Public Voter

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Economic Vampires



If you look close enough you can see the economic vampires are actually corporate lizards. The QE has saturated the top now, with money, and it trickles down like a steady flow of snow from a tall frosty mountain for the privileged few. The money dries up before it hits the valley though, where most of the public struggles to survive.

The prosperous but moral-hazard laden lifeblood resides in the markets for some, while most people suffer the inflationary consequences of the lizard-friendly monetary policy. Investor wealth is skyrocketing. We have billionaires flying into space, burning up their un-taxed dollars. Dollars that should be funding our economy and going to infrastructure jobs. The astro-garch apparently gave hundreds of millions of dollars to media pundits for their blessings, as a gesture of good promotion.

The hyper-partisan news networks collectively celebrated the privatized space mission as something normal and non-partisan. They contend the government doesn’t have enough money to go into space like billionaires do, without questioning the underlying logic that makes such a hideous thing true. That’s just how it is, apparently. Now let’s thank our lizard overlords for their benevolance. Someday investors might profit off of sending each other into space. Isn’t that great?

It’s a long sordid story of monopoly I hope to tackle soon. For now I just had to mention the shameless vampires declaring their fears of the viral variant as the reason the market dropped 700 points the other day. What really happened was the president told them to pay their fair share, so they pretended to be scared by pulling some profits. Predictably, their fears quickly faded and the DOW has rebounded now like the pandemic is over, despite reports of another viral wave looming large.

What is so absurd is what the lizards say to rationalize market movements. The past year has proven the virus, or the lack of economic growth, has nothing to do with the market movement. The market moves up based on the taxpayer extraction scam being safe, and goes down when it’s threatened. When president Biden declared the unfairness of the corporate welfare scam the vampires took a big sloppy suck out of the money pool, and said, “Ya better shut up if you want this index to keep going up, mr. president.”

Keep feeding the taxpayer money to the monster mr. president, or else, is the unspoken threat. The media will continue to pretend the bipartisan golden goose doesn’t have fangs and the public is not being sucked dry of their economic representation by this quantative monster. But make no mistake, that’s what’s happening. The government keeps going further into debt, for the taxpayers, as the subsidized billionaires litteraly fly off into space with the public’s money. Oh yeah, the market is so worried about a covid resurgence. It’s a variant of the virus that brought the market to record highs. Oh they were so scared, for a day.

Investors Fear Covid



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