Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

Court Packing

When it comes to discussing court packing you really have to be a wonk to care. So, I’m forgoing the artistic flourish in this video. I’m short on time and it would just be a distraction to the point. Which is when the Supreme Court picks the president for political reasons, it is not only a violation of the constitution, it will likely lead to disastrous consequences, like it did before.

I’ll try to find time to revise and extend my remarks. For now, I’ll just quickly note again the irony of Joe being afraid that court packing will become the issue, when it is the issue. He ignores the question and then tells us to go out and vote. As if that is somehow going to solve the problem. That’s a red flag.
Joe says, “The question is, the question is..” and then never says.
He never says what the question is which was very disappointing.
Court packing is the political solution to remedy intentional constitutional misinterpretations by organizations, as mentioned in the previous post, Succession.

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