Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

Looting America

These are very weird times and getting weirder really fast. We’ve gone from the Russian collusion conspiracy, then impeachment, then we got the coronavirus, and now we’re on to a race war, just like that, with a massive economic depression looming.
We are in a perfect storm of diversion from the looting of America. It’s shocking in its simplicity yet nobody seems to notice. The looting and the lying have become normalized now, by those that loot and lie.
To better understand the political turmoil festering in our country, forget the typical labels we use to describe opposing interest groups. Whether left or right or black or white, or whatever. This is about money.
(The culture of racist and violent policing is a related but different topic. For now I’ll just say black lives matter & democracy is the path to equality.)
Institutional racism is the act of depriving communities of color an adequate amount of money for economic growth. Also consider that distributing money to interest groups is the primary partisan debate, which is proof enough to say, the root of our collective conflict is always about money.
You might recall victory was declared in the war with Iraq when we injected pallets of our taxpayer dollars into their communities in a strategy referred to as “the surge”, which proves money can stop a war, just as sure as the lack of money can start one.
The race war is being started as a diversion from the real conflict, which is the theft of our treasury, democracy, and middle class. The result of that will be poverty for most people regardless of race, and easy street for corporate lizards, regardless of their race.
Looting America is a big story. It’s over a century in the making and yet it is a crime in progress. The George Floyd murder becomes part of this story because it has triggered the race war that will divert our attention from the scam, as will the pandemic and the coming economic depression.
This conflict is premeditated and scripted. It is bought and paid for by those that profit from war. It is being intentionally instigated to create chaos, to divide & conquer, and ultimately secure their already looted booty.
The truth is biased and being twisted to confuse by corporate interests and their multimillion dollar shills. Their allegiance is to the money not the flag or to the truth. People believe what they want to believe, despite the truth.
There are fake enemies and secret allies lurking in this narrative to confuse truth-seekers and news consumers of any certainty. Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys? The murky truth of any crime, and that’s what this is, a crime, is found by following the money.
Money doesn’t lie, people do.
The conflict brewing here is being reported as a deep state conspiracy against the possibly misguided but sincere patriots loyal to the president. The deep state agents, as the narrative goes, are accusing him of being an agent of a foreign power and the enemy of the “liberal” order. The same liberal order that stole our money, some say.
Rather than deconstruct all of that now, I’ll just get to the truth. The truth is they are all looting America, together. Trump and the deep state are the same thing or at least have the same motive. To know who took the money, simply find those that have it. They’re all lying in the same metaphorical bed.
WWIII is a bank robbery that was started decades ago. It is the institutional and ongoing looting of nation states by a monolithic conspiracy. The motive is unlimited wealth from debt, guaranteed by taxpayers.
Global Finance has been used as a weapon to capture and control traditional American institutions and commerce through acquisitions and mergers, with money created and speculated from thin air and extracted from taxpayers. Our “companies” have been auctioned off to “investors” who then buy and sell them to each other for further fraudulent profits reconciled only with more and more taxpayer money.
This is our current normal. That’s how our “system” “works”.
The current global economy is an extraction scam. It is a system of institutionalized slavery, that is remedied in the constitution by voiding the public debt that was created from the scam.
Tax the scammers.
Article 14.4 ..neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or ..any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.
Nations are debtor prisons now, because of the scam, where the uninvested public is enslaved. They pay their taxes to service the debts of the money borrowed and spent by governments occupied by corrupted corporate cronies, who profit from public debt.
The conflict of interest is self-evident.
The extraction scam fuels the inequality and sustains the conflict-based economy. It also prevents representative government.
The uninvested taxpayer is unfairly squeezed to subsidize the excessive profits made from investing into the corporate culture.
That is our political spectrum. It’s an economic spectrum that subsidizes corporate profits as it deprives the public of services.
The political divide, simplified, is always good versus evil. The good guys seek peace and justice through democracy and the bad guys seek domination through secrecy, bribery, and violence. That is the eternal struggle of humanity. It is corruption versus democracy.
