Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

The Establishment

Who is the establishment? Who are, “They”?

The establishment is not only the billionaires and their corporate executives who write the big checks, like Bernie will tell you. The establishment also includes everybody who profits from the stock market. There is an inherent bias towards the markets by those who profit from them.

Our social security system has been betrayed, for the public, by the private profit interests corrupting our government, using the dark money they derived from the scam. They have privatized the public welfare and common good, to themselves, in a system I refer to as, the scam.

The result of the scam is increasing inequality by public policy that favors private interest profits. The government must borrow and invest in the scam, because it is ideologically against raising taxes on those that profit the most, from the scam.

Those who don’t profit from the markets are not the establishment. They are the uninvested taxpayers and the working class. The millions of investors who also work for a living must have faith that their retirement accounts are safe, despite being invested in a system whose profits are unsustainable without hyperinflation, or hyper-growth.

The conflict-based economy is a pyramid scheme playing musical chairs. When the music stops will your money still be there?

The majority of the public are not government subsidized like investors are. Workers work for their money, by spending their time, working.

Because money is representation, the establishment is bipartisan. Even if they don’t understand it, partisans are united in their investment strategies against their political opposition. Together they dominate the workers and uninvested taxpayers. They debate allowances of freedom for them. A minimum wage, for instance.

You don’t have to be a billionaire politician to be a part of the establishment. You just have to have a profit bias for the money that trickles down to you through the stock market. If you have an incentive to ‘vote your pocketbook’ to maintain the status quo of corporate subsidy, you are the establishment.

It doesn’t matter if you are a minority or not. If you think the government can’t afford healthcare for everybody, you are the establishment.
Corporations and political parties are the establishment. Joe Biden is the establishment. As are all presidents. An establishment is essential.
The Democrats seem hell bent on nominating Joe. It’s the old ‘lesser of two evils’ strategy. They would rather lose to Trump than win with Bernie. Bernie represents the public. Joe represents the party. Party loyalty is the priority of both parties which proves that working people do not have adequate representation.
The Republicans fall in line to vote against taxes, the Democrats are a massively diverse party, from the homeless vet struggling to find a voting booth, to billionaires buying politicians. That is a rigged system that profits the establishment at the taxpayer’s expense.

You can blame the Corona Virus, or oil prices, or chaos, for the market crash, but the crash was inevitable, as it always is. The establishment calls it a correction. Too much money was speculated into profits from thin air and it’s time to cash in the chips again, and see how much taxpayer money the government will have to pony up to keep the scam going, for the establishment.



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