Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public


Funny thing about government is their proclamations of law are meaningless unless they control the authority necessary to enforce them.
What if Trump loses and refuses to vacate the premises?

Why would Trump leave the White House even if he lost? Who are the democrats gonna call? The ghost busters? Or their stock brokers?

Are the democrats going to call their deep state allies to escort the defeated squatter from the White House? By force? While he’s surrounded by his team of authoritarian lawyers threatening personal repercussions against everybody?
Not likely.
Should we expect a stand-off and a shoot-out?
If we continue with the same plot line that got us to this point, on the path to tyranny, we should expect the dems to protest and concede. Without an enforcement agency that’s all they can do.
Fascism and enforcement are synonymous. Trump and the Republican Party are the fascists. They are the enforcement. They can dictate the policy. The democrats will comply.
We have reached a point of puppetry and cartoonish plot lines with this narrative. Our electoral system is antiquated because elected officials prevent the democratic reforms necessary to correct the problem.
The dysfunction has been intentional and the result was predictable. As if constraining the “system” to institutional prosperity and trickle down economics wasn’t going to backfire someday, in extreme divisions of nepotistic inequality, rivaling monarchial royalty.
Tyranny will be rubber-stamped by a partisan court. The democrats will rely on the opinion of the “branch” that stole the election from VP Gore and anointed king GW. What choice do they have?
Partisan lawyers will defend the theft of our lawful representation, just like they rationalized torture to be legal, or slavery. That’s what they get paid for. That’s why they get the big bucks.
Nobody will believe them but nobody can stop them. They will dictate policy, because they can. They control the enforcement. When democracy has been corrupted for special interest purposes those who control the government can dictate the policy.
“Amazing” the media pundits will say, “Can you believe it?” Turns out we’re not a democracy after all. Or we are, it’s just tied up in the court right now. So we’ll have to wait and see what happens, they’ll say, reporting on the undeclared coup.
We can always go back to a democracy, someday, they’ll say, as they narrate the national demise. I can predict the rationalizations already.
“Democracy can be messy.”
It wasn’t really a democracy anyway, so we’re not really losing that much, they’ll say. Looters don’t deserve to vote, or, “They don’t even know what they’re protesting.”
“Stop complaining”, they’ll say. “You deserved it.”
Timothy Snyder has written a couple of books to help understand the transition to a tyrannical form of government. I recommend buying them if you want to follow along, looking for clues.
If there is a better political solution to tyranny than restoring the middle class with an income-based apportionment act, I would love to see it.
Otherwise we’ll assume you prefer tyranny.
I think enough counterfeiting and bribery has gone on here that the majority of voters will vote to do away with voting. At least they’ll report it that way. It’s no big deal, they’ll say you said.
Democracy is a big deal.
The resistance to tyranny succeeds when the enforcement authority is controlled by a representative government, elected democratically.
When a special interest organization controls the government for its own purposes, don’t be surprised when they use their enforcement authority against the public to preserve that authority.
We are at the crossroads to tyranny. Either we will upgrade our democracy to achieve a more representative government or we will submit to tyranny.
The ability to achieve a verifiable and accessible voting system is long overdue. Not having one is the reason we have a dysfunctional democracy, and why we have a president Trump reserving judgement on the validity of our electoral results.
The electoral system is intentionally inadequate. It will be easy to argue the results are based on faith, because they are. It’s long past due to fix our democracy.
The remedy for tyranny is democracy.

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