Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

Major Frankenstein

Frankenstein represents the bits and pieces of old news stitched together for resurrection in this video; the looting, the unregulated voting machines, Putin the Q, the deep state, Bush selling the scam, and the scam being normalized through regulatory negligence.
Dr. Frankenstein is a perfect metaphor for the establishment. They have created the monster they can no longer control. The fake news pundits would have you believe this all started with Trump, which is ridiculous. They’ve been building this monster for decades.
Major Frankenstein, as referred to in the video, is a deeper and darker dive into the history of the modern day monster that, as I write, is provoking protestors in Portland, and being deployed to Chicago.
Trump’s team is the metaphorical monster in this narrative. The doctor is the previous administrations, who have all spent the past five decades doing their part in building this authoritarian thing that now threatens our democracy, or what’s left of it.
The Trump crew simply fired the middlemen, by election, rigged or not. The political establishment that served him so well for so many decades was no longer needed. The monster roams free now, ransacking the country as angry protestors assemble to escelate the conflict.
You know how the story goes.
I think the video is self-explanatory but I’ll note a few comments here, just in case.
Look for GW selling capitalism as it failed. There couldn’t be a better example of complete disconnect between words and reality, except maybe when his father said we were going to war with Iraq to save democracy for Kuwait, the monarchy that is, if you recall.
Bush says, “Though economic reforms are necessary, the solution to our problem is sustained economic growth, from free markets.”
Meaning, the free market, having just failed requiring a taxpayer bailout, because it’s a scam, was a success. That’s how it works. The solution, according to him, is more of the same. That’s not reform. That’s the same old scam being sold as a solution, as it fails. It’s business as usual, sold with a shameless smirking face.
We need smarter government, he says, after being in charge of ours for eight long years. The irony of his failed leadership being self-critiqued as stupid goes right over his head, apparently.
Or, he knows he’s a duplicitous tool proud to celebrate the failure of the free market for investor profits. He and his audience know they have just scammed the public for trillions of dollars.
The corporate lizard elite applaud the market “failure” and the successful bailout. It’s one transaction, guaranteed by the taxpayer, as Bush said, some thought, implying they would have been wrong, when in reality they were right. It is Orwellian lizard speak. It can be tricky to parse if you’re new here.
The obvious but ignored contradiction in logic boggles the mind. Using taxpayer money to bailout capitalism is not capitalism at all. Like calling a monarchy a democracy, it’s a blatant lie that gets applause because the truth doesn’t matter, money does.
The truth goes without saying.
Capitalism doesn’t work. That’s why our government is broke and printing money for “economic growth”. It’s an absurd failure, yet still defended as a “success”.
The public treasury has been looted from inside and out by public policy. It was all legal more or less, they would say, I’m sure. It doesn’t matter who did it. Who didn’t? The result is the same and so is the remedy.
Lou nails the big news. We give money to foreign banks who turnaround and buy American assets with it. The scams don’t get much more simple, or blatant than that, but there it is. As if it is “normal”.
Like our elections. Funny how the pundits always focus on “voter fraud”. The problem is not voter fraud, Farheed. The problem is electoral fraud. We have an antiquated electoral system and that’s the government’s fault. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s a problem that needs to be fixed with an investment in democracy and electoral infrastructure.
And finally, Madoff and Markopolis. It’s the story of the lone scammer and the blind lawman, if you can believe that, who ignored the whistle-blower for over a decade. It’s a work of fiction with an inescapabe truth. The collusion and corruption are self-evident.
The markets are a Ponzi scheme where the underlying value of assets, if any, are hyper-inflated, cyclically, to maximize profits for investors, guaranteed by the taxpayers. In other words, it’s an extraction scam.
What say you?

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