Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

Candidate’s Statement

Unofficial Candidate: Carl Cooper

Date: May, 2022

Jurisdiction Name: The United States

Office Name: The President

I’ve decided to run for president because I’ve determined that nobody else is honest enough to be trusted to represent the best interest of the United States, but me. And that’s the only office that matters anymore.

Our nation has become a hierarchy of counterfeited money that bribes the willing into an allegiance of betrayal against the public interest. The establishment is a coalition of the corrupt violating the constitution to prevent our democracy from achieving a representative government, that serves the public interest.

The establishment is in total denial of their anti-democratic complicity. They have made so much money from the scam that its normalcy is beyond question or consideration, by them.

The redirection of savings away from government retirement plans and into the private equity markets has divided the population economically, like never before. The government is beholden to the money that has been extracted from the public, by minority rule, to enrich the few, by fleecing the many.

Imagine if the public wealth grew the way private wealth did over the last fifty years. It was a political decision. The trillions of dollars of “growth” for the few, would have prevented the public debt, for the many. Social security payments would have then been able to provide a quality of life most people can only dream of.

Our economy has been designed, by the establishment, to overcompensate themselves and abandon the public. That’s why we have a guy buying Twitter, for himself, instead of a government that provides that same service as a utility, to the public, for free. Our socioeconomic design is a bunch of idiotic nonsense justified by the beneficiaries of the scam. It works great, for them. But it works against everybody else. The intention of our policy is defined by its result. It’s a consistent fail, for the public. That’s not a democracy.

Our democracy is dying while we borrow money to defend democracy in Ukraine, they say. The notion is preposterous. It always has been.

The struggle for representative government is failing, intentionally, because money is representation, not belief. Our political system is mainly based on beliefs despite being controlled by money. That’s the ruze. Our congressional delegations should reflect that fundamental truth, that money is representation, by distributing representatives according to the distribution of wealth. If 75% of citizens are poor, then 75% of the house of representatives should be chosen from the poor. This can be done with tax-bracket apportionment.

Instead of congressional districts being based on just geography and population, we need to consider wealth distribution in the apportionment equation. It’s the democratic thing to do.

It’s amazing how time flies when you get older. The public voter project began ten years ago, now, yet it seems like it wasn’t that long ago. In the ten years of being harassed and spied on, persecuted and hacked for my cynical rebuttal to this un-American crime against the public, not one person has bothered to challenge my assertions or world view. That’s because it doesn’t pay. There’s no incentive of monetary gain to motivate anybody into participating in a discussion about democracy, unless it supports the duopolistic status quo.

Which ironically proves the point of the public voter project. Money is representation. That’s what people seek. Where people live or believe is nearly irrelevant.

It’s all about the money, and it always has been. Everything else is a distraction to that political reality and it’s obvious, yet nobody will admit it. Because in the current system of counterfeiting, extraction, and feudalistic trickle down bribery scams, we are all forced into an unhealthy allegiance to the conflict-based economy and forced to compete in a race to the bottom. It’s not hard to understand the scam. It’s hard for the scammers to admit that it is a scam. Our socioeconomic system is a first come first served winner take all extraction scam and it has been for a very long time. Many of those who came before you won’t admit that it’s a scam because they are the beneficiaries of it. The public debt is equivalent to their private wealth and they want you to believe they earned it, when they didn’t. They depend on your ignorance and apathy to sustain their supremacy.

The consequences of our antidemocratic priorities are now clearly unsustainable, for the public. But there’s no economic incentive to motivate anybody to do anything about it. That’s why nothing good gets done. That’s why corruption is winning and democracy is dying.

My previous candidates statement remains the same.


Date: May, 2019

Jurisdiction Name: Congressional District 7

Office Name: U.S. Representative

I am running for congress to promote political solutions for the public, but I need your support. Please consider donating to the public voter project.

We as a people on this planet are at the crossroads towards a global authority. That authority will either be democratic, or not. If it is not democratic, it will likely be secret, where we should expect conflict and inequality to continue, as a way of life, for a very long time.

New and emerging technologies will be used to either emancipate humanity or enslave it, forevermore. That is the most important political question of this century and it’s being ignored by our professional political class.

Democracy is what keeps the public safe, not conflict. Technology should be used to further our democratic potential to prevent conflict, not further our potential for conflict and prevent democracy.

Our political choice is to either protect and defend the democratic intent found in our constitution, that guarantees us a representative government, of, by, and for the people, or abandon the idea, surrendering our democracy to a ruling class who will provide placebo-like elections that rubber-stamp shills who serve the interests of those who can afford to sponsor them.

The trend towards globalized private interest governance has resulted in increasing inequality and conflict. This is a strategy of our political opposition to control our public policy by undemocratic means. Our constitution defines these people as “enemies, foreign and domestic”. Their destructive policies should be acknowledged, challenged, and corrected.

It is our democracy itself that is now at stake. All other political efforts & issues are a distraction from that fact. If we fix our democracy first, the other appropriate and representative legislation will soon follow.

Political solutions should be legislated based on citizenship, not relationships, to prevent institutional favoritism and corruption.

The root cause of all political and social dysfunction is legislation crafted by representatives that do not share the same socioeconomic class as their constituents. This is what needs to change.

To update our democracy we need to pass a new apportionment act that apportions congressional delegations based on the population’s income, not just geography. Representation that considers the income of the electorate would be a far more representative democracy and result in policies that benefit the public interest.

It is the electoral process that needs to change in order to remedy our political dysfunction. We need politicians committed to the premise that money is representation, not them, in order to implement a system that results in policies that primarily serve the public.

I believe the only path to reviving our democracy is with a new apportionment act that considers the distribution of the population’s diverse income levels when apportioning congressional membership to the states.

Meaningful political reforms will remain impossible without updating the democratic process itself which is my intention and the mission statement of Public Voter. – Carl Cooper

My statement of candidacy remains essentially the same as it was when I ran for the 7th district seat in 2016. It is as follows:

Our democracy is under attack by a hierarchy of money, extracted from our treasury by private interests who now control our political system and public policy. The allegiance and obedience to that money is global, undemocratic, and threatens our national security.

Trillions of dollars have been borrowed and spent by our government only to create massive inequality and increasing militarism. I consider a failure of that magnitude to be intentional. Whether intentional or not, the result is the same and so is the remedy. We need to fix our democracy to prevent privatized national parties from monopolizing the path to public office.

I have outlined a path to better representation adhering to the democratic process found in the constitution. The following is a brief summary of the necessary steps towards achieving a government that represents the public;

(1) Congressional representatives should be apportioned to, and elected from, income tax-brackets, designated non-partisan, and vote online from their home states.

(2) The number of congressional representatives should increase relative to the population as allowed for in the Constitution.

(3) We must transition away from our conflict-based economy that creates jobs from conflict and public debt, to a health-based economy that creates jobs from consumer demand for healthcare.

(4) Create a public-profit bank to fund the government. Interest payments to the government for providing credit should reduce and eventually eliminate sales taxes and income-taxes on labor.

(5) We should utilize available technology to facilitate issue-based voting online for a better understanding of public consensus.

Please join the conversation and consider donating to our campaign. Peace and prosperity can only be achieved through greater democratic participation. More economic equality insures a more stable society, with permanent human rights and dignity for all.

Thank you,

Carl Cooper
Public Voter


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