JFK described a monolithic conspiracy from around the world as being opposed to our democratic form of government. By any other name, he was referring to an organized and institutionalized threat to our democracy, by fascists. It was a warning about how corruption could overthrow our democratic republic, and our way of life.
He was killed shortly thereafter and we’ve been at war ever since, spending trillions of dollars on conflict we didn’t need. Now, it’s becoming clear we have been looted and crazy conspiracy theories are all the rage, normalized and intended to deceive.
The official deep state conspiracy theories are predictably getting more popular, despite being implausible and misleading.
Mercenary provocateurs pose as their own opposition to foment conflict. That’s the deep state. Those who point at the deep state as partisans are agents of the deep state, even if they don’t get paid.
Propagandists and provocateurs of the “deep state” are advocates and servants of fascism, whether they know it or not.
Trump has just declared war on his political opposition, which is anybody or anything that is against fascism. That includes me and the law. Fascism is a crime, making him a criminal and me even more paranoid than I normally am. So now it’s personal.
I oppose the entire republican agenda because it is blatantly anti-American, as outlined in the constitution. Their platform is a lie. They have been lying for decades. They are a globalist organization of economic vampires administrating the extraction of wealth from workers around the world. A lot of democrats are on that team as well.
If you oppose their political agenda, like me, you must be ANTIFA, is how their story will go. That’s basically how it always goes. Whether it’s drugs, commies, or terrorists, it’s always the same. The authority persecutes some people in the name of protecting others, for self-preservation of their own authority and privileges.
All wars are started with lies.
This new campaign of persecution will be against “Antifa”, or so they say, pointing at their hired goons instigating the looting alongside of peaceful protestors as proof.
We all know they are lying. Authorities have the surveillance tools to know who is committing crimes and who is not. If there was a left wing conspiracy, they would be arrested and prosecuted. That’s how we know the provocateurs and the instigators are in league with authorities.
The truth is that this conflict is against democracy and against those who seek truth and justice. It is amazing to me that such an obvious ploy can even get its boots on let alone gain traction in modern day America. But there it is, and here it comes.
Let’s talk about it.
The establishment became wealthy and powerful by taking the public’s money, through slavery and conflict, for centuries. And now, to keep that money safe for themselves, they must prevent democracy, because a representative government, in the digital age, would likely raise their taxes, a lot. It is the right thing to do, for the public, for justice, and the future of humanity. So it’s a valid concern.
Reversing the policies of extraction and inequality is not an option for the corporate lizard elite, but war is a good investment, so war to some degree is guaranteed. War is a business cycle that is a byproduct of the extraction scam, along with poverty, conflict, and debt. It makes a lot of money for a lot of people, but to the detriment of so many more.
All pyramid schemes eventually fail, and on such a grand scale, war becomes inevitable, because of massive inequality. Printing money is an indictor of system failure, rationalized as an attempt to prevent the national demise, which by now seems imminent and intentional.
There will be no official pictures to memorialize the covert campaigns of provocation against the public. Except maybe for the cameraphone videos that just happen to be on the scene, and slip through the social media truth filters to further provoke more violence.
This conflict will be fought on two primary levels. The race war will be public but the war against democracy will be secret. Covert campaigns of provocation will eventually compound the violence beyond disguise, and then the real conflict will begin.
Fascism versus Democracy
The president and his cabal of global profiteers are at war with democracy, to protect and defend their undemocratic systems of corporate fascism. They will do all they can to prevent democracy for the public, because it is a slippery slope towards equality and justice.
The conflict-based economy is a system of normalized corruption that is inherently undemocratic and unaccountable to justice. For fascism, just add government sanctioned violence against the domestic population.
Being against fascism is a belief, like being against evil. It is not achieved with violence. You can’t have a war against a belief anymore than you can have a war against a tactic like terror, or a substance, like drugs. The premise is fraudulent. It always is.
Fascists wage wars against people for profit. They declare war on something as a false pretext to persecute their political opposition, legally with state power and authority, to dominate their opponents with violence and inequality.
Fascists occupy governments and control public policy by force rather than electing citizens, democratically, to make the law.
