Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

The Q Plan

The plan to save the world. This is a compelling infomercial by Q, I assume, explaining that the plot to scam us is not human nature. It’s a criminal conspiracy, he says.
First problem, nobody is anonymous here except the deep state. So I don’t trust Q already. So far, to me, this is a deep state op to identify and catalog those who disagree, for further psychometric testing of potential leftist sympathies. We know who you are.
For all I know this video is made by the deep state to further rub their smugness into your economic wounds, like salt, while they simultaneously trickle down overly generous compensation packages to the producers of their propaganda. I smell a ghost.
However, it is a slick video, and great title. Let’s watch more and see what the plan is to save the world. The video is certainly identifying some of the obvious symptoms of the problem. Let’s see what the solution is.
Okay, the first major flaw in the narrative happens at 3:57. The criminals did not use their media to set black against white. If anything the media reduced racism because a larger audience shamed the practice into near submission.
BS at 4:07 The media didn’t convince us to fight and destroy ourselves because of our differences. They have organized around division because we are divided. Division in the real world escalates for evermore profits and the media reflects the conflict. The quest for supremacy provokes hate, not the media. The media provides the rationalizations for those predisposed to fight.
Q is a church. lIke all other institutions if you do not pledge allegiance to them they won’t do anything for you.
4:21. The criminals popularized lifestyles, implies that too much freedom is a bad thing. The video is blaming the free market and free will for the reason we have broken homes.
Ok, we’re at 5:20. JFK was invoked, and accurately, and the viewer says, yes, that checks out, maybe I can trust the next sentence telling me Reagan was also a good guy.
I had to hit pause right there because the rabbit hole has just been opened. Let’s see where this goes. Bush charged Reagan with voodoo economics. Just because Bush was guilty doesn’t mean Reagan wasn’t.
Iran Contra ring any bells?
What’s the point of trying to separate Reagan and Bush? Why save Reagan at the expense of your credibility? Let’s see what else they got.
Every president after Reagan is the deep state he says. I’m curious why the cutoff. It’s probably the demographic of the audience, not the history. The deep state has been in high gear forever. Why the cutoff after Reagan?
The world declined into darkness, do you need me to tell you how? He says. Then starts listing the symptoms of free market capitalism and the conflict-based economy.
Ok, here comes the solution. It’s just a change of personnel it turns out, that’s all we needed all along. We just need people who aren’t evil running our government. It’s that simple, we’re supposed to believe.
This is where things start to get better, he says, hold on to your proverbial hat. Let’s hear him out.
8:40 We’re going to expose the criminals for what they are, you say, and then you use Weinstein and Spacey as your villains, to imply Q will bring justice to sex predators. I’ll let that go as a bad edit but implying your good guy generals are going to save us from the democrats is just stupid. It’s partisan dribble.
We don’t really have a policy idea. We just need to hook up with authoritarians to wage war on people to save us from the others, especially those who inappropriately violate proper sexual etiquette, I believe he just said.
This is deep state propaganda. I have no doubt at 8:41 let’s continue.
The next sixty seconds the plan comes together, they are going to win the white house and defeat the democrats who hate America. That is an insult to intelligence and a call to partisan loyalty at the same time.
So if anybody hasn’t figured out the plan yet, spoiler alert!
The plan is to not vacate the White House. He’ll say sorry, but I’m not leaving. I’ll be writing your history books now with me starring as the great hero. If there’s a problem with that, take me to court.
So the mission of the Q is to help normalize the plan. The plan where the constitution is ultimately retired and everybody is cool with that, based on their allegiance to the plan, the plan they don’t yet understand.
9:30 Ok, All evidence shows peace is returning and the good guys are winning the war, he says, while his hero president dominates liberal cities with authoritarian provocations.
Ok, fellow slaves, he says the problem was the criminals had too much power, yet his only political solution is to arrest and punish those who have done very bad things.
He’s talking about punishing people you love for something he says he knows and you don’t. You don’t see a problem with that mister non-existent counterpoint? I do.
This plan has no political solutions at all. The plan to save the world is to arrest the political opposition and justify it by calling them powerful criminals and child molesters.



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