Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

Corporate Lizards

LizardCorp 04

LizardCorp 04

The Corporate Lizards represent the part of the establishment that profits from taxpayer subsidized corporate welfare, but won’t acknowledge it.

Lizard prosperity is extracted from the taxpayers and transferred to shareholders through a massive industry of money administration.

Every dime made or spent in the investment industry is ultimately paid for by increasing costs on workers, consumers, and taxpayers.
There are more brick & mortar investment stores now days than there are fast food restaurants. As if everybody’s money makes so much money that an entire industry of money making money can be massively prosperous for so many. Not likely
That industry fails at every bailout. Inequality is the inevitable byproduct of the scam. The system is a scam and it should be reversed.

Republicans are religiously loyal to the scam, and should be taxed accordingly.
If a Democrat refers to themselves as a moderate, what they mean is, they’re progressive, but they still support the scam and the market prosperity it provides to their community.
Corporate lizards are not defined by race or sexual identity. They are defined by their dividends. If you make more in capital gains than you pay in taxes, then there’s a pretty good chance that you might be a corporate lizard.
Lizards pay no tax at all because the government favors their “publicly traded employment status” with taxpayer subsidies offsetting their tax burden onto small business and the uninvested taxpayers.
If the government can print money, and it can, then why are capital gains so high?
The question answers itself;
Capital gains are high because the government can print money.
The government extracts money from the taxpayers and transfers it to investors. That’s how this system works. It’s corporate welfare from taxpayer extraction. Money is extracted from Main Street workers to subsidize Wall Street investors.
With a representative government there would be no taxes on income or sales. Government revenue should come from investments and growth not taxpayer extraction. We should fund more public programs and stop subsidizing corporate lizards.
LizardCorp MyMoney

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