Fascism is a government with corrupt intent. Fascism and democracy are incompatible enemies that are always at war with each other.
Eternal vigilance refers to the endless struggle of humanity to prevent fascism, by democratic means.
The US still celebrates defeating fascism in WWII, yet now if you are against fascism you are labeled Antifa and considered a violent enemy of our government, apparently.
The government being against antifascists is an admission by them that they are fascist. They are at war with democracy which is a betrayal of their oath of office to protect and defend the constitution, which is a violation of law, one would hope.
We have policies of taxation and extraction, for some, supplemented for others with policies of counterfeiting and bribery. This corruption of democracy is what is causing our ongoing conflict and preventing us from achieving our unity, and realizing our democratic potential, as a nation.
Elected officials either defend the constitution, or they violate it.
Surrendering to fascism is illegal here. Our democracy is not an experiment, it is the law. The constitution is the law that validates elected officials. It’s not a goal for them to aspire to. It is the law. They must obey it and enforce it, or they are its enemy, as are those that report otherwise.
The road to fascism is paved with constitutional violations.
The American empire has been privatized and the public has been looted now for decades, by both parties, as public policy, or so it appears.
Secret armies of fascist mercenaries are likely deployed in “the homeland”, to do to us now what they have done to others around the world for a long time, on our behalf and with “our” blessings, keeping “law and order” for others, that escalates into violence and civil war.
Going to war against Antifa is a simplistic lie. It’s a straw-man justification to persecute democracy advocates in order to suppress democracy. It’s the only way fascists can maintain their authority, by waging war on an enemy.
Antifa is just a patsy, like the guy who “killed” JFK.
As I write, Fox News is celebrating D-Day and the vets who fought and defeated fascism. Then after the commercial break, they label antifascists as the enemy of America. Somehow they can’t make the ironic correlation of their own contradiction. Fascism was bad when our soldiers fought it, they say, but now it’s good because protestors are against it. It is an illogical insult to the self-evident truth.
Fascism is evil.
Ironically, most protestors have been overtaxed and under compensated for their work. Their taxes were used by the government to procure the weapons that will now be used against them, in an attempt to “dominate” the “protestors”, and the manufactured resistance.
The angry masses are on the march again, triggered by the murder video of George Floyd, another black man killed by cops. It was nearly nine minutes of the officer’s knee on the victims neck, for no apparent reason.
Three other officers in the video were accomplices to this seemingly deliberate act of death. It’s been a few weeks now and there’s still no attempt to rationalize the homicidal group think, except racism.
The George Floyd murder video has provoked millions of people into the streets to protest, giving team Trump an excuse to activate our own military against us. Or at least declare his intentions to do so, with a law he pulled out of his ass!
If the government has the legal authority to use the military against the public, then anything is legal, for them. They can interpret the law any way they want to justify whatever they do. That’s not a democracy.
The possibility of our law being interpreted to facilitate tyranny is proof that our political “system” is inadequate and in desperate need of a modern day upgrade, right now, like a new apportionment act based on income.
Using the military against civilians is illegal, despite any legal interpretations and reporting to the contrary. It would be a horrible public relations debacle if attempted, provoking a backlash of democracy, so that tactic will be avoided, for now.
The fascists will prefer to deploy a covert army of mercenaries to provoke conflict, as fascists always do, creating local crime waves in need of federal enforcement suppression.
Having recently reformed their police departments, cities will need the federal firepower to provide “security” at staged Antifa uprisings and to safeguard against vandalism, forcing local authorities to concede rank to their national superiors.
The murder that provoked the ongoing protests was likely either a premeditated crime, or a conspiracy, or both. If we ever needed waterboarded testimony, and we didn’t, this would be it. The truth is that important. There should be subpoenas and hearings, pronto.
Why was George Floyd murdered?
Are we supposed to believe that this cop is just a sociopathic racist? Racism was his motive? He’s going to knee a black man to death in public to impress himself and his friends? That shocks the conscience if true.
