money is used as the method to exchange those things. Since money has become separated from a standard of value, such as gold, and can be created from thin air, as a for-profit private service, the economy has become corrupted.

The current system rewards making excessive private profits from public debt. That is the business model being practiced. It creates inequality, political instability, and threatens our national security so the practice should be ended.

Profits are now created simply through bad loans, inflation, and bailouts. This magical new economic growth from the fiat currency should profit the government directly as a revenue center, in my opinion, without the privatized middleman industry extracting all the profit for themselves.

The current practice is a scam, whose profits are compounded over time. We are essentially enslaving the unborn working class to a future of servitude to the beneficiaries of the current scam.

An endless supply of cheap and easy money has created an industry of money pushers. Telephone solicitors, spammers, bankers, etc.. anybody who can get somebody to borrow money can profit from the practice.

Because the public is on the hook to eventually bailout bad loans, even low interest loans can be very profitable for the money pushers.

Having borrowed as much money as it has, the government’s ability to fund its priorities is without doubt. The question is what should it afford, and can the government finance its priorities without the benevolence of private profit investors? The answer is yes, with money created by a public profit bank.

The federal government should be funded primarily by the profits from investing, loaning money, and issuing credit, and by the taxing of the same, not by taxing income from people’s labor, or even their purchases. Income tax and sales taxes should all be eliminated and the government should fund itself and profit the public like an investment bank profits its shareholders, from growth.

If the profits from money creation were used wisely, I believe there would be enough money for jobs, healthcare, education, and for public works programs. There would be no excessive public debt and there would be no interest payments on the money borrowed to fund the government. The government could be a profit center for the public.

Those creating the money would be better regulated and accountable to the public through the democratic process, instead of requiring bailouts for their overcompensated private-profit services.

Everyone could then enjoy the education and healthcare necessary for smart and healthy communities.


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