Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

Fight Back

Since I last posted, Trump passed a big tax break for the rich, as expected, just like his presidential predecessors did. He cut taxes for those that make the most and abandoned those who make the least. How long’s that been going on?

The past few years were just wacko distractions from political solutions, so I thought it best not to clutter the site with all that sordid unprovable history.
It becomes futile to keep up the critique of the ongoing failures of our government. The scandals just keep coming and going, for our entertainment pleasure.
The Trump presidency has made our news programs his own reality TV show. He’s an agent of a foreign power dismantling our government and nobody can stop him. Or so the narrative goes.
I will note that Trump was just impeached. The democrats, finally reacting to an endless stream of lies and corruption, charged him with abuse of power and obstructing congress. It was a nice gesture but in the end it was a total failure.
Unfortunately, because the government is in a perpetual partisan divide, the result of the effort was the senate got to rubber stamp the president’s ability to abuse his power and obstruct congress. Great!
The house could have impeached him for anything. They had the votes. The hush money payments to a porn star would have been perfect. That way, if the dems failed, which was inevitable in the senate, the precedent would be that the president can get away with paying hush money to porn stars, but instead, the democrats charged abuse of power, knowing they wouldn’t get the votes to convict. So now, all of the sudden, the president has the power to do whatever he wants. Anything he wants, they say..
Is that well played by the speaker and her team of dems? I think not.
That’s intentional failure. America would have loved the porn star impeachment. The dems could have milked it through the election and the public would’ve been on the edge of their seats the entire time, lusting for more details, and then in their disgust, vote for anybody but him.
The Democrats are accusing him of being a Russian puppet, and he probably is. So they’re well within their right to stop funding the executive, entirely, until a new president is sworn in, but they don’t. Which makes them accomplices, imo.
It’s all a sad state of affairs and a distraction to the real political solutions we need, so we’ll save all that for another time.
The two party paradigm is the real problem. I just checked a box on the outside of my ballot envelope, indicating my allegiance to a party.
Declaring allegiance to a party or your vote doesn’t count? Anybody see the problem with that? Private organizations controlling the path to public office is not compatible with democracy.
Party politics is designed to divide the electorate and it has. Political parties are not even compatible with the constitution. They are part of the problem.
Therefore it seems inevitable that the most appropriate response is to begin a new organization based on the belief that money is representation, and push the democrats to do the right thing.
Your true political opposition will deprive you of money, and education, healthcare, and opportunity. They will likely prevent your prosperity and quite possibly kill you, incarcerate you, or even enslave you if they can get away with it.
Democrats and Republicans are not true political opponents of each other. They are in allegiance to the conflict based economy, which needs a victim to prosper. In this case, the victim that can vote is the uninvested taxpayer.
The true political spectrum, the relevant opposing forces in this case, are the uninvested taxpayers at one end of the spectrum, being exploited by investors who prosper from government bailouts at the other.
Billionaires are at the winning end of that political spectrum. They have all, intentionally or not, made their fortunes exploiting corrupt government policies, like taxpayer extraction scams and tax policy that favors private markets at the expense of taxpayers.
The public debt profits investors at the expense of the uninvested taxpayer. That’s why we have increasing inequality and public debt.
The obvious solution to this trend is to fund the social security insurance program, by taxing billionaires, and reduce reliance on the global profit schemes of Wall Street.
So that’s what I was thinking when I saw the opportunity to advertise in the Fight Back edition of the Stranger.
I thought yes, there’s enough time to revamp the website, but then it’s taken a week of trouble shooting and technical problems, that I won’t get into.
So the site will be a work in progress for a while either way. It won’t be ready the day my ad runs in the Stranger, so I thought I’d just make mention here in the blog, that if you can understand what I’m saying and agree, to some extent, Public Voter is looking for progressive writers and others of like mind who might have talents they would like to share here on this website, for a good cause.
If you are interested in joining Public Voter, post a note in the forum or send me a message. Income-based representation is the only solution that will save our democracy. Get in on it.
It’s important to recognize and counterpoint antidemocratic propaganda as much as possible. Whether it’s from the Russians, the republicans, the democrats, or space aliens, the result is the same and so is the remedy.
Get smart. Fight Back. Advocate for a democratic upgrade.

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