I sympathize with all of the victims of police violence, and their families, and join them in their call for structural reform of the “system”, to avoid further violence. I hope to say more about that later.
All I will say about the George Floyd murder for now is that it’s hard for me to believe that the act was a spontaneous decision of bloodlust by a racist cop. It makes more sense that this act was a tactic to promote a race war to divert attention away from the real problem, which is fascism, and the the looting of America.
Black people have been institutionally oppressed historically and there’s no doubt that needs to end. The appropriate reform is to end poverty for everybody. Ending poverty is the inevitable political solution being avoided by the establishment.
Democracy will end poverty or authority will end democracy.
The coming conflict is our Tiananmen square. This is our Arab spring. We know how this typically ends and it’s not good for democracy or democracy advocates, or the public.
Like China and Egypt before us, and so many others, the United States will now be cleansed of democracy advocates by “the authorities” pretending to protect the public from their concocted enemy, Antifa.
Kings and queens have always contracted pirates for profit.
Antifa is a hoax. There are only mercenaries and provocateurs hired by the authorities to act as their enemies. They will stage conflicts that will escalate and provoke, until the locals are forced to fight back and when they finally do, they will be branded as Antifa.
That’s how you create an enemy to fight, with provocation. The resistance is being manufactured by the fascists, for conflict. The name Antifa was likely chosen to help normalize fascism, by demonizing democracy advocates with the label antifascists.
Democracy advocates protest for justice. There are no violent intentions by those who protest the lack of justice. There is no organization that wants to loot and vandalize for justice. Nobody wants to protest. People are provoked into protest by injustice.
If there was justice, there would be no need for protests.
Justice can only be achieved with a representative government and that can only be achieved with a democracy.
The admission that Antifa has no leadership proves that the fascists know they are targeting democracy advocates, which is illegal. No amount of persuasion or rationalization will alter their agenda because it is an act of self preservation by those that control the government.
Language manipulation is another typical fascist ploy. Looters are looters who don’t deserve a political title. They are criminals, not political activists. Calling looters antifascists is literally and semantically incorrect, yet being used without question, by the professionals.
Antifascists are not looters.
The government is mislabeling looters as their political opposition in an attempt to criminalize their political opposition through name association.
Injustice is a trigger for conflict. Triggering conflict with injustice is an old tactic used by fascists. Fascists pay mercenaries to create chaos so they can justify the appropriations to militarize an authority against them, but then persecute those who protest the invevitable results of the unjust economic ‘sytem’.
Fascism needs conflict to survive. They need looters. They need riots. They need Antifa. That is the system the public is protesting. That is the system the establishment is trying to preserve. Inequality by extraction is the system our professional pundits never discuss.
The root of our current conflict is about poverty and inequality, not just racism. Like most social dysfunction, racism will be solved economically. We need to prevent poverty, which can be done by providing a society with universally guaranteed minimums of civility and services, such as health, education, and opportunity, for everybody.
Poverty is not a belief, like being antifascist. We can wage war on poverty democratically, with money, jobs, and education. The problem is that equality disrupts the liberal order, the deep state, and the looting of America.
I didn’t mean to ramble on like Noriega on the eve of being invaded. But like I said, Looting America is a big story. I’ll get back to it soon. A quick thanks to you if you made it this far without getting paid.
I will give a quick shoutout here to Danny and Gary, who are both referenced in the video. Their stories prove the news itself needs to be democratized. Everybody should be aware of their sacrifices as journalists. Like George Floyd, their stories illustrate how important political reforms are. We need a democratic upgrade to protect and defend our democracy, and freedom of speech, and justice, for the public.
And a quick thanks to the professionals who narrate these videos. From Lou Dobbs to Rachel Maddow and everybody in between, and especially to Moe Gee News for the history lesson.
American democracy cannot survive without the truth.
The truth is democracy is not possible without a middle class equipped with an extraordinary software interface for consensus.
Our democratic remedy requires major political reform such as tax-bracket apportionment. We should get started right away.
We must achieve a more representative government in order to restore the middle class and save our democracy from its enemies, the fascists.

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