Public Voter

Political Solutions for the Public

The Trump Indictments

(Update October 31st, 2023)
The house elected Mike Johnson to be the new speaker. Apparently Mike was a consequential luney tooner supporting the big lie:
(Update October 18th, 2023)
I’m looknig forward to finding time to write an article about Israel at War. It’s another horrifying indicator on the timeline that signals we’re all heading for trouble. It’s a perfect example of the conflict-based economy. We’ve got the money hoses ready to spray gasoline all over that fire. I’m going to save that story for later through because of time constraints.
I’m just passing by to note for the record that the house rules cited below in this post, about electing the speaker, are interpreted differently by me, compared to the house. Apparently the majority as cited in the rules means a majority of all members voting and not a majority of their votes. Which in typical fashion is ridiculous.
McCarthy got the boot as proposed by the luney tuner Gaetz and now the republicans can’t get a majority to elect a new speaker.
Jim Jordan, the insurrectionst who defied a Jan 6th subpoena, is nominated but can’t get enough votes to be the speaker, leaving the house without leadership. It shows how stupid the rules are. If you need over 1/2 the members voting for one member to choose a speaker, it’s quite possible nobody will win. And that’s what is happening now. It also happened in 1849. The duopoly was fractured with an anti-slavery party called the Free Soil Party. So to elect a speaker they just changed the rules to a plurality threshold for victory. Which is the way it should be and should have always been.
The current speakership debacle shows two things. First, the two-party system is incompatible with the constitution and second, the house rules circumvent that constitutional intention by imposing a threhold of loyalty to leadership that is anti-democratic. What they want is the majority party to choose the speaker but that would be unconstittuional. So instead they wrote the rules so that the minority party members get to vote but they can’t win. The speaker of the house should be chosen by a plurality of the members voting. That’s what would happen if the elected officials dropped their partisan name tags at the door. The members would then simply vote for a speaker of the house without party affiliation, as the constitution intended.
I intrepret the house rules incorrectly in this article because the house rules are just that stupid. Practicing the constitution with political parties is like trying to put square pegs into round holes. The parties would love to primary their candidates for speaker. That would achieve their interpretation of the rule, but that would likely be unconstitutional. No matter how they write the rules, if they use party labels, the practice will violate constitutional intention. I will leave my misinterpretation below unedited because I think it’s right. It’s near the end of the article but I will make my case for correction right here. The House rules should be rewritten to be more democratic and comply with constitutional intention, because they don’t. There are no parties in the constitution so congressional rules are written to get around that. There should be no majority/minority divisions in the rules at all. All partisanship should be removed from the rules, imo.
From the house rules:
To be elected speaker, a candidate must receive a majority of votes from the members present and voting.
The house is misinterpeting their own rules, imo, or they are poorly written. To say “a majority” could be interpreted as “the most”. As in: To be elected speaker, a candidate must receive the most votes from the members present and voting.
That’s how I read it because that’s what it says.
The house is following the rule as if the rule said this:
To be elected speaker, a candidate must receive a majority of all votes cast.
That’s what they’re doing. The ambiguous language is typical throughout the rules in the house and the senate and therefore should be rewritten for constitutional compliance.
/End Update).
I have to admit that I was surprised to see Trump get Indicted by the Feds for conspiracy to obstruct justice and election interference. But I have to say I’m disappointed he wasn’t charged with insurrection, because that’s what he did.

Insurrection is the charge that matters. If Trump was convicted by any court, a military tribunal for instance, every state in the nation would have legal grounds to keep him off their ballots. That would ensure his loss in 2024. Which is imperative.

Ex-president Trump should be charged and convicted with insurrection, to prevent him from holding any public office, as is mandated in the constitution. That is what the law requires.

This is what the constitution says:

14.3: No person shall ..hold any office who.. shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion..

This is how the dictionary defines insurrection:

“A violent uprising against an authority or government.”

This is how the dictionary defines rebellion:

“An act of violent resistance to an established government”

The attack on the capital to prevent the counting of electors was a premeditated conspiracy against the government. It was a violent crime by design in resistance to the electoral certification process. That is an insurrection by definition. And an act of rebellion. Trump was the leader of that insurrection but has not been charged with Insurrection.

There is an ongoing conspiracy to overthrow our democracy, legally, by an antidemocratic organization. They call themselves republicans and Trump is their leader.

President Biden and AG Garland don’t want the prosecution of Trump to be seen as political. Even though it is political. The loss or our democracy to a global conspiracy is very political. So their decision is ultimately judicial dereliction and poltical failure. Trump has been charged with a metaphorical kitchen sink full of dirty deeds. All true, no doubt, but ultimately those charges do nothing to protect American democracy, even if he is convicted of the crimes. So it’s all lip service to themselves.

