Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

The Sheep

This interview is a great example of lizard speak. There’s a lot of words going on with very little being said, unless of course you know how to parse it properly.

The unquestioned and little understood competencies of the financial services industries stand as beacons of human ingenuity and progress towards scamming others.
Fine tuned with the best technology for maximum wealth extraction, the investors have created a high tech casino where anybody with some extra money can place a bet.
Like gambling, “trading” is a huge industry full of scammers and suckers. It’s a game where you can buy and sell fluctuating values. Buy low, sell high, repeat. You’ll make a fortune.
The lizard says it’s easy these days. You just watch for people’s pain and pick up the pieces. It’s sounds a little like a vulture to me, but this lizard prefers to be called a wolf. He’s a hunter not a scavenger.
Lizard language can be tricky.
The common perception when trading stocks is there is a winner and a loser in every transaction. The wolf eat the sheep for dinner, the saying goes. The wolf is the winner and the sheep is the loser.
The wolf gets the sheep’s money, fair and square.
The confusion in this interview is the lizard wolf doesn’t want to talk about all the money the government is injecting in the markets. The lizards pretend they are against that.
He doesn’t want to talk about taxpayer extraction, but the persistent questioning unleashes some rambling jaw-flapping from the lizard, trying to avoid the unavoidable truth.
The unavoidable truth is that the corporate lizards corrupt our government into the taxpayer extraction scam. They are the same team. The government is dysfunctional in his opinion, even though it’s making him, and the corporate lizard elite, tons of money.
We can only guess what the lizard meant by calling the government dysfunctional but the conversation was about printing money, to reward over-speculated profiteering by him and those with “capital”, at the expense of others.
Government “dysfunction” is intentional.
Lizards cry their crocodile tears all the way to the bank. The same bank being surrounded by tents full of homeless people because of the giant extraction scam. The lizards think homeless people are lazy, and should look for work. They understand the moral hazard of a handout.
They never have to see the people’s pain because their profits of extraction are electronic, and automatic, and arguably unjustified.
The lizards take no responsibility for the public dysfunction. People’s pain is their own fault, they’ll say, or the government’s fault, but not theirs. Even though Inequality is maximized to favor them, by law, the lizards don’t see a connection.
“Who are the sheep?” Asks the interviewer.
The lizard obfuscates. He goes right to the idea that hedge funds are the victims, without considering the taxpayers, like any big shot lizard would. They believe their money comes from the Fed. Theirs is a business model of harvesting wealth from a system of irrational exuberance made legal, fueled by the faith that the taxpayers will “backstop” their over-speculated profits.
Hedge funds are their world.
The truth is the money comes from the taxpayers. The taxpayers are the sheep. The taxpayer bailouts are the hedge now. The public guarantees lizard prosperity with bailouts and other extraction strategies, so why would lizards need to hedge their bets? Free at last, free at last!
Give yourself a raise!
The hedge now is a taxpayer guaranteed injection of a no limit no interest loan from the Fed, if their friends need it, to cover their bad bets. It’s like borrowing money to pay your bills, over and over, forever, and never having to pay it back.
Too bad the scam doesn’t work for the sheep.
It’s bizarre listening to the lizard rationalize the Fed as the remedy to government dysfunction, as if they are actually independent of each other. They are the same. They have a mutually beneficial arrangement of overcompensation.
And finally, you can really detect the depths of indoctrination as the lizard praises GW for telling Paulson to do what needs to be done back in the great scamming of 2008.
That’s why this lizard gets the big bucks, no doubt. With analysis like that who needs the truth. Just do what needs to be done, he says. Whatever that means, he didn’t say. But we know.
On behalf of the lizard elite everywhere, GW smashed a big money funnel into our treasury and normalized the draining of our nations wealth into their privatized, lizard-like pockets.

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