Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

Spy Web

I had mentioned the need for a citizen’s network in the ‘remote voting’ post. This post shows how the government provides their spies with something similar.
Facebook for spies, with functionality like google, youtube, and twitter, is what the government should be providing to all citizens as a public utility.
I’m not going to take the time to impugn the spies today, but I will point out that their historical failures are self evident and their continued purpose is highly dubious at best.
On the other hand, citizens have a constitutionally guaranteed right to an adequate voting system. Spies do not.
The government does not fear the cost of the system, they fear the result of the system. That’s why it’s resisted, for the public.
When an organization like a political party controls the government, that’s not a democracy. That’s an organization that controls the government.
A democracy creates an organization that becomes the government. That’s different than an organization that competes for control of the government.
Political parties are private organizations that compete for control of the government. That is not compatible with constitutional intent. That is not a democracy.
The political parties are inherently divisive. They also create divisive policies, like providing spies with a fancy digital interface to spy on the public while depriving the public of a credible democratic process.
The spies congregate on their secret “spy web” and coordinate campaigns to manipulate public opinion.
Counters are twisted and bots and shills skew the numbers to make it look like the minority opinion is the majority, when it’s not.
Don’t you agree?
Whoever is against voting, raise your hand.
The president, it’s reported, is about to sign an executive order in an attempt to make social media companies liable for the content of their users. He says they have a monopoly. Others say they fact-checked one of his lies and called him out on it. So now it’s payback time. Both comments are obviously true.
The president is lying and the big tech companies are monopolies. It’s all true. Trump is always ready to insult a limb of the corrupt system to play pretend hero for the public. The president is attacking big tech to distract from their allegiance to the scam. They need each other. They are each other. There’s nothing benevolent happening here, so let’s move along, away from their narrative and back to mine.
It’s an absurd tightrope of self-serving deception the establishment must walk in order to deprive the public of a social media utility. As if the mere mention of the word capitalism justifies their decision.
Investing, speculating, and extracting, it is our economic philosophy, they dont say, while mailing you a ballot.
The government must now print money because its revenues have been wiped out, in large part, due to the digital revolution and the social media monopolies, who pay their taxes to shareholders instead of the public.
The result is what is happening now. The government is broke and your allegiance is to the money that’s invested in a government sanctioned global tax extraction scam. Your retirement depends on the perpetuation of that scam, regardless of what flag you fly.
Giant global social media monopolies will be ‘forced’ to “fact check” free speech because the government refuses to provide a citizen’s network to the public that is honest and verifiable. The result will be conflict and confusion because our system is based on competition. If it was based on cooperation and credibility we would already have a citizens network.

The idea of putting your personal electronic history on a private platform instead of a taxpayer funded citizens network is ridiculous. That’s what we have now and it’s a problem, in so many ways.

The solution to the social media problem is not censorship or to limit free speech. The solution is to provide an official government forum for debate and consensus where the truth becomes self evident and dissent is noted and accessible to anybody and everybody who wants to search the database. A citizens netwok would provide to ourselves and our posterity a permanent record of our progress as a people and a country, as citizens, not subscribers. We are citizens, not subscribers.

We deserve a citizen interface.


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