To not charge Trump with insurrection is just another example of the establishment misinterpreting the constitution for its own advantage. And to distract you from other more important deceptions.

The establishment wants Trump to be president or they would lock him up, imo. Just because he was president doesn’t give him license to break the law.

The democrats give him license with judicial deflection. They have conspired with the republicans to capture our national sovereignty, under the banner of their global economy.

The professional left are shocked and outraged but they are complicit in the dereliction. The pundits don’t mention the importance of charging the insurrectionists with insurrection. Electoral Interference? Seriously? So what. Racketeering? Okay, whatever. You know they will all walk. After years of drama and lawyer fees, the pardons will rain from the new royalty.

Establishment policies are almost always antidemocratic and therefore anti-American. Left and right, it’s a dance the establishment does as they pretend to represent the public, but they don’t. They empower their global conspiracy to loot our treasury and neglect to legislate an adequate electoral infrastructure, to transcend this mess.
It’s their fault.
Clearly, an organized and globalized opposition to American democracy controls all 3 branches of our government now. We need a new apportionment act to transcend their legislative stranglehold. The duopoly is killing our democracy. We need a class action law-suit against both parties, for conspiring to deprive the public of our constitutionally guaranteed form of government. 
We need a convention to identify the laws and practices of our government that violate the constitution. I’ll do that here, by myself if I have to, time allowing. Nobody in the hierarchy of money is going to do that. Which proves the point of the public voter project. Money is representation. Nobody really cares what anybody else thinks and they shouldn’t have to. We should stop pretending the greedy idiots on the internet are somehow the majority of us. They’re not. The majority of the public is unorganized, apathetic and generally ignorant to the wisdom necessary to understand the importance of the common good. If they have enough food, they’re seeking entertainment, not political solutions.
Polls show Biden and Trump are in a dead heat. It’s a winner take all contest for control our country. The presidents are polar opposites, ideologically, they say, as are the parties. The establishment is unified into a binary division. You are on one side or the other. So says the poll.
You can select either A or B from the menu of presidential candidates. It’s like ordering a large combo for the family at a Chinese restaurant. It’s not a buffet, like rank choice voting would be. You take the good with the bad, like it or not.
It’s funny how people say we have the greatest form of government when the other forms of government offer more social benefits to the public. Instead of the republicans debating each other, maybe they should have to debate representatives from foreign countries, to better understand their options.
I’m going to save my ranting for a later post. I expect I will update this blog post as relevant news to the Trump Indictments break. This story is going to go on for years. In the end the corporations will win. They always do. They’re always searching for new ways to extract unethical profits from the public. I’ll get back to that.
I will just make a couple of mentions though, of current topics I think need more clarification. Starting the list with my appreciation for Senator Whitehouse. He warns that our courts have been captured. Though I would extend the allegation to all three branches of our government, he deserves encouragement for the very important work he’’s been doing in exposing judicial corruption. He is truly a hero among men.
Legalize Equality
The inflationary extraction scam has predictably increased prices on almost everything. The workers who didn’t get automatic cost of living increases, like the lemmings did, are striking across the country, against the scam. Even if they don’t understand the scam they know they need more money. Who doesn’t? That’s because of inflation, which is caused by the scam.
After extracting trillions of dollars of easy money thrown into the economy, the public still doesn’t have enough of it to keep their government open, supposedly. The lizards are reporting.
It actually has nothing to do with money. The massive public debt is ultimately just a way to facilitate unethical earnings. It’s funny how many lizards have come forward to warn us about the debt. They want you to know the debt that made them all so very rich is going to be taken from the public, which probably includes you, and millions like you who are not listening.
They raised the debt ceiling to spend more. And though all of their fraudulent gains have been paid for now with more public debt, the crisis looms for them, again, they say.
The establishment wants to cut public services even right after their record profits. Which shows you the system is a cycle of never ending downward pressure on the workers to create more profits for the owners. Their quest for profit is institutional and unrelenting.
At the same time thousands of failed startup equites go down, from the extraction scam, thousands more are going up. Wall Street profiteering is a shell game with a whack-a-mole strategy. The house bets against you with computers. Your holdings go lower and lower, locking up your money, until you sell.
Look at any number of startups from five years ago. Their profits sky-rocketed from coronavirus stimulus and then collapsed as the profits were extracted from the public at rates that made banks fail. It’s an obvious scam, but the sheriff is busy, I guess, charging Trump with election interference.
