Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

No Jerks or Shills

There’s a lot of disinformation being spread in this election because the stakes are so high. Bernie had to make a statement disavowing some dirtbag supporters, who might have been Russian spies, or Republican shills, or agent provocateurs of some kind. Who knows?

So there’s no confusion I have never met Bernie. I am a big fan and wish him the best. I will do my best to respect his wishes in my efforts to support him.
However I won’t be constrained by him or his party or his movement in my effort to inform the electorate of the opinions I consider relevant, to understand meaningful democratic reforms.
Even though he is an independent. I have not heard Bernie talk about the duopoly party system that has created a binary political choice and a binary economy. Both parties legislate support for the corporate economy of Wall Street while extracting from the uninvested and unsubsidized workers of Main Street.
The bipartisan system of tax extraction for investor profit is unfair and divisive. It leaves the uninvested taxpayer underrepresented. Ending that practice is not socialism, It’s just fair. It’s just the right thing to do.
Fox News is comparing Bernie to Stalin and Lenin, right now, all night long with special broadcasts, fear mongering the electorate that civilization will end if they vote for him.
There’s a massive campaign of ugly attacks against Bernie going on, right now, because he’s the front runner. Bernie needs to step up the counterpoints against his opponents rather than try to appease his allies that want to work with them.

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