These startups had nothing to do with the pandemic, but their values all shot up like rockets. Then after all of that emergency easy money chased those quantitative market gains, those rocket stocks all crashed nearly as fast as they took off. You can see the spikes in the five year graphs. Thanks to the coronvirus. Wink wink.
It puts Wall Street as the main benefactor of the coronavirus pandemic. And of course their economic allies in China. Wall Street and China are synergistically intertwined and mutually dependent on each other to perpetuate the global scam for ever-increasing profits leveraged from public debt.
That’s how the system works.
Which helps define the current political divide. The political divide is the establishment versus the public. To better understand that distinction consider that American patriots prefer the American Main Street economy and the well being of the American public. The opposition prefers profiting from global corporations to the determinent of the public. That’s the corporate establishment.
I’m a Main Street Progressive Patriot
Global corporations and American patriots are incompatible ideas. Trump being an American patriot is an oxymoron because he is a corporate globalist. He can only be one or the other and he is a corporate globalist. His claims of patriotic intention are as fraudulent as anything else he does.
Trump and the establishment support global corporations. Especially the looney tuners pretending to be anti-communist. Most of our politicians are corporate agents, not American patriots. That’s how the public got into this mess. The insincerity of our politicians is biblical. It’s a religion of hypocrisy.
The gestures of fiscal sanity by the popular corporate agents are insincere, at best. They are the scapegoats on a mission to take the blame for their party. Their stupidity helps you to understand how government can be dysfunctional, and against you and the public. Let’s blame some district in Texas, or Georgia, is implied, to blame our collective government lunacy on a few crazy personalities.
There’s a government shutdown looming in a week unless the looney tunes allow appropriation bills to a vote, they say. The news pundits never explain the procedural rules that validate that nonsense, but there it is, again. The shutdown is ultimately a way to validate the notion that our government is at the mercy of the minority. They can interpret the law however they want because the public is ignorant, and ultimately helpless to do anything about it.
Despite the looting of our treasury, and no debt ceiling, it’s reported that the public can’t afford a government. Don’t worry though, they caught a senator taking bribes. Menedez took some gold bars, apparently. And some anxious lizard has already announced he’ll run, and take his spot. I expect the senator is guilty but I also suspect that most of them are.
The entire place is like a back-stabbing casino, where the drunken gamblers take their winnings from the public vault. Our treasure chest is open and the contracts have been flying for years. So they all get along. The investors sit at their slot machines and the winning bells just keep ringing for the establishment. The public debt sustains it all.
We’ve created a culture of billionaires who won’t be taxed. Our economy is their monopolies. The trickle down allegiance to the scam is the problem. The government protects and defends that scam for the obesely wealthy, against the public good. That’s why we need a more economically representative government compared to what we have now. For economic equality.
The borders are pouring thousands of immigrants a day into our workforce. It’s a plan to ensure corporations can keep wages low and keep republicans in office with a winning issue.
Joe Biden apparently just permitted a half million immigrants into our workforce, to end their welfare programs. We prevent immigrants from working so we give them welfare instead, I heard recently. That’s a program they’re ending, supposedly. We will however continue to give forgivable grants to immigrants to start businesses. If you can believe that. It’s all intentional dysfunction with easy and logical alternative policy. The problem is the establishment profits from government spending.
Impeach Joe Biden
This is now the clown show I predicted back when the clowns took the house. The dems refuse to resist. McCarthy never won the vote for speaker of the house in the first place. Jeffries won on the first round of voting.
This is what the house rules say:
To be elected speaker, a candidate must receive a majority of votes from the members present and voting. If no candidate wins a majority, the roll call is repeated until a speaker is elected.
It doesn’t say only members of the majority party can be the speaker, but that’s what they all did. Jeffries won the majority of the members present and voting so by the rules, the democrat won. Jeffries had the majority of votes, but conceded to the opposition, as democrats do. They lose on purpose.
And McCarthy is allowing an open-ended impeachment witch-hunt against the president now. They’ll find something, sooner or later, he says. It reminds me of the Whitewater impeachment cigar and a stained blue dress. It was totally shameless pandering to the public started with fraudulent intent.
That’s why the Hush Money charge against Trump, now indicted, should have been the first impeachment hearing against him. The American public is smart enough to understand the sordid details of bribing porn star prostitutes for their silence. But the democrats prefer the high road. To their own detriment, the democrats always want to play fair, and lose, to the republicans. The public loses either way. It’s a rigged system, by the establishment against the public, and should be changed, asap.

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